5 The overlapped I/O model

The overlapped I/O model in Winsock offers applications better system performance than any of the I/O models explained so far.
The overlapped model's basic design allows your application to post one or more asynchronous I/O requests at a time using an overlapped data structure.
 At a later point, the application can service the submitted requests after they have completed. This model is available on all Windows platforms except Windows CE. The model's overall design is based on the Windows overlapped I/O mechanisms available for performing I/O operations on devices using the ReadFile and WriteFile functions.
The overlapped model provides high-performance socket I/O. It is different from all the previous models because an application posts buffers to send and receive data that the system uses directly.
There are essentially two methods for managing the completion of an overlapped I/O request: your application can wait for event object notification or it can process completed requests through completion routines.
5.1 Event Notification
5.1.1 APIs
1) DWORD WSAWaitForMultipleEvents(
    DWORD cEvents,
    const WSAEVENT FAR * lphEvents,
    BOOL fWaitAll,
    DWORD dwTimeout,
    BOOL fAlertable );
2) BOOL WSAGetOverlappedResult(
    SOCKET s,
    LPWSAOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped,
    LPDWORD lpcbTransfer,
    BOOL fWait,
LPDWORD lpdwFlags );
5.1.2 Samples
The following sample of code demonstrates how to structure a simple server application that is capable of managing overlapped I/O on one socket using the event notification described above.
#define DATA_BUFSIZE         4096
void main(void)
    WSABUF DataBuf;
    char buffer[DATA_BUFSIZE];
    DWORD EventTotal = 0,
    WSAOVERLAPPED AcceptOverlapped;
    SOCKET ListenSocket, AcceptSocket;

    // Step 1:
    //  Start Winsock and set up a listening socket

    // Step 2:
    //  Accept an inbound connection
    AcceptSocket = accept(ListenSocket, NULL, NULL);

    // Step 3:
    //  Set up an overlapped structure

    EventArray[EventTotal] = WSACreateEvent();

     AcceptOverlapped.hEvent = EventArray[EventTotal];

    DataBuf.len = DATA_BUFSIZE;
    DataBuf.buf = buffer;


    // Step 4:
    //  Post a WSARecv request to begin receiving data
    //  on the socket

    if (WSARecv(AcceptSocket, &DataBuf, 1, &RecvBytes,
        &Flags, &AcceptOverlapped, NULL) == SOCKET_ERROR)
     if (WSAGetLastError() != WSA_IO_PENDING)
         // Error occurred

    // Process overlapped receives on the socket

     DWORD    Index;
        // Step 5:
        //  Wait for the overlapped I/O call to complete
        Index = WSAWaitForMultipleEvents(EventTotal,
            EventArray, FALSE, WSA_INFINITE, FALSE);

        // Index should be 0 because we
        // have only one event handle in EventArray

        // Step 6:
        //  Reset the signaled event
            EventArray[Index - WSA_WAIT_EVENT_0]);

        // Step 7:
        //  Determine the status of the overlapped
        //  request
            &AcceptOverlapped, &BytesTransferred,
            FALSE, &Flags);
        // First check to see whether the peer has closed
        // the connection, and if so, close the
        // socket

        if (BytesTransferred == 0)
            printf("Closing socket %d\n", AcceptSocket);

                EventArray[Index - WSA_WAIT_EVENT_0]);

        // Do something with the received data
        // DataBuf contains the received data

        // Step 8:
        //  Post another WSARecv() request on the socket

        Flags = 0;
        ZeroMemory(&AcceptOverlapped, sizeof(WSAOVERLAPPED));

A cceptOverlapped.hEvent = EventArray[Index -

        DataBuf.len = DATA_BUFSIZE;
        DataBuf.buf = buffer;

        if (WSARecv(AcceptSocket, &DataBuf, 1,
            &RecvBytes, &Flags, &AcceptOverlapped,
            NULL) == SOCKET_ERROR)
            if (WSAGetLastError() != WSA_IO_PENDING)
                // Unexpected error
5.1.3 The steps for the above app
1. Create a socket and begin listening for a connection on a specified port.
2. Accept an inbound connection.
3. Create a WSAOVERLAPPED structure for the accepted socket and assign an event object handle to the structure. Also assign the event object handle to an event array to be used later by the WSAWaitForMultipleEvents function.
4. Post an asynchronous WSARecv request on the socket by specifying the WSAOVERLAPPED structure as a parameter.
5. Call WSAWaitForMultipleEvents using the event array and wait for the event associated with the overlapped call to become signaled.
6. Determine the return status of the overlapped call by using WSA-GetOverlappedResult.
7. Reset the event object by using WSAResetEvent with the event array and process the completed overlapped request.
8. Post another overlapped WSARecv request on the socket.
9. Repeat steps 5–8.
This example can easily be expanded to handle more than one socket by moving the overlapped I/O processing portion of the code to a separate thread and allowing the main application thread to service additional connection requests.

5.2 Completion Routines
5.2.1 APIs
1) void CALLBACK CompletionROUTINE(
    DWORD dwError,
    DWORD cbTransferred,
    LPWSAOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped,
    DWORD dwFlags
2) WSAWaitForMultipleEvents
normally waits for event objects associated with WSAOVERLAPPED structures. This function is also designed to place your thread in an alertable wait state and to process completion routines for completed overlapped I/O requests if you set the parameter fAlertable to TRUE. When overlapped I/O requests complete with a completion routine, the return value is WSA_IO_COMPLETION instead of an event object index in the event array. The SleepEx function provides the same behavior as WSAWaitForMultipleEvents except that it does not need any event objects. The SleepEx function is defined as DWORD SleepEx(
    DWORD dwMilliseconds,
    BOOL bAlertable
5.2.2 Samples
The following code outlines how to structure a simple server application that is capable of managing one socket request using completion routines as described earlier.
#define DATA_BUFSIZE    4096

SOCKET AcceptSocket,
DWORD  Flags,
char buffer[DATA_BUFSIZE];

void main(void)
    WSAOVERLAPPED Overlapped;

    // Step 1:
    //  Start Winsock, and set up a listening socket

    // Step 2:
    //  Accept a new connection
    AcceptSocket = accept(ListenSocket, NULL, NULL);

    // Step 3:
    //  Now that we have an accepted socket, start
    //  processing I/O using overlapped I/O with a
    //  completion routine. To get the overlapped I/O
    //  processing started, first submit an
    //  overlapped WSARecv() request.

    Flags = 0;
    ZeroMemory(&Overlapped, sizeof(WSAOVERLAPPED));

    DataBuf.len = DATA_BUFSIZE;
    DataBuf.buf = buffer;
     // Step 4:
    //  Post an asynchronous WSARecv() request
    //  on the socket by specifying the WSAOVERLAPPED
    //  structure as a parameter, and supply 
    //  the WorkerRoutine function below as the
    //  completion routine

    if (WSARecv(AcceptSocket, &DataBuf, 1, &RecvBytes,
        &Flags, &Overlapped, WorkerRoutine)
        == SOCKET_ERROR)
        if (WSAGetLastError() != WSA_IO_PENDING)
            printf("WSARecv() failed with error %d\n",

    // Because the WSAWaitForMultipleEvents() API
    // requires waiting on one or more event objects,
    // we will have to create a dummy event object.
    // As an alternative, we can use SleepEx()
    // instead.

    EventArray [0] = WSACreateEvent();

        // Step 5:
        Index = WSAWaitForMultipleEvents(1, EventArray,

        // Step 6:
        if (Index == WAIT_IO_COMPLETION)
            // An overlapped request completion routine
            // just completed. Continue servicing
            // more completion routines.
            // A bad error occurred:óstop processing!
            // If we were also processing an event
            // object, this could be an index to
            // the event array.

void CALLBACK WorkerRoutine(DWORD Error,
                            DWORD BytesTransferred,
                            LPWSAOVERLAPPED Overlapped,
                            DWORD InFlags)
    DWORD SendBytes, RecvBytes;
    DWORD Flags;

    if (Error != 0 ││ BytesTransferred == 0)
        // Either a bad error occurred on the socket
        // or the socket was closed by a peer

    // At this point, an overlapped WSARecv() request
    // completed successfully. Now we can retrieve the
    // received data that is contained in the variable
    // DataBuf. After processing the received data, we
    // need to post another overlapped WSARecv() or
    // WSASend() request. For simplicity, we will post
    // another WSARecv() request.

    Flags = 0;
    ZeroMemory(&Overlapped, sizeof(WSAOVERLAPPED));

    DataBuf.len = DATA_BUFSIZE;
    DataBuf.buf = buffer;

    if (WSARecv(AcceptSocket, &DataBuf, 1, &RecvBytes,
        &Flags, &Overlapped, WorkerRoutine)
        == SOCKET_ERROR)
        if (WSAGetLastError() != WSA_IO_PENDING )
            printf("WSARecv() failed with error %d\n",
5.2.3 The steps for the above app
1. Create a socket and begin listening for a connection on a specified port.
2. Accept an inbound connection.
3. Create a WSAOVERLAPPED structure for the accepted socket.
4. Post an asynchronous WSARecv request on the socket by specifying the WSAOVERLAPPED structure as a parameter and supplying a completion routine.
5. Call WSAWaitForMultipleEvents with the fAlertable parameter set to TRUE and wait for an overlapped request to complete. When an overlapped request completes, the completion routine automatically executes and WSAWaitForMultipleEvents returns WSA_IO_COMPLETION. Inside the completion routine, then post another overlapped WSARecv request with a completion routine.
6. Verify that WSAWaitForMultipleEvents returns WSA_IO_COMPLETION.
7. Repeat steps 5 and 6.

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