Multithreading in C and Java

Summary about mutlti-threading in C and Java
  1. If the main thread terminates, then the whole program dies, too. So if you
  want to run some tasks in a sub thread, you must guarantee that sub thread

  terminates before main thread.

  2. If you want to execute some task in a separate thread and wait until its
  termination, you should use pthread_join rather than condition and mutex.
  pthread_join is like waitpid, it suspend the calling thread until another
  thread terminates and you can retrieve thread's termination status through

  pthread_join which is much more difficult to do using condition and mutex.

  macros. So when you use them incorrectly, you will get very confucious
  compiling error messages. For example,
    static pthread_mutex_t lock;
    43       lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
  If you compile, you will get:
      43: error: expected expression before token '{'
  The most weird thing is that there is no such token '{'. We can imagine that
  PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER is implemented as macro.
  In addition we have two ways to initialize mutex and conditions,
    1. initialize them when declaring them.
        static pthread_mutex_t lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
        static pthread_cond_t cond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;

    2. use initializing functions after declaration.
        pthread_mutex_init( &lock, NULL );
        pthread_cond_init( &cond, NULL );

  4. When you wait a condition, you must lock its mutex, when you signal a
  condition, you MUST NOT lock the mutex. MAKE sure you change the condition

  before signaling.

  5. Thread has its local stack frame, just like a function. Any local
  variable(auto variables, declared in the thread) becomes invalid when thread
  exits. So you should NEVER return a auto variable or put an auto variable
  into global data strutures.
