
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>

int max_list( int i,...);
int main()
	int a = 0;
	a = max_list( 3, 5, 6,2, -1);
	printf( "%d", a);
	return 0;

int max_list(int i , ... )
	va_list  ap;
	int     max = 0;
    int		a;

	va_start( ap,i );
	while( ( a = va_arg( ap, int )) > 0 )
		max = max > a ? max : a ;

	va_end( ap );

	return max;
自己写的有错误。也不改 了。答案如下:         
** Return the largest value from the argument list.
** negative value.
The list is terminated by a
#include <stdarg.h>
max_list( int first_arg, ... )
va_list var_arg;
max = 0;
** Get the first arg if there is one and save it as the max.
if( first_arg >= 0 ){
max = first_arg;
** Get the remaining arguments and save each one if it is
** greater than the current max.
va_start( var_arg, first_arg );
while( ( this_arg = va_arg( var_arg, int ) ) >= 0 )
if( this_arg > max )
max = this_arg;
va_end( var_arg );
return max;
