Collecting The Required Information For Support To Validate & Troubleshooting ASM Diskgroup Corrupti

Collecting The Required Information For Support To Validate & Troubleshooting ASM Diskgroup Corruptions. (Doc ID 1675152.1)

In this Document

  Troubleshooting Steps
  Community Discussions


Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version to [Release 10.2 to 12.1]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


 The present document provides a list of steps to collect the required information to troubleshooting, diagnostic & validate ASM diskgroup corruptions.


Please perform the next steps and/or collect the following information:

1) Describe in detail what was being done at the time the corruption was generated or what has changed since this last worked (please be very detailed)?

2) Run the next health check on the affected diskgroup(s) as follows:

SQL> alter diskgroup <diskgroup name> check all NoRepair;


Note:  This command is valid only if the diskgroup is mounted.

3) Provide the ASM alert.log (which will report the results from the previous command).

Note: If this is an ASM cluster configuration, then provide the ASM alert.log from all the nodes.

4) Obtain an AMDU dump from the affected diskgroup(s) as follows (execute it as grid OS user):

$> <ASM Oracle Home>/bin/amdu -diskstring '<ASM disks location>/*' -dump '<diskgroup>'


$> <ASM Oracle Home>/bin/amdu -diskstring '/dev/rhdisk*' -dump 'DATA'

$> <ASM Oracle Home>/bin/amdu -diskstring '/dev/oracleasm/disks/*' -dump 'DATA'

$> <ASM Oracle Home>/bin/amdu -diskstring '/dev/rdsk/*' -dump 'DATA'


Note 1: A new directory (e.g. amdu_2013_07_20_16_03_15/) with three files (<diskgroup name>_0001 .img, <diskgroup name> .map &  report.txt) will be created per diskgroup.

Note 2: Compress those directories/files in just one file (*.zip or *.tar) and upload it.
Note 3: Starting on release 11.1 and onwards, AMDU executable is included by default at the “ <ASM Oracle Home>/bin/” directory, but on release 10g, this tool can be downloaded from the location described in the following document:
  • Placeholder for AMDU binaries and using with ASM 10g (Doc ID 553639.1)

5) Also, in order to confirm or discard any disk I/O issue/problem on the physical disks,  collect and provide the OS logs from all the nodes (containing entries from 3 months ago to the present at least) as described in the following document:

  • How To Gather The OS Logs For Each Specific OS Platform. (Doc ID 1349613.1)


Note: If this is an ASM cluster configuration, then provide the OS logs from all the nodes.

6) Also, please provide the first 50MB dump from every affected & corrupted disk as follows:

$> dd if=<full path affected disk name> of=/tmp/<affected disk name>.dump bs=1048576 count=50


$> dd if=/dev/oracleasm/disks/DB0054 of=/tmp/DB0054.dump bs=1048576 count=50

7) If this ASMLIB configuration, then include the data collection described in the following document:

  • Collecting The Required Information For Support To Validate & Troubleshot ASM/ASMLIB Issues. (Doc ID 869526.1)


5) Finally, please collect the information from the next health checks (from all the RAC nodes or Standalone node):

=)> TFA Collector - Tool for Enhanced Diagnostic Gathering (Doc ID  1513912.1)

=)> ORAchk - Oracle Configuration Audit Tool (Doc ID  1268927.2)

=)> OSWatcher (Doc ID  301137.1)

Note: It is mandatory using always the latest OSW release as described in the (Doc ID  301137.1) document.

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