The select function blocks for I/O operations until the conditions specified as parameters are met.
int select(
int nfds,
fd_set FAR * readfds,
fd_set FAR * writefds,
fd_set FAR * exceptfds,
const struct timeval FAR * timeout
Any two of the parameters, readfds, writefds, or exceptfds, can be given as NULL. At least one must be non-NULL, and any non-NULL descriptor set must contain at least one handle to a socket.
FD_ZERO(*set) Initializes set to the empty set. A set should always be cleared before using.
FD_CLR(s, *set) Removes socket s from set.
FD_ISSET(s, *set) Checks to see if s is a member of set and returns TRUE if so.
FD_SET(s, *set) Adds socket s to set.
1) Initialize each fd_set of interest by using the FD_ZERO macro.
2) Assign socket handles to each of the fd_set sets of interest by using the FD_SET macro.
3) Call the select function and wait until I/O activity sets one or more of the socket handles in each fd_set set provided. When select completes, it returns the total number of socket handles that are set in all of the fd_set sets and updates each set accordingly.
4) Using the return value of select, your application can determine which application sockets have I/O pending by checking each fd_set set using the FD_ISSET macro.
5) After determining which sockets have I/O pending in each of the sets, process the I/O and go to step 1 to continue the select process.
fd_set fdread;
int ret;
// Create a socket, and accept a connection
// Manage I/O on the socket
// Always clear the read set before calling
// select()
// Add socket s to the read set
FD_SET(s, &fdread);
if ((ret = select(0, &fdread, NULL, NULL, NULL))
// Error condition
if (ret > 0)
// For this simple case, select() should return
// the value 1. An application dealing with
// more than one socket could get a value
// greater than 1. At this point, your
// application should check to see whether the
// socket is part of a set.
if (FD_ISSET(s, &fdread))
// A read event has occurred on socket s