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vlc 1.1.5 compile with VS2005

vlc 1.1.5 compile with VS2008

vlc 1.1.5 compile with VS2010

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vlc 1.1.5 compile with VS2005/2008/2010
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vlc 1.1.5 compile with VS2005/2008/2010

by JoungEunKim » Fri Jan 14, 2011 11:07 am
Hi. Everyone.

Happy new year!!!  
Last year I was upload vlc 1.0.6 compile with VS2005, vlc 1.1.2 compile with VS2005 and vlc 1.1.3 compile with VS2005/2008/2010.

This is vlc 1.1.5.
If you want to more information(compile option's or etc...), please search previous posts.

vlc 1.1.5 compile with VS2005

vlc 1.1.5 compile with VS2008

vlc 1.1.5 compile with VS2010

This is subset for cygwin

Blank Cone

Posts: 54
Joined: Thu Dec 10, 2009 12:21 am
Re: vlc 1.1.5 comptile with VS2005/2008/2010

by JoungEunKim » Fri Jan 14, 2011 11:08 am
This is previous link.

vlc 1.0.6 compile with Visual Studio 2005

vlc 1.1.2 with Visual Studio 2005

vlc 1.1.3 compile with VC 2005(2008) and cover.dll source

vlc 1.1.3 compile with VS2010
Blank Cone

Posts: 54
Joined: Thu Dec 10, 2009 12:21 am
Re: vlc 1.1.5 comptile with VS2005/2008/2010

by synthmaker » Mon Jan 17, 2011 5:55 pm

Thanks a lot for the Visual Studio versions of VLC. I'm using the 2010 version.

I've implemented streaming in of audio and video to memory using the smem module. I've been trying to implement streaming out but I think there isn't an equivalent smem module for that. So I've decided to change the VLC code to implement streaming out from memory and when I get it working to contribute the code to this great project. I had some success changing smem to work in the middle of a chain but got stuck because I can't get the visual studio project to accept arguments like --sout "#standard { access=udp, dst=, port=1234}". I get the error message "stream_out_standard stream out error: no mux specified or found by extension" after the warning "main stream output warning: unknown option access (value=udp)". When I try the same arguments with normal VLC it all works fine, just not with the one built with visual studio 2010. Any help is greatly appreciated as I've been stuck with this problem for a week.
New Cone

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Re: vlc 1.1.5 comptile with VS2005/2008/2010

by JoungEunKim » Tue Jan 18, 2011 12:04 pm
Hi. synthmaker

I'm sorry.
Very sorry.
I made a mistake.

I fixed /src/config/chain.c
Line No 365.


psz_name is same pointer with name.
but it is already free before to use.

this is fixed source.

Sorry again.  
I hope your debuging is success...
Blank Cone

Posts: 54
Joined: Thu Dec 10, 2009 12:21 am
Re: vlc 1.1.5 comptile with VS2005/2008/2010

by jack_wen » Wed Jan 19, 2011 7:04 am
Thanks a lot for the vs version of vlc.
I use vlc 1.1.5 compile with VS2005,but i found 14 errors when compiling the vlc.
Could you give me some help?

error 20 error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '*' e:\vlcwin.15.up\include\vlc_windows_interfaces.h 69
error 21 error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int e:\vlcwin.15.up\include\vlc_windows_interfaces.h 69
error 22 error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int e:\vlcwin.15.up\include\vlc_windows_interfaces.h 69
error 23 error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int e:\vlcwin.15.up\include\vlc_windows_interfaces.h 69
error 24 error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '*' e:\vlcwin.15.up\include\vlc_windows_interfaces.h 173
error 25 error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int e:\vlcwin.15.up\include\vlc_windows_interfaces.h 173
error 26 error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int e:\vlcwin.15.up\include\vlc_windows_interfaces.h 173
error 27 error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int e:\vlcwin.15.up\include\vlc_windows_interfaces.h 173
error 28 error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'taskbl' e:\vlcwin.15.up\modules\video_output\msw\common.hh 295
error 29 error C2065: 'taskbl' : undeclared identifier e:\vlcwin.15.up\modules\video_output\msw\common.hh 295
error 30 error C2065: 'IID_ITaskbarList3' : undeclared identifier e:\vlcwin.15.up\modules\video_output\msw\common.hh 298
error 31 error C2227: left of '->HrInit' must point to class/struct/union/generic type e:\vlcwin.15.up\modules\video_output\msw\common.hh 300
error 32 error C2227: left of '->SetThumbnailClip' must point to class/struct/union/generic type e:\vlcwin.15.up\modules\video_output\msw\common.hh 314
error 33 error C2227: left of '->Release' must point to class/struct/union/generic type e:\vlcwin.15.up\modules\video_output\msw\common.hh 318

any help will be pleasure.
New Cone

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Joined: Thu Dec 23, 2010 5:40 am
Re: vlc 1.1.5 comptile with VS2005/2008/2010

by j-b » Wed Jan 19, 2011 2:19 pm
You know, something cool would be to only add one header or 2 in the include/vlc* files, so we can compile almost everything directly with MSVC
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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Re: vlc 1.1.5 comptile with VS2005/2008/2010

by JoungEunKim » Wed Jan 19, 2011 2:22 pm
Hi. jack_wen

I think that looks like didn't set Windows SDK.
Please read "vlc 1.1.3 compile with VC 2005(2008) and cover.dll source"


I hope that's enough.
Blank Cone

Posts: 54
Joined: Thu Dec 10, 2009 12:21 am
Re: vlc 1.1.5 comptile with VS2005/2008/2010

by synthmaker » Thu Jan 20, 2011 2:56 pm
Hi JoungEunKim

Thanks a lot for your help. The new chain.c file fixed the problem. I was able to change the smem module to work in the middle of a chain and I was able to insert some sound into it from memory.

The problem I have now is that there are memory leaks. If you run the code in debug, even without any arguments, when you exit VLC you should see a dump of memory leaks. I don't really know how to fix these, I was wondering if you'd know what could be causing it.
New Cone

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Joined: Mon Jan 17, 2011 5:44 pm
Re: vlc 1.1.5 comptile with VS2005/2008/2010

by Caven » Sat Jan 22, 2011 5:56 am
Hi, JoungEunKim.
Thanks for the Visual Studio versions of VLC. I'm using the 2008 version.
When I downloaded you 2008 version, I debuged the version, but I did not get the libvlc.dll、the libvlccore.dll and the vlcwin.exe. Other question, when I get the libvlc.dll、libvlccore.dll and the vlcwin.exe, could I directly get the plugins in vlc installed files and put the plugins to the directory of vlcwin\Debug.
Look forward to you help, thank you!
New Cone

Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Jan 17, 2011 2:45 am
Re: vlc 1.1.5 comptile with VS2005/2008/2010

by Caven » Sat Jan 22, 2011 9:07 am
Hi. JoungEunKim

I'm sorry.
Very sorry.
I made a mistake when I submitted the last suply, I didnot see the directory of vlcwin.15.vs2008.NT.up\debug.

when I debuged the Visual Studio versions of VLC, I get the libvlc.dll、the libvlccore.dll and the vlcwin.exe in the directory of vlcwin.15.vs2008.NT.up\debug. Then, I get the plugins in vlc installed files and put the plugins to the directory of vlcwin.15.vs2008.NT.up\Debug\plugins, but still the vlcwin.exe is not work. I check the code of vlc1.1.5, and I find the "module_t **list = module_list_get( &module_count );" The module_count is 1, so I think the modules is not loaded success. Other , I compared you code of vlc1.1.5 and the vlc1.1.5 version of downloading from official webset, and I find that they are not the same.
How can I compile you vlc1.1.5 and get a executable vlcwin.exe, then, do more in-depth study vlc?
thank you!
New Cone

Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Jan 17, 2011 2:45 am
Re: vlc 1.1.5 comptile with VS2005/2008/2010

by JoungEunKim » Sun Jan 23, 2011 4:33 am
Hi. synthmaker

Sorry. My response is late.  
I knew many leaks.
I think some leaks are not problem, because When VLC is finish, it does not free some memory.
And I made some array to alloc buffer, I think that has a some leaks.  (I hardly check about that, but it's not enough)
But some leaks in Original VLC sources.

Please if you find a ploblem, report about that.  
If that's my ploblem, I'll fix that.  

Blank Cone

Posts: 54
Joined: Thu Dec 10, 2009 12:21 am
Re: vlc 1.1.5 comptile with VS2005/2008/2010

by JoungEunKim » Sun Jan 23, 2011 4:45 am
Hi. Caven

Don't worry about that.  
I always make a mistake.

And When I was debug set like this.

Menu. Project(or right mouse button) > Properties > Debugging > Working directory > $(Output) <-- write like this.

Then you can debug easy.  

Or If you want to debug dll.

Menu. Project(or right mouse button) > Properties > Debugging > command > browse >> select debug/vlcwin.exe


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