Android 修改通知栏一条信息的显示高度


            该功能需要4.1以后的版本才支持,用Notification.build类来创建一个新notificaiton,如果仅仅显示网易那样的样式,可以定义一个Notification.BigTextView的style,然后调用build类的setSytle方法,就能够实现了,但是如果需要设置更复杂的样式,就不能够使用setSytle,需要用bigContentView,bigContentView = remoteView这样就能够显示更大的通知栏了,你需要导入android-support-v4.jar包,才能够使用Notification.Builder,参考了下面的文章:,还是stackoverflow网站比较牛,能够真的解决问题


Create Custom Big Notifications

up vote 4 down vote favorite

I wanted to create a Notification including some controls. Since text and controls are small with default notification size (64dp), i wanted have it larger than default size.
It is possible to create larger notifications, and I think it is possible to have a custom layout, too, but I don't know how.

To be more specific, the following screenshot shows the notification from spotify (image take fromhere): Android 修改通知栏一条信息的显示高度_第1张图片

As you can see, the size is bigger than default. Further, it has some kind of ImageButtons without text - if you use Notification.Builder.addAction(), you may provide an icon but also need to provide a CharSequence as a description - if you leave the description empty, there will still be space reserved for the text and if you pass null, it will crash.

Can anybody tell me how to create a big notification with a custom layout?


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possible duplicate of Create custom notification, android –  phemt.latd  Jan 20 '14 at 15:19
@phemt.latd The answers given in that question deal with custom notification default size or default notification big size. I could not manage to have a custom notification big size with the given answers. –  MalaKa  Jan 20 '14 at 15:46 

2 Answers

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up vote 20 down vote accepted

So after excessive google usage, I found this tutorial explaining how to use custom big layouts. The trick is not to use setStyle() but manually set the bigContentView field of the Notification after building it. Seems a bit hacky, but this is what I finally came up with:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
    android:layout_height="100dp" <!-- This is where I manually define the height -->
    android:orientation="horizontal" >

    <!-- some more elements.. --> 

Building Notification in code:

Notification foregroundNote;

RemoteViews bigView = new RemoteViews(getApplicationContext().getPackageName(),

// bigView.setOnClickPendingIntent() etc..

Notification.Builder mNotifyBuilder = new Notification.Builder(this);
foregroundNote = mNotifyBuilder.setContentTitle("some string")
        .setContentText("Slide down on note to expand")

foregroundNote.bigContentView = bigView;

// now show notification..
NotificationManager mNotifyManager = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
mNotifyManager.notify(1, foregroundNote);

As noted by chx101, this only works for API >= 16. I did not mention it in this answer, yet it was mentioned in the given linked tutorial above:

Expanded notifications were first introduced in Android 4.1 JellyBean [API 16].

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thank you.but if another notification come ,this notification's view back to the default view ,can you say why?–  MHP  Jan 2 '15 at 6:40 
This is because Android OS wants to ensure all Notifications stay visible. You can increase the priority of the Notification using the setPriority-method. But you can never be sure, that your Notification is enlarged. Additionally, the user can always enlarge the Notification manually by sliding down on the Notification. –  MalaKa  Jan 5 '15 at 22:56 
Doens't work for API level 8. Field requires API level 16 (current min is 8): –  chx101  Oct 27 '15 at 0:17
