
• 设计是否满足面积要求---是否能在选定的器件中实现; 通常资源占用率不要超过85%。
• 设计是否满足性能要求---能否达到要求的工作频率。
• 管脚定义是否满足要求---信号名、位置、电平标准及数 据流方向等。

2. 时序收敛:-通过对综合工具设置      -采用合适的优化技术      -修改布局布线
Locate Critical Paths? 

3. 使用SmartXplor.exploreAhead. 找到最佳综合策略。

4. Tcq:clock to q delay. Tsetup,Thold.Tsetup and Thold  specify the  time intervals before or after the sampling edge.
Maximal operating frequency: One of  the most difficult design aspects of  a sequential
circuit is  to ensure that the system  timing does not violate the setup and hold time constraints.

5.  Tclock = Tcp + Tcomp + Tsetup.  next-stage logic time. 组合电路延时
timing Constraints report: met?  

6. assign LED=1;

7. 综合报告。。。时序报告。

8. If you don't meet timing with this strategy, consider trying SmartXplorer.

ISE : min,max,float,close.        View。
Toolbar!!!Find in files. Ctrl+Shift+F.
comment lines,selections.  Bookmark...
Find-mark all,
implement top module.?
Clean project Files.
 keep = true; 用户自定义模板 User templates.
10. The ISE Text Editor supports column selection for editing.
Design Goals & Strategies can be used to achieve your particular design goals by easily controlling implementation options
based on desired goals such as Power Reduction, Area Optimization, Runtime Reduction or Timing Performance
open examples.
To cover the data paths from the data pad to the first synchronous element, with respect to the clock pad to the same synchronous element, please use an OFFSET IN constraint.
增量编译SmartGuide:By default, the most recently implemented NCD file will be used as the guide file.
You may optionally specify any previously implemented NCD file as the guide file.

  Lay out-Load Default Layout.

11. Ensure the code is written optimally for critical paths 
 右键-Gene File-config rate。  更改设计方法,设计目标。Design Goals and strategies.
12. The Timing Closure User Guide (UG612)  PlanAhead User Guide (UG632)   Constraints Guide (UG625)

13. Verilog > Synthesis Constructs > Coding Examples > State Machines
14.  Embedded processor (XMP)

genvar <var>;
   for (<var>=0; <var> < <limit>; <var>=<var>+1)
   begin: <label>

15. (* PARALLEL_CASE *)来告诉综合器,不需要产生优先级逻辑,而缩小了硬件的规模。
16. 具有良好的代码风格
 Use synchronous design methodology
 Ensure the code is written optimally for critical paths
 Pipeline

17. 采用流水线:
always @(posedge clk)
      e <= a+b+c;
      if(e ==d) 。。。

18. 要有两个思想:  用同步设计模式,用先组合后时序的模式。

19.   时钟驱动门,门打开,信号接入,变换! 自动门。家门。
20. 所谓关键路径 ,我的理解就是时序情况最差的一些路径

21. Timing Analyzer可以读取时序报告,查找关键路径,并与Floorp

22. FPGA experts know if you want to improve your system spe
ed, first make sure you have evaluated the number of logic l
evels on your timing critical path

23. Verilog HDL代码优化技巧
资源共享:在互斥条件下共享ALU。 temp!!!
 if(sel) result = a  +  b; else result = a  +  c;
 reg [7:0]temp;
 if(sel) temp = b ; else temp =c;
 result = a+temp;
r1 = a+b;r2 = r1+c;
Y = (a+b)+(c+d);
Y = a+b*c+d;-> Y = (a+d)+b*c;
b= 3*x; -> t=x<<1;b=x+t; 

24. a  Variable assigned in multiple always blocks. ---error:不能综合,组合!
b  Incomplete sensitivity list.      ---always @* warnning.
c  Incomplete branch and incomplete output assignment.
   Include all the branches of an if or case statement.
   Assign a value to every output signal in every branch.   ---use  default value

* Assign a variable only in a single always block.
* Use blocking statements for combinational circuits.
* Use @*  to include all  inputs automatically  in the sensitivity list.
* Make sure that all branches of the if and case statements are included.
* Make sure that the outputs are assigned in all branches.
* One way to satisfy the two previous guidelines is to assign default values for outputs
* in the beginning of the always block.
* Describe  the  desired  full case and parallel  case  in  code rather  than using  software
* directives or attributes.
* Be aware of the type of routing network inferred by different control constructs.
* Think hardware, not C code.

26.  a  large number  of items  in  a case statement  implies a
wide multiplexer, which makes synthesis difficult and  leads to a  large propagation delay.
5.1st stage,2nd stage,3rd stage...
The synchronous design methodology  is  the most commonly used practice in designing a sequential circuit.
In this methodology, all storage elements are controlled (i.e., synchronized) by a global clock
signal and the data is sampled and stored at the rising or falling edge of the clock signal.

27. TODO
