通过丰富的流程控制,我可以通过拖拉运用不同的task实现不同的功能,比如Script task , 可以在里面抒写脚本,一般是VB和C#,比如Execute SQL Task
,可以用来运行SQL脚本,SQL脚本内容自己随意来写,FTP Task可以用来设计和FTP相关的任务。
==[What is SSIS]: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Integration Services
It is a platform for building enterprise-level data integration and data transformations solutions.
So you can set the control Flow logic for the business needs. Simply, you can define a data flow: for example, read the data from a txt file and save it into database table.
[How to deploy and run it]
Right click the project-->properties-->set CreateDeploymentUtility to true, set DeploymentOutputPath
Right click the project-->buid (you will find the deployed files in DeploymentOutputPath)
In DeploymentOutputPath, double click file "XXXProject.SSISDeploymentManifest" to install the SSIS.
Then you can run dtsx directly or configure it to run in SQL Server Job by configuring schedule.
[User Case]
1. Copy a local file to FTP: FTP Task
2. Import the data in txt file into database table.: Data Flow Task
3. 执行SQL命令: Execute SQL Task
4. Script Task
5. For Loop Container
1. SQL Server 2005 BIDS 不能打开Script Task的脚步编辑器: 安装SQL Server的SP2
2. 在Job中如果运行出错,检查Run As: SQL Server Agent Service Account, 使用的SQL Server Agent Service 运行的Account, 直接去系统的服务中就可以查看运行的账户,可以配置Local System Account来运行