
using namespace std;

const int maxn = 5;
int arr[maxn];
int brr[maxn];
int cnt;

void ex_gcd(int a, int b, int &d, int &x, int &y)
    if(b == 0)
        x = 1;
        y = 0;
        d = a;
        ex_gcd(b, a%b, d, x, y);
        int tmp = x;
        x = y;
        y = tmp - y*(a/b);

int intChina(int r)
    cnt = 1;
    int cnt1, x0, y0, d, ans = 0;
    for(int i = 1; i <= r; ++i)
        cnt *= brr[i];
    for(int i = 1; i <= r; ++i)
        cnt1 = cnt/brr[i];
        ex_gcd(cnt1, brr[i], d, x0, y0);
        ans = (ans + cnt1*x0*arr[i])%cnt;
    if(ans < 0)
        ans += cnt;
    return ans;

int main()
    int ncs = 0;
    int a, b, c, d;
    while(scanf(\"%d %d %d %d\", &a, &b, &c, &d) != EOF)
        ncs ++;
        if(a == -1 && b == -1 && c == -1 && d == -1)

        arr[1] = a, arr[2] = b, arr[3] = c;
        brr[1] = 23, brr[2] = 28, brr[3] = 33;
        int ans = intChina(3);
        if(a == b == c == d)
            printf("Case %d: the next triple peak occurs in 21252 days.\n", ncs);
            while(ans < d)
                ans += cnt;
            printf(\"Case %d: the next triple peak occurs in %d days.\n", ncs, ans-d);

    return 0;
