Linux logged out a user automatically

From :


Q . We have a few users who frequently forget to log out and I'd like to force them or automatically log out a user in case of inactivity detected. How do I force user to be logged out automatically?

A. BASH provides TMOUT variable. It is necessary for security reasons to have an inactive user logged out after a period of inactivity from Linux / UNIX ssh / telnet session. This can be accomplished by setting an environment variable TMOUT.

Automatically log out a user

Add the TMOUT variable to your /etc/bashrc file:
# vi /etc/bashrc
Set TMOUT to 300 seconds (5 minuets):
Save an close the file. Above config would automatically logout users after 300 seconds of inactivity. Please note that this hack only works with run level 2, 3 i.e. it will not work with GUI sessions.




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