WIP Component Pick Release

WIP Component Pick Release是WIP模块的挑库(Picking Release),这个和订单模块的挑库类似,但又有区别。


区别:订单模块的挑库,是把仓库中的货物挑选出来,然后发往一个临时发货区(Staging Subinventory);

WIP的挑库,目的地取决于WIP Supply Type。

1.1. 对于Push类型的工单,如果不指定Supply仓库的话(Supply Subinv为非必填项),WIP Component Pick Release之后并Transact Move Order,那么物料将直接到工单上,相当于做了WIP Component Issue,这种Move Order的Transaction_Type_ID为35。

(参见:Oracle EBS R12 WIP Component Issue&Return Process中例子)

WIP Component Pick Release_第1张图片

Component Pick Release之后,会生成一个Move Order

WIP Component Pick Release_第2张图片

可以看到Move Order的事务类型为WIP Issue(Transaction_Type_ID:35)

WIP Component Pick Release_第3张图片

1.2. 对于Push类型的工单,如果指定Supply Subinv的话(这个Supply Sub有点类似于订单挑库时的临时发货区),WIP Component Pick Release之后并Transact Move Order,那么物料将直接到工单上,相当于做了WIP Component Issue,这种Move Order的Transaction_Type_ID为35。你可以WIP > Job/Shedule Details > Material Requirements里修改Supply Subinv,特别需要注意的是:Supply Subinv必须是不可保留的(Non Reservable),否则在Component Pick Release报这样的错:

Error in component pick release.

Job/schedule number (JOB_NAME) has a reservable supply subinventory (SUPPLY_SUB_NAME) for component (COMPONENT_NAME)

WIP Component Pick Release_第4张图片

上图中,因为Supply Sub:RIP允许保留,所以报错.我们可以定义一个不可保留的子库,Supply_Sub,并且不允许保留(是否允许保留由Material Status来控制)

WIP Component Pick Release_第5张图片

然后设置这个新定义的子库到Supply Sub

WIP Component Pick Release_第6张图片

然后Component Pick Release,可以看到Move Order对应Transaction Type变为了Backflush Transfer(TRANSACTION_TYPE_ID:51),Backflush Transfer实际上类似于Subinventory Transfer,只不过这里的目标Sub必须是non-reservable。

WIP Component Pick Release_第7张图片

View/Update Allocation

接下来,你去WIP Material Transaction里做WIP Issue,给工单供货,默认给工单供货的子库就是刚才的目标子库“Supply_Sub”(当然这里你也可以改成其他的子库)

WIP Component Pick Release_第8张图片

2.1 对于Pull(Operation Pull, Assembly Pull)类型的工单。WIP Component Pick Release会把物料从Source Sub(Reservable) 以Backflush Transfer的形式转移到这个Supply Sub。工序完工(To Move)或者工单完工(WIP Completion)的时候,以backflush的方式从Supply Sub扣料。

如果BOM中没有指定Pull物料的Supply的Subinventory和locator,那么Job在Release之后,Job会把Work in Process Parameters中的默认Supply Subinventory和Locator作为Supply Sub/Locator。

WIP Component Pick Release_第9张图片

Source Subinv and Supply Subinv

WIP Component Pick Release会把物料从Source Subinv转移(backflush transfer)到Supply Subinv。需要注意的是,Source Sub必须是可保留的;而Supply Subinv是不可保留的。原因是什么呢?

1. The source sub inventory  (the sub inventory which stores the on-hand, or the sub inventory  from which the components are to be picked) should be reservable.
2. The supply sub inventory  (the staging sub inventory or the sub inventory which receives the components from the source sub inventory through the move order) should NOT be reservable.
This is the current functionality (R12). Component pick release will allocate the material only from reservable subinventories. The reason for this being that if it were to pick material from non-reservable subinventories, then it could pick material already picked for another job, since picked material resides in supply subinventories which are not reservable.

WIP component Manufacturing move order lines are auto detailed, when running WIP component pick release. If the detailing process is unable to allocate the lines, then the lines will get backordered and closed. Hence, if the pick from subinventory is not reservable, all the move orders lines will get closed and the components will not get allocated.



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