In this Document
Purpose |
Requirements |
Configuring |
Instructions |
Script |
Sample Output |
References |
kfed is a useful tool which allows to analyze ASM disk header information when ASM diskgroups can not be mounted. As the number of ASM devices for a diskgroup increase, sometimes it's very hard to anlayze all devices without eye-balling each kfed output for all ASM devices, which is time consuming and error prone. is a simple perl script which displays gist information such digkgroup, diskname etc in one line for each ASM device from the kfed output. is particulary useful for diskgroup mount issue due to the following errors :
kfed output for all ASM devices
1-1. Build "kfed" executable if it does not exist. kfed executable comes with installation from 11.1 onwards.
$cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib
$make -f ikfed
1-2. As root,
- cd <asm home>/bin and create a shell file called using the following script
- And change the permission as executable - ex) chmod 755
- /dev/mapper/* on 3rd line should be replaced with ASM devices path on the server before running
- Run in <asm home>/bin
- This will generate kfed output files in /tmp.
. /tmp/kfed_DH.out, /tmp/kfed_FS.out, /tmp/kfed_BK.out, /tmp/kfed_FD.out and /tmp/kfed_DD.out
Perl interpreter should be installed on the server - perl executable comes with Unix or Linux as default.
$ which perl
If perl executable is not found /usr/bin directory, the one in $ORACLE_HOME/perl/bin can be used.
$ export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/perl/bin:$PATH
Save the perl script at end of this note as "" and change the permission for execution.
# Input kfed_DH.out or kfed_BK.out
# Usage : kfed_DH.out | sort -t ' ' -k 2.3
# 2012/05/07 kyle Heo Added Pattern matching for all components
# 2012/05/06 kyle Heo Added Pattern matching for crestmphi/crestmplo & apply pattern capturing for asmlabel
# 2011/10/11 kyle Heo Added Voting Files information
# 2011/08/07 kyle Heo Added "N/A" for no ASMLabel
# 2011/07/24 kyle Heo Added Disk Size & Creation time
# 2011/06/03 kyle Heo Added Add ASMlabel
# 2011/03/26 kyle Heo dos2unix filename - To fix \r\n issue
use warnings;
use strict;
#Device Name String
#my $deviceM = '^\.';
my $deviceM = '^/dev/';
#my $deviceM = '^/u02/';
#my $deviceM = '^ora_';
#my $deviceM = "^asm";
#my $deviceM = "^\/fra";
my $device ="NOASMDEVICE" ;
my $dskname ;
my $dsknum ;
my $grpname ;
my $fgname ;
my $hdrsts;
my $grptyp;
my $f1b1locn;
my $asmlabel;
my $dsksize;
my $vf=0;
my ($crestmphi, $crestmplo, $c_secs, $c_mins, $c_hour, $c_days, $c_mnth, $c_year ) ;
my ($secs, $mins, $hour, $days, $mnth, $year );
my %tmp;
my @fields ;
my $num_args;
$num_args = $#ARGV + 1;
die "Usage: kfed_DH.out | sort -t ' ' -k 2.3 | more " if ($num_args != 1);
#Print Header
printf "%-30s %-15s %-8s %-15s %-15s %-15s %-10s %-8s %-2s %-14s\n" ,
"1.Device" ,"2.GroupName", "3.DN#(Size)", "4.DiskName", "5.ASMLabel", "6.FailGroup" ,
"7.H_Staus" , "8.Rdancy", "F1(V)" , "Creation Time" ;
while (<>) {
# To remove \r\n from dos format
s/^\s+//; s/\s+$// ;
if ( $_ =~ /$deviceM/ ) {
if ( $device =~ /NOASMDEVICE/ ) {
$device = $_ ;
elsif ( $device && $grpname )
printf "%-30s %-15s %04d(%s) %-15s %-15s %-15s %-10s %-8s %-2s(%3s) %s%s \n" ,
$device, $grpname, $dsknum, $dsksize, $dskname, $asmlabel, $fgname ,
$hdrsts , $grptyp, $f1b1locn,$vf, $crestmphi, $crestmplo ;
$device = $_ ;
next ;
} else {
printf "%-30s %-15s \n" , $device , "ZZZ - NO ASM DEVICE" ;
$device = $_ ;
if ( $_ =~ /dskname:\s*(\w+)/ ) { $dskname = $1; }
elsif ( $_ =~ /dsknum:\s*(\w+)/ ) { $dsknum = $1; }
elsif ( $_ =~ /grpname:\s*(\w+)/ ) { $grpname = $1; }
elsif ( $_ =~ /fgname:\s*(\w+)/ ) { $fgname = $1; }
elsif ( $_ =~ /f1b1locn:\s*(\w+)/) { $f1b1locn = $1; }
elsif ( $_ =~ /dsksize:\s*(\w+)/ ) { $dsksize = $1; }
elsif ( $_ =~ /vfstart:\s*(\w+)/ ) { $vf = $1; }
elsif ( $_ =~ /hdrsts:(.*KFDHDR_)(\w+$)/ ) { $hdrsts = $2; }
elsif ( $_ =~ /grptyp:(.*KFDGTP_)(\w+$)/ ) { $grptyp = $2; }
elsif ( $_ =~ /provstr:\s*(\w+)/ ) {
$asmlabel = $1;
if ( $asmlabel eq "ORCLDISK" ) { $asmlabel = "N/A" }
else { $asmlabel =~ s/ORCLDISK//; };
elsif ( $_ =~ /crestmp\.hi/ ) {
@fields = split /:/, $_ ;
%tmp = $fields[2] =~ /(\w+)=(\w+)/g;
$c_year = sprintf( "%d", hex( $tmp{YEAR} ) );
$c_mnth = sprintf( "%02d", hex( $tmp{MNTH} ) );
$c_days = sprintf( "%02d", hex( $tmp{DAYS} ) );
$c_hour = sprintf( "%02d", hex( $tmp{HOUR} ) );
$crestmphi = sprintf ( "%s/%s/%s %s", $c_year, $c_mnth, $c_days, $c_hour );
elsif ( $_ =~ /crestmp\.lo/ ) {
@fields = split /:/, $_ ;
%tmp = $fields[2] =~ /(\w+)=(\w+)/g;
$c_mins = sprintf( "%02d", hex($tmp{MINS}) );
$c_secs = sprintf( "%02d", hex($tmp{SECS}) );
$crestmplo = sprintf ( ":%s:%s", $c_mins, $c_secs);
if ( $device && $grpname )
printf "%-30s %-15s %04d(%s) %-15s %-15s %-15s %-10s %-8s %-2s(%3s) %s%s \n" ,
$device, $grpname, $dsknum, $dsksize, $dskname, $asmlabel, $fgname ,
$hdrsts , $grptyp, $f1b1locn,$vf, $crestmphi, $crestmplo ;
$ /tmp/kfed_DH.out | sort - t ' ' -k 2.3 > /tmp/kfed.out
- Check kfed.out if there is any missing disks from the diskgroup in question and work with System administrator team to find them.
- Check kfed.out if there is any duplicated disks in terms of disk number from the diskgroup in question, see note - 1299866.1.
- Or upload /tmp/kfed.out for Oracle support's review.