
  1. Managing Accelerometer Updates
  2. Determining Whether the Accelerometer Is Active and Available
  3. Accessing Accelerometer Data
  4. Managing Gyroscope Updates
  5. Determining Whether the Gyroscope Is Active and Available
  6. Accessing Gyroscope Data
  7. Managing Magnetometer Updates
  8. Determining Whether the Magnetometer is Active and Available
  9. Accessing Magnetometer Data
  10. Managing the Device Movement Display
  11. Managing Device Motion Updates
  12. Accessing Attitude Reference Frames
  13. Determining Whether the Device Motion Hardware Is Active and Available
  14. Accessing Device Motion Data

CMMotionManager可以理解为是CoreMotion Framework的中央管理器,也可以理解为运动服务。这些服务提供了获取加速机数据、旋转数据和磁力数据等。

1 Managing Accelerometer Updates

// 加速计更新间隔
public var accelerometerUpdateInterval: NSTimeInterval

// 开始获取加速计数据
public func startAccelerometerUpdates()

// 队列中获取加速计数据
public func startAccelerometerUpdatesToQueue(queue: NSOperationQueue, withHandler handler: CMAccelerometerHandler)

// 停止获取加速计数据
public func stopAccelerometerUpdates()

2 Determining Whether the Accelerometer Is Active and Available

// 设备是否支持加速计
public var accelerometerAvailable: Bool { get }

// 加速计是否发生更新
public var accelerometerActive: Bool { get }

3 Accessing Accelerometer Data

// 最新的加速计数据
public var accelerometerData: CMAccelerometerData? { get }

4 Managing Gyroscope Updates

// 螺旋仪获取数据间隔
public var gyroUpdateInterval: NSTimeInterval

// 开始获取螺旋仪数据
public func startGyroUpdates()

// 队列中获取螺旋仪数据
public func startGyroUpdatesToQueue(queue: NSOperationQueue, withHandler handler: CMGyroHandler)

// 停止获取螺旋仪数据
public func stopGyroUpdates()

5 Determining Whether the Gyroscope Is Active and Available

// 设备是否支持螺旋仪
public var gyroAvailable: Bool { get }

// 螺旋仪是否有更新
public var gyroActive: Bool { get }

6 Accessing Gyroscope Data

// 最新螺旋仪数据
public var gyroData: CMGyroData? { get }

7 Managing Magnetometer Updates

// 磁场计获取数据间隔
@available(iOS 5.0, *)
public var magnetometerUpdateInterval: NSTimeInterval

// 开始获取磁场计数据
@available(iOS 5.0, *)
public func startMagnetometerUpdates()

// 队列中获取磁场计数据
@available(iOS 5.0, *)
public func startMagnetometerUpdatesToQueue(queue: NSOperationQueue, withHandler handler: CMMagnetometerHandler)

// 停止获取磁场计数据
@available(iOS 5.0, *)
public func stopMagnetometerUpdates()

8 Determining Whether the Magnetometer is Active and Available

// 设备是否支持磁场计
@available(iOS 5.0, *)
public var magnetometerAvailable: Bool { get }

// 磁场计是否有更新
@available(iOS 5.0, *)
public var magnetometerActive: Bool { get }

9 Accessing Magnetometer Data

// 最新磁场计数据
@available(iOS 5.0, *)
public var magnetometerData: CMMagnetometerData? { get }

10 Managing the Device Movement Display

// 是否显示设备运动
@available(iOS 5.0, *)
public var showsDeviceMovementDisplay: Bool

11 Managing Device Motion Updates

// 获取运动数据更新间隔
public var deviceMotionUpdateInterval: NSTimeInterval

// 开始持续获取运动数据
public func startDeviceMotionUpdates()

// 队列获取CMDeviceMotion
public func startDeviceMotionUpdatesToQueue(queue: NSOperationQueue, withHandler handler: CMDeviceMotionHandler)

// 设置坐标系
@available(iOS 5.0, *)
public func startDeviceMotionUpdatesUsingReferenceFrame(referenceFrame: CMAttitudeReferenceFrame)

// 队列根据坐标系获取CMDeviceMotion
@available(iOS 5.0, *)
public func startDeviceMotionUpdatesUsingReferenceFrame(referenceFrame: CMAttitudeReferenceFrame, toQueue queue: NSOperationQueue, withHandler handler: CMDeviceMotionHandler)

// 停止获取运动数据
public func stopDeviceMotionUpdates()

12 Accessing Attitude Reference Frames

// 获取设备参考系
@available(iOS 5.0, *)
public class func availableAttitudeReferenceFrames() -> CMAttitudeReferenceFrame

// 获取参考系
@available(iOS 5.0, *)
public var attitudeReferenceFrame: CMAttitudeReferenceFrame { get }

13 Determining Whether the Device Motion Hardware Is Active and Available

// 是否支持获取运动数据
public var deviceMotionAvailable: Bool { get }

// CMDeviceMotion是否有更新
public var deviceMotionActive: Bool { get }

14 Accessing Device Motion Data

// 获取设备运动数据
public var deviceMotion: CMDeviceMotion? { get }



Sample Code


Core Motion Framework Reference

CMMotionManager Class Reference

Revision History

时间 描述
2016-01-27 博文完成


