Rocket323 loves math very much. One day, Rocket323 got a number string. He could choose some consecutive digits from the string to form a number.Rocket323 loves 64 very much, so he wanted to know how many ways can he choose from the string so the number he got multiples of 64 ?
A number cannot have leading zeros. For example, 0, 64, 6464, 128 are numbers which multiple of 64 , but 12, 064, 00, 1234 are not.
Multiple cases, in each test cases there is only one line consist a number string.
Length of the string is less than 3 * 10^5 .
Huge Input , scanf is recommended.
Print the number of ways Rocket323 can choose some consecutive digits to form a number which multiples of 64.
There are five substrings which multiples of 64.
Problem Setter : Yang Xiao
题意:问输入一个字符串 其中连续字符串是64的倍数的个数 注意0开头的不算 如
/*看了标程才搞懂了 首先要知道1000000 是64的倍数 所以 对于长度大于6的数字串 只要判断后6位是否能够被64整除即可 */ #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> const int maxn=1000007; #define ll long long char str[maxn]; int n; int main() { while(scanf("%s",str)!=EOF) { n=strlen(str); int zero=0,i; ll count=0; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { ll cur=0,co=1; int length; for(length=0;length<7;length++) //计算出从i开始的前7位数字 这里也可以设置为10 11 等等因为10^6 和 10^7 10^8一样都是64的倍数 如果要改下面的6也是要改的 { if(i-length<0) break;//如果没有这么多数 就直接退出 cur+=(str[i-length]-'0')*co; if(!length||str[i-length]!='0')//!length 是为了找到单独为0的串 str[i-length]!='0'防止出现0开头的串 { if(cur%64==0) ++count; } co*=10; // printf("cur=%I64d\n",cur); } //printf("count=%d,zero=%d\n\n",count,nonzero); /*下面的程序是记录i之前有多少个非0数 因为12345678 8同为 1234567 123456 12345等的后六位 所以一旦这个后六位可以被整出 那么将是所有前面串的后六位 所以要记录下来多少个非0数 非0是为了不出现0开头的数*/ if(cur%64==0) count+=zero; if(i>=6&&str[i-6]!='0')//注意细节 这里是6哦 自己随便找组数据就能看出来了 千万注意细节 ++zero; } printf("%lld\n",count); } return 0; }