


盲转接(Blind Transfer) – 操作过程

3000拨打30013001接通后,然后将3000通话转接至 3002,分机 3001 立即与3000断线,分机 3002 会响铃,接起分机后3002可与3000通话,若3002未接起,响铃完毕后,3000 通话即断线。


指定转接(Attended Transfer) – 操作过程

3000拨打30013001接通后,3000通话转接至3002,分机3002 会响铃,接起后与3001 通话作转接的确认,若 3002 要接3000通话,3001 可直接挂断,若 3002 不接3000通话,3002 直接挂断,3000回到与 3001 通话。


这两个 feature 算是基本的操作,系统默认多半时候是开启,不过要是无法正常操作,可以检查下述配置文件:



配置文件定义了转接的特殊代码,例如 一般转接为 ##、指定转接为 *2



转接代码+转接的目的分机号,例如 ##3002,或 *2 3002,操作时要注意两位数转接代码的按钮时间间隔,太快或太慢都可能无法有效启用转接,不过,这个间隔可以透过参数调整来提高系统的辨识度。


;transferdigittimeout => 3  ; Number of seconds to wait between digits when transferring a call

                                ; (default is 3 seconds)

;xfersound = beep               ; to indicate an attended transfer is complete

;xferfailsound = beeperr        ; to indicate a failed transfer

;featuredigittimeout = 1000     ; Max time (ms) between digits for

                            ; feature activation  (default is 1000 ms)

;atxfernoanswertimeout = 15 ; Timeout for answer on attended transfer default is 15 seconds.

;atxferdropcall = no        ; If someone does an attended transfer, then hangs up before the transferred

                            ; caller is connected, then by default, the system will try to call back the

                            ; person that did the transfer.  If this is set to "yes", the callback will

                            ; not be attempted and the transfer will just fail.

;atxferloopdelay = 10       ; Number of seconds to sleep between retries (if atxferdropcall = no)

;atxfercallbackretries = 2  ; Number of times to attempt to send the call back to the transferer.

                            ; By default, this is 2.

