%% MyTest clc; clear; % %% % % %产生待分割图像,大小为64*64 S = [64 64]; Miu = [90,150,190];Sig = [20, 20, 20]; Im = zeros(S(1),S(2)); Im(1:21,:) = random('norm',Miu(1),Sig(1),[21,64]); Im(22:42,:) = random('norm',Miu(2),Sig(2),[21,64]); Im(43:64,:) = random('norm',Miu(3),Sig(3),[22,64]); figure,imshow(Im,[]);title('待分割图像'); Image=reshape(Im,S(1)*S(2),1); topicNum=3; temp = eye(topicNum); temp(temp==0) = 2; temp(temp==1) = 0; smooth = temp; dataCost=zeros(3,S(1)*S(2)); for i=1:S(1)*S(2) Pyx=normpdf(Image(i),Miu,Sig); dataCost(:,i) = -log( Pyx./sum(Pyx) ); end Neighbors=zeros(S(1)*S(2),S(1)*S(2)); for i=1:S(1)*S(2) if(i+1<=S(1)*S(2)) Neighbors(i,i+1)=1; end if(i-1>=1) Neighbors(i,i-1)=1; end if(i+64<=S(1)*S(2)) Neighbors(i,i+64)=1; end if(i-64>=1) Neighbors(i,i-64)=1; end end h = GCO_Create(S(1)*S(2),3); % Create new object with NumSites=4, NumLabels=3 GCO_SetDataCost(h,dataCost); % Site 3 prefers label 3 GCO_SetSmoothCost(h,temp); % GCO_SetNeighbors(h,Neighbors); GCO_Expansion(h); % Compute optimal labeling via alpha-expansion Label=GCO_GetLabeling(h); [E D Smo] = GCO_ComputeEnergy(h) % Energy = Data Energy + Smooth Energy GCO_Delete(h); % Delete the GCoptimization object when finished labels=reshape(Label,S(1),S(2)); figure;imshow(labels,[]);