program PL0 (input,output); (*PL/0 compiler with code generation*) (*Program 5.6 in Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs*) (*Almost identical with the version in Compilerbau*) (*Author: Niklaus Wirth*) label 99; const norw = 11; (*no. of reserved words*) txmax = 100; (*length of identifier table*) nmax = 14; (*max. no. of digits in numbers*) al = 10; (*length of identifiers*) amax = 2047; (*maximum address*) levmax = 3; (*maximum depth of block nesting*) cxmax = 200; (*size of code array*) type symbol = (nul,ident,number,plus,minus,times,slash,oddsym, eql,neq,lss,leq,gtr,geq,lparen,rparen,comma,semicolon, period,becomes,beginsym,endsym,ifsym,thensym, whilesym,dosym,callsym,constsym,varsym,procsym); alfa = packed array[] of char; object = (constant,variable,prozedure); symset = set of symbol; fct = (lit,opr,lod,sto,cal,int,jmp,jpc); (*functions*) instruction = packed record f: fct; (*function code*) l: 0..levmax;(*level*) a: 0..amax; (*displacement address*) end; (* lit 0,a: load constant a opr 0,a: execute operation a lod l,a: load variable l,a sto l,a: store variable l,a cal l,a: call procedure a at level l int 0,a: increment t-register by a jmp 0,a: jump to a jpc 0,a: jump conditional to a*) var ch: char; (*last character read*) sym: symbol; (*last symbol read*) id: alfa; (*last identifier read*) num: integer;(*last number read*) cc: integer; (*character count*) ll: integer; (*line length*) kk,err: integer; cx: integer; (*code allocation index*) line: array[1..81] of char; a: alfa; code: array[0..cxmax] of instruction; word: array[1..norw] of alfa; wsym: array[1..norw] of symbol; ssym: array[char] of symbol; mnemonic: array[fct] of packed array[1..5] of char; declbegsys,statbegsys,facbegsys: symset; table: array[0..txmax] of record name: alfa; case kind: object of constant: (val: integer); variable,prozedure: (level,adr: integer) end; procedure error(n: integer); begin writeln('****',' ':cc-1,'^',n:2); err:= err+1 end; (*error*) procedure getsym; var i,j,k: integer; procedure getch; begin if cc = ll then begin if eof(input) then begin writeln('Program incomplete'); goto 99 end; ll:= 0; cc:= 0; write(cx:5,' '); while not eoln(input) do begin ll:= ll+1; read(ch); write(ch); line[ll]:= ch; end; writeln; ll:= ll+1; read(line[ll]) end; cc:= cc+1; ch:= line[cc]; end(*getch*); begin (*getsym*) while ch = ' ' do getch; if ch in ['A'..'Z'] then begin (*identifier or reserved word*) k:= 0; repeat if k < al then begin k:= k+1; a[k]:= ch end; getch until not (ch in ['A'..'Z','0'..'9']); if k >= kk then kk:= k else repeat a[kk]:= ' '; kk:= kk-1 until kk = k; id:= a; i:= 1; j:= norw; repeat k:= (i+j) div 2; if id <= word[k] then j:= k-1; if id >= word[k] then i:= k+1 until i>j; if i-1 > j then sym:= wsym[k] else sym:= ident; end else if ch in ['0'..'9'] then begin (*number*) k:= 0; num:= 0; sym:= number; repeat num:= 10 * num+(ord(ch)-ord('0')); k:= k+1; getch until not (ch in ['0'..'9']); if k > nmax then error(30); end else if ch = ':' then begin getch; if ch = '=' then begin sym:= becomes; getch; end else sym:= nul; end else (*extra stuff added to support <=*) if ch = '<' then begin getch; if ch = '=' then begin sym:= leq; getch end else sym:= lss end else if ch = '>' then begin getch; if ch = '=' then begin sym:= geq; getch end else sym:= gtr end else (*end of extra stuff*) begin sym:= ssym[ch]; getch end; end (*getsym*); procedure gen(x:fct; y,z: integer); begin if cx > cxmax then begin write('Program too long'); goto 99 end; with code[cx] do begin f:= x; l:= y; a:= z; end; cx:= cx+1 end; (*gen*) procedure test(s1,s2:symset;n: integer); begin if not (sym in s1) then begin error(n); s1:= s1+s2; while not (sym in s1) do getsym; end end; (*test*) procedure block(lev,tx: integer; fsys:symset); var dx: integer; (*data allocation index*) tx0: integer; (*initial table index*) cx0: integer; (*initial code index*) procedure enter(k:object); begin (*enter object into table*) tx:= tx+1; with table[tx] do begin name:= id; kind:= k; case k of constant: begin if num> amax then begin error(31); num:= 0 end; val:= num end; variable: begin level:= lev; adr:= dx; dx:= dx+1; end; prozedure: level:= lev; end end end (*enter*); function position(id: alfa): integer; var i: integer; begin (*find identifier id in table*) table[0].name:= id; i:= tx; while table[i].name <> id do i:= i-1; position:= i; end (*position*); procedure constdeclaration; begin if sym = ident then begin getsym; if sym in [eql,becomes] then begin if sym = becomes then error(1); getsym; if sym = number then begin enter(constant); getsym; end else error(2) end else error(3) end else error(4); end (*constdeclaration*); procedure vardeclaration; begin if sym = ident then begin enter(variable); getsym; end else error(4) end;(*vardeclaration*) procedure listcode; var i: integer; begin (*list code generated for this block*) for i:= cx0 to cx-1 do with code[i] do writeln(i,mnemonic[f]:5,l:3,a:5) end (*listcode*); procedure statement(fsys:symset); var i,cx1,cx2: integer; procedure expression(fsys:symset); var addop:symbol; procedure term(fsys:symset); var mulop:symbol; procedure factor(fsys:symset); var i: integer; begin test(facbegsys,fsys,24); while sym in facbegsys do (*??*) begin if sym = ident then begin i:= position(id); if i = 0 then error(11) else with table[i] do case kind of constant: gen(lit,0,val); variable: gen(lod,lev-level,adr); prozedure: error(21) end; getsym end else if sym = number then begin if num>amax then begin error(31); num:= 0; end; gen(lit,0,num);getsym end else if sym = lparen then begin getsym; expression([rparen]+fsys); if sym = rparen then getsym else error(22) end; test(fsys,[lparen],23) end end (*factor*); begin (*term*) factor(fsys+[times,slash]); while sym in[times,slash] do begin mulop:= sym; getsym; factor(fsys+[times,slash]); if mulop = times then gen(opr,0,4) else gen(opr,0,5) end end (*term*); begin (*expression*) if sym in [plus,minus] then begin addop:= sym; getsym; term(fsys+[plus,minus]); if addop = minus then gen(opr,0,1) end else term(fsys+[plus,minus]); while sym in [plus,minus] do begin addop:= sym; getsym; term(fsys+[plus,minus]); if addop = plus then gen(opr,0,2) else gen(opr,0,3) end; end (*expression*); procedure condition(fsys:symset); var relop:symbol; begin if sym = oddsym then begin getsym; expression(fsys); gen(opr,0,6) end else begin expression([eql,neq,lss,gtr,leq,geq]+fsys); if not(sym in [eql,neq,lss,leq,gtr,geq]) then error(20) else begin relop:= sym; getsym; expression(fsys); case relop of eql: gen(opr,0,8); neq: gen(opr,0,9); lss: gen(opr,0,10); geq: gen(opr,0,11); gtr: gen(opr,0,12); leq: gen(opr,0,13); end; end; end; end (*condition*); begin (*statement*) if sym = ident then begin i:= position(id); if i = 0 then error(11) else if table[i].kind<>variable then begin (*assignment to non-variable*) error(12); i:= 0 end; getsym; if sym = becomes then getsym else error(13); expression(fsys); if i <> 0 then with table[i] do gen(sto,lev-level,adr); end else if sym = callsym then begin getsym; if sym<> ident then error(14) else begin i:= position(id); if i = 0 then error(11) else with table[i] do if kind = prozedure then gen(cal,lev-level,adr) else error(15); getsym end end else if sym = ifsym then begin getsym; condition([thensym,dosym]+fsys); if sym = thensym then getsym else error(16); cx1:= cx; gen(jpc,0,0); statement(fsys); code[cx1].a:= cx; end else if sym = beginsym then begin getsym; statement([semicolon,endsym]+fsys); while sym in [semicolon]+statbegsys do begin if sym = semicolon then getsym else error(10); statement([semicolon,endsym]+fsys) end; if sym = endsym then getsym else error(17) end else if sym = whilesym then begin cx1:= cx; getsym; condition([dosym]+fsys); cx2:= cx; gen(jpc,0,0); if sym = dosym then getsym else error(18); statement(fsys); gen(jmp,0,cx1); code[cx2].a:= cx; end; test(fsys,[],19) end (*statement*); begin (*block*) dx:= 3; tx0:= tx; table[tx].adr:= cx; gen(jmp,0,0); if lev>levmax then error(32); repeat if sym = constsym then begin getsym; repeat constdeclaration; while sym = comma do begin getsym; constdeclaration; end; if sym = semicolon then getsym else error(5) until sym<> ident; end; if sym = varsym then begin getsym; repeat vardeclaration; while sym = comma do begin getsym; vardeclaration; end; if sym = semicolon then getsym else error(5) until sym<> ident; end; while sym = procsym do begin getsym; if sym = ident then begin enter(prozedure); getsym end else error(4); if sym = semicolon then getsym else error(5); block(lev+1,tx,[semicolon]+fsys); if sym = semicolon then begin getsym; test(statbegsys+[ident,procsym],fsys,6) end else error(5); end; test(statbegsys+[ident],declbegsys,7) until not (sym in declbegsys); code[table[tx0].adr].a:= cx; with table[tx0] do begin adr:= cx; (*start adr of code*) end; cx0:= cx; gen(int,0,dx); statement([semicolon,endsym]+fsys); gen(opr,0,0); (*return*) test(fsys,[],8); listcode; end (*block*); procedure interpret; const stacksize = 500; var p,b,t: integer; (*program-,base-,topstack-registers*) i: instruction; (*instruction register*) s: array[1..stacksize] of integer; (*datastore*) function base(l: integer): integer; var b1: integer; begin b1:= b;(*find base l levels down*) while l>0 do (*??*) begin b1:= s[b1]; l:= l-1 end; base:= b1 end (*base*); begin writeln('Start PL/0'); t:= 0; b:= 1; p:= 0; s[1]:= 0; s[2]:= 0; s[3]:= 0; repeat i:= code[p]; p:= p+1; with i do case f of lit: begin t:= t+1; s[t]:= a end; opr: case a of (*operator*) 0:begin (*return*) t:= b-1; p:= s[t+3]; b:= s[t+2]; end; 1:s[t]:= -s[t]; 2:begin t:= t-1; s[t]:= s[t]+s[t+1] end; 3:begin t:= t-1; s[t]:= s[t]-s[t+1] end; 4:begin t:= t-1; s[t]:= s[t]*s[t+1] end; 5:begin t:= t-1; s[t]:= s[t] div s[t+1] end; 6:s[t]:= ord(odd(s[t])); 8:begin t:= t-1; s[t]:= ord(s[t]=s[t+1]) end; 9:begin t:= t-1; s[t]:= ord(s[t]<>s[t+1]) end; 10:begin t:= t-1; s[t]:= ord(s[t]<s[t+1]) end; 11:begin t:= t-1; s[t]:= ord(s[t]>=s[t+1]) end; 12:begin t:= t-1; s[t]:= ord(s[t]>s[t+1]) end; 13:begin t:= t-1; s[t]:= ord(s[t]<=s[t+1]) end; end; lod: begin t:= t+1; s[t]:= s[base(l)+a] end; sto: begin s[base(l)+a]:= s[t]; writeln(s[t]); t:= t-1 end; cal: begin (*generate new block mark*) s[t+1]:= base(l); s[t+2]:= b; s[t+3]:= p; b:= t+1; p:= a end; int: t:= t+a; jmp: p:= a; jpc: begin if s[t] = 0 then p:= a; t:= t-1 end end; (*with,case*) until p = 0; write('End PL/0'); end (*interpret*); begin (*main program*) for ch:= 'A' to ';' do ssym[ch]:= nul; word[1]:= 'begin '; word[2]:= 'call '; word[3]:= 'const '; word[4]:= 'do '; word[5]:= 'end '; word[6]:= 'if '; word[7]:= 'odd '; word[8]:= 'procedure '; word[9]:= 'then '; word[10]:= 'var '; word[11]:= 'while '; wsym[1]:= beginsym; wsym[2]:= callsym; wsym[3]:= constsym; wsym[4]:= dosym; wsym[5]:= endsym; wsym[6]:= ifsym; wsym[7]:= oddsym; wsym[8]:= procsym; wsym[9]:= thensym; wsym[10]:= varsym; wsym[11]:= whilesym; ssym['+']:= plus; ssym['-']:= minus; ssym['*']:= times; ssym['/']:= slash; ssym['(']:= lparen; ssym[')']:= rparen; ssym['=']:= eql; ssym[',']:= comma; ssym['.']:= period; ssym['#']:= neq; ssym['<']:= lss; ssym['>']:= gtr; ssym[';']:= leq; ssym[';']:= geq; ssym[';']:= semicolon; mnemonic[lit]:= ' lit '; mnemonic[opr]:= ' opr '; mnemonic[lod]:= ' lod '; mnemonic[sto]:= ' sto '; mnemonic[cal]:= ' cal '; mnemonic[int]:= ' int '; mnemonic[jmp]:= ' jmp '; mnemonic[jpc]:= ' jpc '; declbegsys:= [constsym,varsym,procsym]; statbegsys:= [beginsym,callsym,ifsym,whilesym]; facbegsys:= [ident,number,lparen]; page(output); err:= 0; cc:= 0; cx:= 0; ll:= 0; ch:= ' '; kk:= al; getsym; block(0,0,[period]+declbegsys+statbegsys); if sym<> period then error(9); if err = 0 then interpret else write('errors in PL/0 Program'); 99: writeln end.
February 9, 2006. Birger Nielsen, [email protected], drinker of tea. This document: |