Asterisk 1.8 队列 分析

上一篇文章 讨论了 invite请求最终  走到 dialplan,走到拨号方案后  具体做什么动作由用户决定,对于呼叫中心应用,队列是必不可少的功能,本篇文档分析一下主叫打进系统,走到dialplan后 进队列,呼叫坐席。。






queue_exec为队列入口函数。首先解析 队列参数。



这里 1.8版本增加了参数 position


此参数指定 主叫进入队列后在所有主叫中的排队位置,为1,则此客户优先级最高,优先接听,,这是个参数在队列内有很多等待电话时有用。

此参数跟 QUEUE_PRIO 类似,但position更灵活。。。


队列参数解析完毕 调用 join_queue 进入队列。。。同时指定进入队列失败原因。。。设置 QUEUESTATUS.


join_queue内部。首先调用 load_realtime_queue,加载队列坐席信息。。。


load_realtime_queue 内部,首先根据 队列名字 在内存中查找 队列是否存在,有,则返回在内存中的位置,否则为NULL


/* Find the queue in the in-core list first. */
 q = ao2_t_find(queues, &tmpq, OBJ_POINTER, "Look for queue in memory first");



if (!q || q->realtime)

如果没找到 ,或者找到了&&队列是realtime(数据库保存队列)的,则,调用ast_load_realtime,从数据库中加载队列信息。



queue_vars = ast_load_realtime("queues", "name", queuename, SENTINEL);
  if (queue_vars) {
   member_config = ast_load_realtime_multientry("queue_members", "interface LIKE", "%", "queue_name", queuename, SENTINEL);
   if (!member_config) {
    ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "no queue_members defined in your config (extconfig.conf)./n");
    return NULL;
  if (q) {
   prev_weight = q->weight ? 1 : 0;




接下来 ,如果内存中存在此队列,则设置队列优先级。

然后调用 find_queue_by_name_rt 函数,此函数很重要,他的功能为 做数据库信息与内存的同步。。。返回全新的队列 到q


 q = find_queue_by_name_rt(queuename, queue_vars, member_config);



queue_vars 保存的是 数据库队列信息,member_config 保存的是 数据库内此队列的坐席信息。





首先处理 不是 realtime的队列。接下来处理realtime队列。


/* Check if queue is defined in realtime. */
 if (!queue_vars) {


1。根据数据库中是否存在队列判断是否为realtime队列,,这里,如果数据库中队列已经没了,但内存中该队列还存在(不是queue.conf静态配置的队列),,此时,设置队列死亡。q->dead = 1;。实际就是在内存中删除,




alloc_queue 分配队列内存。。。同时指定析构函数。




此设置,因为下面为初始化坐席到内存中时要用到策略。接下来把此队列放到全局队列容器中queues_t_link(queues, q, "Add queue to container");


接下来调用 init_queue 初始化队列默认值。这里,如果内存中已经存在,则也重置队列参数。原因是在与数据库同步。

包括 队列参数queue.conf 中 autopause,timeoutpriority 等的初始化。。坐席的分配。。。



q->dead = 0;
 q->retry = DEFAULT_RETRY;
 q->timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;
 q->maxlen = 0;
 q->announcefrequency = 0;
 q->minannouncefrequency = DEFAULT_MIN_ANNOUNCE_FREQUENCY;
 q->announceholdtime = 1;
 q->announcepositionlimit = 10; /* Default 10 positions */
 q->announceposition = ANNOUNCEPOSITION_YES; /* Default yes */
 q->roundingseconds = 0; /* Default - don't announce seconds */
 q->servicelevel = 0;
 q->ringinuse = 1;
 q->setinterfacevar = 0;
 q->setqueuevar = 0;
 q->setqueueentryvar = 0;
 q->autofill = autofill_default;
 q->montype = montype_default;
 q->monfmt[0] = '/0';
 q->reportholdtime = 0;
 q->wrapuptime = 0;
 q->penaltymemberslimit = 0;
 q->joinempty = 0;
 q->leavewhenempty = 0;
 q->memberdelay = 0;
 q->maskmemberstatus = 0;
 q->eventwhencalled = 0;
 q->weight = 0;
 q->timeoutrestart = 0;
 q->periodicannouncefrequency = 0;
 q->randomperiodicannounce = 0;
 q->numperiodicannounce = 0;
 q->autopause = QUEUE_AUTOPAUSE_OFF;
 q->timeoutpriority = TIMEOUT_PRIORITY_APP;
 if (!q->members) {
  if (q->strategy == QUEUE_STRATEGY_LINEAR)
   /* linear strategy depends on order, so we have to place all members in a single bucket */
   q->members = ao2_container_alloc(1, member_hash_fn, member_cmp_fn);
   q->members = ao2_container_alloc(37, member_hash_fn, member_cmp_fn);


队列参数默认值初始化完毕,然后 调用 queue_set_param 用数据库内的队列参数值填充内存队列的参数。


if (!strcasecmp(param, "musicclass") ||
  !strcasecmp(param, "music") || !strcasecmp(param, "musiconhold")) {
  ast_string_field_set(q, moh, val);
 } else if (!strcasecmp(param, "announce")) {
  ast_string_field_set(q, announce, val);
 } else if (!strcasecmp(param, "context")) {
  ast_string_field_set(q, context, val);
 } else if (!strcasecmp(param, "timeout")) {
  q->timeout = atoi(val);
  if (q->timeout < 0)
   q->timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;
 } else if (!strcasecmp(param, "ringinuse")) {
  q->ringinuse = ast_true(val);。。






下面做 坐席 的同步。


while ((m = ao2_iterator_next(&mem_iter))) {
  if (m->realtime)
   m->dead = 1;
  ao2_ref(m, -1);


把内存中坐席信息放到 容器中,,标志坐席为dead,原因是如果坐席在数据库中已不存在,则在内存中删除掉。。



然后 执行 while ((interface = ast_category_browse(member_config, interface))) {

根据 坐席的interface 在数据库中按行查找,


while ((interface = ast_category_browse(member_config, interface))) {
  rt_handle_member_record(q, interface,
   ast_variable_retrieve(member_config, interface, "uniqueid"),
   S_OR(ast_variable_retrieve(member_config, interface, "membername"),interface),
   ast_variable_retrieve(member_config, interface, "penalty"),
   ast_variable_retrieve(member_config, interface, "paused"),
   S_OR(ast_variable_retrieve(member_config, interface, "state_interface"),interface));


rt_handle_member_record 函数 用 内存中的坐席信息(参数q)与数据库中的坐席信息member_config,更新。

这里 ,interface作为坐席全局唯一标识。rt_handle_member_record 函数只更新坐席的penalty/paused state, 参数 ,如果内存中没有则创建坐席create_queue_member,创建后获取坐席的状态,调用get_queue_member_status。。。。

此函数 调用 ast_devce_status,-----》_ast_device_state-》sip_devicestate -》find_peer()->realtime_peer->build_peer--》ao2_t_alloc 创建peer

build_peer 为数据库表sipeers内关于sip peer参数的解析,如 rtp_engine,disallow,registertrying,rtptimeout,

rtpholdtimeout,fullcontact,dns解析等等一系列关于此sip peer的 参数。此函数填充完之后返回创建的peer实体。

最后 返回realtime_peer

ast_debug(3, "-REALTIME- loading peer from database to memory. Name: %s. Peer objects: %d/n", peer->name, rpeerobjs);







/*! /brief Build peer from configuration (file or realtime static/dynamic) */
static struct sip_peer *build_peer(const char *name, struct ast_variable *v, struct ast_variable *alt, int realtime, int devstate_only)





/*! /brief Part of PBX channel interface
/par Return values:---

 If we have qualify on and the device is not reachable, regardless of registration

 For peers with call limit:
  - not registered   AST_DEVICE_UNAVAILABLE
  - registered, no call   AST_DEVICE_NOT_INUSE
  - registered, active calls  AST_DEVICE_INUSE
  - registered, call limit reached AST_DEVICE_BUSY
  - registered, onhold   AST_DEVICE_ONHOLD
  - registered, ringing   AST_DEVICE_RINGING

 For peers without call limit:
  - not registered   AST_DEVICE_UNAVAILABLE
  - registered    AST_DEVICE_NOT_INUSE
  - fixed IP (!dynamic)   AST_DEVICE_NOT_INUSE
 Peers that does not have a known call and can't be reached by OPTIONS
  - unreachable    AST_DEVICE_UNAVAILABLE

 If we return AST_DEVICE_UNKNOWN, the device state engine will try to find
 out a state by walking the channel list.

 The queue system (/ref app_queue.c) treats a member as "active"

 When placing a call to the queue member, queue system sets a member to busy if

static int sip_devicestate(void *data)




函数sip_devicestate 是坐席第一次创建时获取状态的入口,首先调用find_peer在内存中查找坐席(根据peer name即坐席名字 或者根据IP地址。。),第一次肯定找不到,

[Dec 22 09:59:46] DEBUG[6453]: devicestate.c:340 _ast_device_state: No provider found, checking channel drivers for SIP - 10000322000
[Dec 22 09:59:46] DEBUG[6453]: chan_sip.c:24955 sip_devicestate: Checking device state for peer 10000322000
[Dec 22 09:59:46] DEBUG[6453]: pbx.c:3662 ast_str_substitute_variables_full: Evaluating 'CURL(


所以调用realtime_peer 查找数据库。。。。if (!p && (realtime || devstate_only)) {
               ast_log(LOG_DEBUG,"not find peer ,so build realtime peer realtime_peer/n");
                p = realtime_peer(peer, addr, devstate_only, which_objects);



这里是 realtime_peer 函数是realtime peer从数据库注册到系统的关键.



 /*! /brief  realtime_peer: Get peer from realtime storage
 * Checks the "sippeers" realtime family from extconfig.conf
 * Checks the "sipregs" realtime family from extconfig.conf if it's configured.
 * This returns a pointer to a peer and because we use build_peer, we can rest
 * assured that the refcount is bumped.
static struct sip_peer *realtime_peer(const char *newpeername, struct ast_sockaddr *addr, int devstate_only)

这里,此函数先根据 坐席名字且host字段为dynamic的坐席加载sippeers 数据表,

var = ast_load_realtime("sippeers", "name", newpeername, "host", "dynamic", SENTINEL);
  if (!var && addr) {
   var = ast_load_realtime("sippeers", "name", newpeername, "host", ast_sockaddr_stringify_addr(addr), SENTINEL);





if (!var) {
   var = ast_load_realtime("sippeers", "name", newpeername, SENTINEL);
    * If this one loaded something, then we need to ensure that the host
    * field matched.  The only reason why we can't have this as a criteria
    * is because we only have the IP address and the host field might be
    * set as a name (and the reverse PTR might not match).



1:根据坐席名字及host=dyanmic 加载表sipeers,

2:找不到,&&有地址,则根据 坐席名字和地址加载。

3:仍然找不到:根据坐席名字加载 sippeers


对于realtime应用 采用坐席名字作为索引时,应该 在第一步即在数据库中找到。


接下来 把数据库中的sip 坐席注册到 asterisk , 调用 build_peer


/* Peer found in realtime, now build it in memory */
 peer = build_peer(newpeername, var, varregs, TRUE, devstate_only);








然后 判断 是否 有 开启 RT catch realtime peer,和auto clear peer选项。这两个选项会影响坐席在系统的存活时间。。


最后把创建好的坐席连接到peers链表。。。,如果坐席地址非空,则同时加载到 peers_by_ip列表。


至此,由于要获取坐席状态而引发的一系列动作终于返回到sip_devstate...,也就返回到 开始的join_queue函数,调用完load_realtime_queue之后,首先判断队列内坐席状态。。。如果没有可用坐席,则直接返回,如果开启了joinempty,则主叫会溢出队列,





最后 发射AMI 事件 join



if (ringing) {
  ast_indicate(chan, AST_CONTROL_RINGING);
 } else {
  ast_moh_start(chan, qe.moh, NULL);



调用wait_our_turn 排队状态,只有坐席可用时才返回,否则一直在队列中听音乐或队列播放给主叫一些额外提示信息(如提示客户耐心等待,您在当前队列中的位置等信息)。。。一旦坐席可用,主叫直接退出。。。


 wait_our_turn 是一个死循环,内部先调用is_our_turn函数判断是否可以呼叫坐席,是则马上退出循环,否则,返回,查看是否自己在队列的超时时间已到,同时检查这个过程当中队列内的坐席是否已经没了,设置队列状态为leavewhenempty,







调用try_calling 呼叫队列内所有闲置坐席。。。



/*! /brief A large function which calls members, updates statistics, and bridges the caller and a member
 * Here is the process of this function
 * 1. Process any options passed to the Queue() application. Options here mean the third argument to Queue()
 * 2. Iterate trough the members of the queue, creating a callattempt corresponding to each member. During this
 *    iteration, we also check the dialed_interfaces datastore to see if we have already attempted calling this
 *    member. If we have, we do not create a callattempt. This is in place to prevent call forwarding loops. Also
 *    during each iteration, we call calc_metric to determine which members should be rung when.
 * 3. Call ring_one to place a call to the appropriate member(s)
 * 4. Call wait_for_answer to wait for an answer. If no one answers, return.
 * 5. Take care of any holdtime announcements, member delays, or other options which occur after a call has been answered.
 * 6. Start the monitor or mixmonitor if the option is set
 * 7. Remove the caller from the queue to allow other callers to advance
 * 8. Bridge the call.
 * 9. Do any post processing after the call has disconnected.
 * /param[in] qe the queue_ent structure which corresponds to the caller attempting to reach members
 * /param[in] options the options passed as the third parameter to the Queue() application
 * /param[in] announceoverride filename to play to user when waiting
 * /param[in] url the url passed as the fourth parameter to the Queue() application
 * /param[in,out] tries the number of times we have tried calling queue members
 * /param[out] noption set if the call to Queue() has the 'n' option set.
 * /param[in] agi the agi passed as the fifth parameter to the Queue() application
 * /param[in] macro the macro passed as the sixth parameter to the Queue() application
 * /param[in] gosub the gosub passed as the seventh parameter to the Queue() application
 * /param[in] ringing 1 if the 'r' option is set, otherwise 0
static int try_calling(struct queue_ent *qe, const char *options, char *announceoverride, const char *url, int *tries, int *noption, const char *agi, const char *macro, const char *gosub, int ringing)





解析参数,遍历坐席列表,把可以呼叫的坐席放到一个链表中,然后调用ring_one尝试呼叫坐席。这里还做了一些参数解析,比如 Rt,设置到 bridge_channel结构中,

当坐席与主叫成功bridge后执行。。。ring_entry 做最后检查后 调用ast_request呼叫坐席。


ring_one内部调用find_best 在之前的链表中找到最合适的一个坐席,调用Ring_entery 呼叫之,,,



* - Agent on call
 * - Agent is paused
 * - Wrapup time not expired
 * - Priority by another queue

如果为上述几个状态则说明呼叫失败,设置cdr(主叫channel),如果不是以上几种状态则调用ast_request 请求创建 外乎channle.


如果ast_request 请求成功。则往下走,设置坐席channle的相关参数,如 坐席 callerId等,,


/* If the new channel has no callerid, try to guess what it should be */
 if (!tmp->chan-> {
  if (qe->chan-> {
   struct ast_party_caller caller;

   ast_party_caller_set_init(&caller, &tmp->chan->caller); = qe->chan->;
   caller.ani = qe->chan->connected.ani;
   ast_channel_set_caller_event(tmp->chan, &caller, NULL);
  } else if (!ast_strlen_zero(qe->chan->dialed.number.str)) {
   ast_set_callerid(tmp->chan, qe->chan->dialed.number.str, NULL, NULL);
  } else if (!ast_strlen_zero(S_OR(qe->chan->macroexten, qe->chan->exten))) {
   ast_set_callerid(tmp->chan, S_OR(qe->chan->macroexten, qe->chan->exten), NULL, NULL);
  tmp->dial_callerid_absent = 1;


/* Inherit specially named variables from parent channel */
 ast_channel_inherit_variables(qe->chan, tmp->chan);
 ast_channel_datastore_inherit(qe->chan, tmp->chan);






if (ast_cdr_isset_unanswered()) {
  /* they want to see the unanswered dial attempts! */
  /* set up the CDR fields on all the CDRs to give sensical information */
  ast_cdr_setdestchan(tmp->chan->cdr, tmp->chan->name);
  strcpy(tmp->chan->cdr->clid, qe->chan->cdr->clid);
  strcpy(tmp->chan->cdr->channel, qe->chan->cdr->channel);
  strcpy(tmp->chan->cdr->src, qe->chan->cdr->src);
  strcpy(tmp->chan->cdr->dst, qe->chan->exten);
  strcpy(tmp->chan->cdr->dcontext, qe->chan->context);
  strcpy(tmp->chan->cdr->lastapp, qe->chan->cdr->lastapp);
  strcpy(tmp->chan->cdr->lastdata, qe->chan->cdr->lastdata);
  tmp->chan->cdr->amaflags = qe->chan->cdr->amaflags;
  strcpy(tmp->chan->cdr->accountcode, qe->chan->cdr->accountcode);
  strcpy(tmp->chan->cdr->userfield, qe->chan->cdr->userfield);

如果 cdr开启记录坐席未接,则此处新创建一个坐席侧CDR,以备坐席未应答时记录一条CDR.这里的cdr记录基本上是从主叫channle继承过来的。。。




最后调用 ast_call 呼叫坐席。。。失败则返回,继续呼叫下一个坐席。。。


/* Place the call, but don't wait on the answer */
 if ((res = ast_call(tmp->chan, location, 0)))



失败则调用do_hang()挂掉 坐席侧,do_hang调用Ast_hanup,记录CDR.更新坐席状态。。。


wait_for_answer 处理。。。









坐席接听了,则计算 等待时间等一些列参数,用于播报等待时间,如果在播报时间内坐席或主叫挂断则记录CDR,queue_log,调用Ast_hangup...




则停止播放等待音乐,调用ast_cdr_setdestchan 更新主叫channle的cdr deschan 字段为坐席channle.


然后 调用 ast_channel_make_compatible 桥接两者通话,实际上是处理媒体流兼容问题,Make sure channels are compatible


if (res < 0) {
   ast_queue_log(queuename, qe->chan->uniqueid, member->membername, "SYSCOMPAT", "%s", "");
   ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Had to drop call because I couldn't make %s compatible with %s/n", qe->chan->name, peer->name);
   ao2_ref(member, -1);
   return -1;

桥接失败则记录CDr 挂断,记录queue_log,为SYSCOMPAT,

如果成功则设置相关 参数,

至此 呼叫成功建立起来,

开启录音。。。处理 queue 参数,

记录queu_log  CONNECT事件,发射 AgentConnect AMI事件,


然后把双方channle 交给features.c  的Ast_bridge_call ,以便双方通话过程中做其他特性动作,如转移,则交给feachuers.c内部函数处理。




最终 离开队列结束呼叫。。。


路线: queue->joinqueue->buildpeer->realtime_peer->wait_our_turn->is_our_turn->try_calling->ring_one->ring_enrty->sip_request_call->sip_alloc,->do_nat_->obproxy_get->ast_ouraddrfor->ast_sip_ouraddrfor-> ast_codec_choose,,,sip_new-》sip_call。。





















































你可能感兴趣的:(Asterisk 1.8 队列 分析)