Dual UOM in Oracle EBS

Dual UOM是随着Process Manufacturing(流程制造)的加入,在Oracle EBS R12中新加的特性。对于Dual UOM的物料,查库存时,Workbench不仅会显示主计量单位(Primary UOM),同时也会显示次计量单位(Secondary UOM)。

Dual UOM适用于特定的行业,比如化工,食品...,具体的例子,以牛肉为例,在欧美常常以磅(Pounds)作为牛肉主计量单位,但中国更习惯使用公斤来作为主计量单位。对于这样的物料就有必要启用双单位控制。

Dual UOM in Oracle EBS_第1张图片



Tracking:这个就是控制物料是否为双单位的属性。 (组织级别属性)

Primary  :库存只显示主计量单位

Primary & Secondary:  库存会同时显示主计量单位以及次计量单位


如果这个值为Secondary,发运时(Ship Confirmation),系统会在订单行上重新算价格。

Secondary:如果Tracking是Primary & Secondary(Dual UOM Item)或者Pricing为Secondary,那么你在这个数量里设置次计量单位。(组织级别属性)

Fixed The system stores inventory in both the primary and secondary units of measure. You can enter an item quantity in one unit of measure, and the system converts the quantity to the secondary unit of measure and displays both quantities.

Default The system stores inventory in both the primary and secondary units of measure. You can enter an item quantity in one unit of measure, and the system converts the quantity to the second unit of measure and displays both quantities. You can change the quantity in the secondary unit of measure, without changing the quantity in the primary unit of measure.

No Default The system stores inventory in both the primary and secondary units of measure. Use this option when the default conversion between the two units of measure is usually not the same. The system does not automatically display in the secondary unit of measure when you specify the quantity for the primary unit of measure. You manually enter the quantity of the secondary unit of measure before you process a transaction. The secondary quantity can fluctuate from the default conversion by the factors that you specify in the Deviation + and Deviation - attributes.

Deviation Factor +

You can enter acceptable deviations as decimal values. This attribute is assigned at the organization level. This produces a plus or minus tolerance of acceptability. For example, if the allowable transaction quantity deviation for the item is 10 percent higher

than the established conversion, you would enter 10 in this field.

Deviation Factor -

You can enter acceptable deviations as decimal values. This attribute is assigned at the organization level. This produces a plus or minus tolerance of acceptability. For example, if the allowable transaction quantity deviation for the item is 10 percent lower

than the established conversion, you would enter 10 in this field.


Dual UOM in Oracle EBS_第2张图片

对于beef这个物料,defaulting我们设置成了'No Default',所以需要手工输入次计量单位量,100 Lbs(即Pounds) = 45.35924 KG,我这里就输入45.35924到Secondary Qty里。

Dual UOM in Oracle EBS_第3张图片

然后修改Secondary Qty到50,提示“The quantity entered is higher than the allowed deviation for the item. Please re-enter.”,这是因为,(50 - 45.35924) / 45.35924 = 10.2%,超过了10%误差(Deviation)。

Dual UOM in Oracle EBS_第4张图片

如果把Secondary qty修改成47就不会报上边的提示。这是因为,(47 - 45.35924) / 45.35924 < 10% 误差(Deviation)。

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但是对于很多标准report,现在还只是显示Primary UOM/Qty,不知道以后会不会把Secondary UOM/Qty加到报表中去。

Inventory Value Report

Dual UOM in Oracle EBS_第7张图片

Inventory Quantity Summary Report

Dual UOM in Oracle EBS_第8张图片


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