1. Cisco工具
2. SNMP工具
3. HTTP工具
5. 综合漏洞发现工具Nessus
Cisco Auditing Tool
很小的安全审计工具,它扫描CISCO路由器的一般漏洞,例如默认密码,SNMP community字串和一些老的IOS BUG
=>./CAT -h -w lists/community -a lists/passwords -i (我没测试出来 没有CISCO路由) 23端口没有开
ciscos (快速发现默认密码的路由 'cisco')
=>./ciscos 192.168.1 3 -t 4 -C 10 (3表示第三个 是255 Scanning: 192.168.1.*)
暴力破解SNMP community字串,使用一个预先定义的 wordlist (我的是tp-link的 没有猜出来)
root@bt:/pentest/enumeration/snmp/admsnmp# ./ADMsnmp -wordfile snmp.passwd ADMsnmp vbeta 0.1 (c) The ADM crew ftp://ADM.isp.at/ADM/ greets: !ADM, el8.org, ansia >>>>>>>>>>> get req name=router id = 2 >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> get req name=cisco id = 5 >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> get req name=public id = 8 >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> get req name=private id = 11 >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> get req name=admin id = 14 >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> get req name=proxy id = 17 >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> get req name=write id = 20 >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> get req name=access id = 23 >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> get req name=root id = 26 >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> get req name=enable id = 29 >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> get req name=all private id = 32 >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> get req name=private id = 35 >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> get req name=test id = 38 >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> get req name=guest id = 41 >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> get req name=password id = 44 >>>>>>>>>>> <!ADM!> snmp check on <!ADM!>
在得到 cmmunity后,进步获取有用的信息
Burp Suite( 是一个功能强大的web运用安全工具,它能够扫描,分析和攻击WEB运用,通过手动和自动的技术)
==>root@bt:/pentest/web/burpsuite# java -jar burpsuite_v1.4.01.jar (代理截取HTTP明文数据, 可以修改,探测 发送)
grendel.sh (grendel-scan)
一个自动WEB运用安全评估工具,它扫描,检测,攻击普通的WEB 运用的脆弱性,并且把扫描结果生成一个报告
如果网站支持目录列出 那么都会列出目录来很危险
==>./nikto.pl -h www.i201314.net -C -p 80 -T 3478b -t 3 -D \ V -o aa.html -F htm
root@bt:/pentest/web/waffit# ./wafw00f.py http://www.finderbao.com ^ ^ _ __ _ ____ _ __ _ _ ____ ///7/ /.' \ / __////7/ /,' \ ,' \ / __/ | V V // o // _/ | V V // 0 // 0 // _/ |_n_,'/_n_//_/ |_n_,' \_,' \_,'/_/ < ...' WAFW00F - Web Application Firewall Detection Tool By Sandro Gauci && Wendel G. Henrique Checking http://www.finderbao.com Generic Detection results: The site http://www.finderbao.com seems to be behind a WAF Reason: The server header is different when an attack is detected. The server header for a normal response is "Microsoft-IIS/7.0", while the server header a response to an attack is "Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0.", Number of requests: 10
只要有普通的一个用户 就可以获取管理员的密码了
root@bt:/pentest/python/impacket-examples# ./samrdump.py a:[email protected] 445/SMB Retrieving endpoint list from Trying protocol 445/SMB... Found domain(s): . CAPTURE-D4015CD . Builtin Looking up users in domain CAPTURE-D4015CD Found user: a, uid = 1004 Found user: Administrator, uid = 500 Found user: Guest, uid = 501 Found user: RubberDuck, uid = 1003 Found user: SUPPORT_388945a0, uid = 1001 a (1004)/Enabled: true a (1004)/Last Logon: Mon, 09 Jul 2012 13:46:05 a (1004)/Last Logoff: Traceback (most recent call last): File "./samrdump.py", line 182, in <module> dumper.dump(address) File "./samrdump.py", line 82, in dump print base + '/Last Logoff:', user.get_logoff_time() File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/impacket/dcerpc/samr.py", line 130, in get_logoff_time return display_time(self._logoff_time_high, self._logoff_time_low) File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/impacket/dcerpc/samr.py", line 33, in display_time r = (strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S",gmtime(d)), minutes_utc/60)[0] ValueError: timestamp out of range for platform time_t