UsePAM no
PermitRootLogin yes
启动 ssh 服务:service sshd start
开机自启动: chkconfig --add sshd chkconfig sshd on
注:不需要安装 sshd 服务也可以,全都通过 映射的形式,将你需要的东西都放在 宿主机上
如: 需要安装的软件 docker run -itd -v /user/src/soft/:/usr/src/soft/ --net=none --name=soft_test centos /bin/bash
4.安装 passwd
yum -y install passwd
passwd 运行设置密码
5.安装 vim vi
yum -y install vi vim
6.安装 net-tool ,wget
yum -y install net-tools.x86_64 (通过yum search ifconfig)
yum -y install wget
7.修改 镜像bash-4.1#
# vim ~/.bash_profile
# .bash_profile
# Get the aliases and functions
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
. ~/.bashrc
# vim ~/.bashrc
# .bashrc
# Source global definitions
if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then
. /etc/bashrc
# User specific aliases and functions
source ~/.bash_profile; source ~/.bashrc
8.rsyslog 服务安装
yum -y install rsyslog
chkconfig --add rsyslog
chkconfig rsyslog on
9.碰到这种警告的时候,需要修改 docker 启动脚本配置
[WARNING] 082/032015 (572) : [/usr/local/haproxy/sbin/haproxy.main()] Cannot raise FD limit to 131088.
[WARNING] 082/032015 (572) : [/usr/local/haproxy/sbin/haproxy.main()] FD limit (1024) too low for maxconn=65535/maxsock=131088. Please raise 'ulimit-n' to 131088 or more to avoid any trouble.
解决:sudo sh -c 'printf "\nulimit -HSn 999999\n" >> /etc/sysconfig/docker'
sudo service docker restart