解决递归复杂对象里面,进行递归操作的问题,Composite Pattern 让这个问题,用简单的一句话搞定。
Composite Pattern 把所有的子节点都组织成树的结构。
leaf 节点实现的接口函数,是你期望的函数,如show,hide。
composite 节点要实现的接口函数,包含【’add','remove','getChild'】+ leaf 的接口函数;
案例 图片夹管理
var Composite = new Interface('Composite',['add','remove','getChild']); var GalleryItem = new Interface('GalleryItem',['hide','show']); var DynamicGallery = function(id){ this.children = []; this.element = document.createElement('div'); this.element.id = id; this.element.className = 'dynamic-gallery'; } DynamicGallery.prototype = { // Implement the Composite interface. add: function(child) { Interface.ensureImplements(child, Composite, GalleryItem); this.children.push(child); this.element.appendChild(child.getElement()); }, remove: function(child) { for(var node, i = 0; node = this.getChild(i); i++) { if(node == child) { this.formComponents[i].splice(i, 1); break; } } this.element.removeChild(child.getElement()); }, getChild: function(i) { return this.children[i]; }, // Implement the GalleryItem interface. hide: function() { for(var node, i = 0; node = this.getChild(i); i++) { node.hide(); } this.element.style.display = 'none'; }, show: function() { this.element.style.display = 'block'; for(var node, i = 0; node = this.getChild(i); i++) { node.show(); } }, // Helper methods. getElement: function() { return this.element; } }; // GalleryImage class. var GalleryImage = function(src) { // implements Composite, GalleryItem this.element = document.createElement('img'); this.element.className = 'gallery-image'; this.element.src = src; } GalleryImage.prototype = { // Implement the Composite interface. add: function() {}, // This is a leaf node, so we don't remove: function() {}, // implement these methods, we just getChild: function() {}, // define them. // Implement the GalleryItem interface. hide: function() { this.element.style.display = 'none'; }, show: function() { this.element.style.display = ''; // Restore the display attribute to its // previous setting. }, // Helper methods. getElement: function() { return this.element; } }; //example var topGallery = new DynamicGallery('top-gallery'); topGallery.add(new GalleryImage('/img/image-1.jpg')); topGallery.add(new GalleryImage('/img/image-2.jpg')); topGallery.add(new GalleryImage('/img/image-3.jpg')); var vacationPhotos = new DynamicGallery('vacation-photos'); for(var i = 0; i < 30; i++) { vacationPhotos.add(new GalleryImage('/img/vac/image-' + i + '.jpg')); } topGallery.add(vacationPhotos); topGallery.show(); // Show the main gallery, vacationPhotos.hide(); // but hide the vacation gallery.