How to use script to get all oracle EBS Form name and corresponding fmb file name

How to use script to get all Oracle EBS Form name and corresponding fmb file name

SELECT fff.function_name,
FROM   fnd_form ff,
       fnd_form_functions fff,
       fnd_form_functions_tl ffft
WHERE  ff.form_id = fff.form_id
AND    fff.function_id = ffft.function_id
AND    ffft.language = 'US'
AND fff.application_id = 401   --Inventory Module
ORDER BY ffft.user_function_name;

使用SELECT * FROM fnd_application来查找模块的application_id

Sample Output(Inventory Module)

INV_INVADACA INVADACA ABC Assignment Updates 1167 53573 401
INV_INVADAAS INVADAAS ABC Assignments 1166 52853 401
INV_INVADACL INVADACL ABC Classes 1168 52835 401
INV_INVAAACP ARXPRGLP ABC Compiles 1165 20813 401
INV_INVAAACP INVAAACP ABC Compiles 1165 20813 401
INV_INVADAGR INVADAGR ABC Groups 1169 53675 401
INV_INVSDFAA INVSDFAA Account Aliases 1254 22098 401
INVACODE_F INVACODE Action Codes 1032535 60103 401
EAM_INVIDITM INVIDITM Asset Group/Asset Activity 1011578 20422 401
INV_CARRIER_ACCTS INVSDFCR Assign Carrier Distribution Accounts 1011698 53648 401
INV_INVIDCTL INVIDCTL Attribute Controls 1189 52848 401
INV_INVDDARL INVDDARL Available to Promise Rules 1183 52668 401
INV3PL_INVBLRUL_F INVBLRUL Billing Rules 1046831 60460 401
INV3PL_INVBLSRC_F INVBLSRC Billing Sources 1046830 60459 401
INV_INVTTMTX_BORROW_PAYBACK INVTTMTX Borrow Payback Transactions 1002820 52468 401
INV_INVIDICG INVIDICG Catalog Groups 1190 53627 401
ENG_INVIDICG INVIDICG Catalog Groups: Engineering 1467 53627 401
INV_INVSDCAS INVSDCAS Category Accounts 1253 54053 401
INV_INVIDCAT INVIDCAT Category Codes 1188 20463 401
INV_INVIDSCS INVIDSCS Category Sets 1194 52845 401
INV_INVDVATP POXPOEAC Check Available to Promise 1187 52665 401
INV_INVDVATP INVDVATP Check Available to Promise 1187 52665 401
INV_INVTTMTX_CONSXFER INVTTMTX Consigned Transactions 1014437 52468 401
INV_INVCNSUP INVCNSUP Consigned/VMI Consumption 1014641 59193 401
INV_INVGITMT INVGITMT Copy Item Attributes 1005950 57330 401
INV_INVTTGMP INVTTGPM Cost Periods 1286 54285 401
INV_INVTVTXN_COST_RESUBMISSION INVTVTXN Cost Transactions Resubmission 4389 52890 401
INV_INVIDXRT INVIDXRT Cross Reference Types 1241 20468 401
ENG_INVIDXRT INVIDXRT Cross References: Engineering 1466 20468 401
INV_INVSDICC INVSDICC Customer Item Commodity Codes 2234 54478 401
INV_INVICXRF INVICXRF Customer Item Cross References 2235 54479 401
INV_INVICITM INVICITM Customer Items 2227 54473 401
EGO_INVICITM_QUERY_ONLY INVICITM Customer Items Query Only 1026017 54473 401
INV_INVAMCAP INVAMCAP Cycle Count Adjustments 1177 53667 401
INV_INVATCEN INVATCEN Cycle Count Counts 1180 53652 401
INV_INVCCEOI INVCCEOI Cycle Count Entries in the Open Interface 5257 55941 401
INV_INVADCIT INVADCIT Cycle Count Items 1170 53628 401
INV_INVADCYC INVADCYC Cycle Counts 1172 53620 401
INV_INVISDST INVISDST Default Category Sets 1244 53665 401
CST_INVSDCAS INVSDCAS Define Category Accounts 3330 54053 401
INVCTDEF INVCTDEF Define Client Parameters 1047189 60475 401
INV_INVLSATT INVLSATT Define Desc Flex Context Mapping 1006909 58027 401
INV_INVMSDEF INVMSDEF Define Material Status 1006916 58033 401
INV_INVDVFDH INVDVFDH Demand History 1498 52843 401
INV_INVDVINT INVDVINT Demand Interface 1849 54395 401
INV_INVIDGRN INVIDGRN Edit Category People 1010442 58502 401
ENG_INVIVATT INVIVATT Engineering Item Attributes 1497 53610 401
INVPCKRL_F INVPCKRL Enhanced Inventory Picking Rule Setup 1032532 60101 401
INV_INVCCEXP INVCCEXP Export Cycle Count Entries 5258 55942 401
INV_INVADCYC_INVAMCAP_TXNHIS INVTVTXN Folder:Transaction History 1828 52890 401
INV_INVDDFRL INVDDFRL Forecast Rules 1184 53643 401
INVGENLT_F INVGENLT Generate Multiple Lots 1032496 60097 401
INVGRADE_F INVGRADE Grades 1032534 60102 401
INV_INVAMCAP_INVTVTXN INVTVTXN INV:Transaction History 1921 52890 401
INV_INVSDICR INVSDICR Intercompany Relations 1256 54166 401
INV_INVSICTF INVSICTF Intercompany Transaction Flows 1020872 59591 401
INV_INVTTMTX_INTERORG INVTTMTX Interorganization Transfer 1281 52468 401
INV_MGD_INVGIPBD INVGIPBD Inventory Position Build 1006595 57830 401
INV_MGD_INVGIPDP INVGIPDP Inventory Position Display 1006596 57831 401
INV_SHORTAGE_INQ INVSHINQ Inventory: View Potential Shortages Summary 1002822 55398 401
INV_INVISDRI INVISDRI Item Relationships 1243 53629 401
ENG_INVISDRI INVISDRI Item Relationships: Engineering 1465 53629 401
INV_INVDDFSS INVDDFSS Item Safety Stocks 1185 53645 401
OE_INVIVCSU INVIVCSU Item Search : OE 2030 53631 401
INV_INVISMPS INVISMPS Item Status 1245 52897 401
INV_INVISMPS POXSTDPC Item Status 1245 52897 401
INV_INVSDOIS INVSDOIS Item Status Codes 1261 20466 401
INV_INVIDSUB INVIDSUB Item/Subinventory 1195 53569 401
INV_INVIVCSU INVIVCSU Items Search 1249 53631 401
INV_INVKBCRD INVKBCRD Kanban Cards 3107 54873 401
INV_INVTMSMG INVTMSMG Launch Interface Managers 1605 52553 401
INV_INVTTELT INVTTELT Lot Number 1278 52470 401
INV_INVTDILT INVTDILT Lot Numbers 1271 52905 401
INVSDLUC_F INVSDLUC Lot Specific Conversion 1026207 59769 401
INV_MGD_INVGEZON INVGEZON Maintain Economic Zones 4633 55513 401
INV_INVADCSC INVADCSC Manual Schedule Requests 1171 53616 401
INV_INVIDMPN INVIDMPN Manufacturers' Part Number 1193 52903 401
INV_INVIDMPN_QUERY_ONLY INVIDMPN Manufacturers' Part Number Query-Only 1005002 52903 401
ENG_INVIDITM INVIDITM Master Engineering Items 733 20422 401
INV_INVIDITM INVIDITM Master Items 1191 20422 401
INV_INVMATWB INVMWBIV Material Workbench 1006901 60098 401
INV_INVTTMTX_MISC INVTTMTX Miscellaneous Transaction 1282 52468 401
INV_INVTOMAI ASXTSREC Move Orders 4512 55442 401
INV_INVTOMAI INVTOMAI Move Orders 4512 55442 401
INV_INVTTMVP INVTTMVP Movement Parameters 1287 54169 401
INV_INVTTMVT INVTTMVT Movement Statistics 1288 54168 401
INV_MGD_INVGMSTP INVGMSTP Movement Statistics Parameters 4634 55514 401
INV_MVT_VALIDATION_RULES INVGMVRS Movement Statistics Validation Rules 1004872 56931 401
INV_INVTRMQT INVTRMQT Multi-Organization Quantities Report 1275 53748 401
MYDEMO MYDEMO My Demo Form 1049588 60558 401
OPM_INV_INVSDOUC INVSDOUC OPM Units of Measure Conversions 1021945 52670 401
INV_INVINLOG INVINLOG Oracle Inventory Banner 1242 52676 401
INV_INVSDOIO_INVSDFAA INVSDFAA Org:Define Account Aliases 1988 22098 401
INV_INVSDOIO_INVSDFCR INVSDFCR Org:Define Freight Carriers 1987 53648 401
INV_INVSDOIO_INVSDOSI INVSDOSI Org:Define Inter-Organization Shipping Information 1926 20536 401
INV_INVSDOIO_INVSDSUB INVSDSUB Org:Define Subinventories 1922 20465 401
INV_INVSDORA INVSDORA Organization Access 1565 54181 401
EAM_INVIDITM_ORG INVIDITM Organization Activity 1011595 20422 401
INV_INVGCPOG INVGCPOG Organization Copy Interface 1006853 57997 401
ENG_INVIDITM_ORG INVIDITM Organization Engineering Items 1463 20422 401
INV_INVIDITM_ORG INVIDITM Organization Items 1192 20422 401
INV_INVSDOIO INVSDOIO Organization Parameters 1260 20464 401
INV_INVIDMPN_PART INVIDMPN Part Numbers' Manufacturers 1312 52903 401
INV_INVADPPI INVADPPI Physical Inventories 1174 20482 401
INV_INVADPAP INVADPAP Physical Inventory Adjustments 1173 52947 401
INV_INVADPTE INVADPTE Physical Inventory Counts 1175 20485 401
INV_INVARPGT INVARPGT Physical Inventory Tags 1179 52863 401
INV_INVPPRSU INVPPRSU Pick/Put Away Rule/Strategy Where Used 5512 56048 401
INV_INVPPRDF INVPPRDF Pick/Put Away Rules 5511 56047 401
INV_INVPPSDF INVPPSDF Pick/Put Away Strategy 5514 56050 401
INV_INVPPSAF INVPPSAF Pick/Put Away Strategy Assignments 5513 56049 401
INV_INVPPSOF INVPPSOF Pick/Put Away Strategy Search Order 5515 56051 401
INV_INVSDOPR INVSDOPR Picking Rules 1263 52656 401
INV_INVTTMTX_VMIXFER INVTTMTX Planning Transfer 1011510 52468 401
INV_INVIDITM_PROD_FAMILIES INVIDITM Product Family Items 3155 20422 401
PJM_INVTTMTX_BWPY INVTTMTX Project Transfer Transactions 4400 52468 401
INV_INVKBPSQ INVKBPSQ Pull Sequences 3106 54872 401
INV_INVTDILT_QUERY INVTDILT Query Lot Numbers 1006903 52905 401
INV_INVITSNU_QUERY INVITSNU Query Serial Numbers 1006904 52906 401
INV_INVTTRIN PAXSUDRT RMA Inspection 1600 53783 401
INV_INVTTRIN INVTTRIN RMA Inspection 1600 53783 401
INV_INVPTRPR INVPTRPR Replenishment Counts 1561 52891 401
INV_INVPTRPR OEXRPDRS Replenishment Counts 1561 52891 401
INV_INVRSVF2 INVRSVF2 Reservations Interface 5558 56080 401
INV_INVDRMRS INVDRMRS Reserve Inventory 1186 52662 401
INV_INVRSVF1 INVRSVF1 Reserve Supply 5557 56079 401
ENG_INVIVCSU INVIVCSU Search Catalog: Engineering Items 737 53631 401
INVPCKLT_F INVPCKLT Select Available Inventory 1032549 60104 401
INV_INVTTESR INVTTESR Serial Number 1279 52640 401
INV_INVITSNU INVITSNU Serial Numbers 1401 52906 401
INV_INVSDOSI INVSDOSI Shipping Networks 1262 20536 401
INV_INVSHDPA INVSHDPA Shortage Parameters 4372 55397 401
INV_INVSAFDH INVSAFDH Stock Locators 1252 20495 401
INV_INVSDSUB INVSDSUB Subinventories 1270 20465 401
INV_INVTTMTX_SUBINV INVTTMTX Subinventory Transfer 1283 52468 401
DEM01_DEM01EOR DEM01EOR Team 01 Demo Orders 1030077 60049 401
INV_INVIDTMP INVIDTMP Templates 1196 53638 401
ENG_INVIDTMP INVIDTMP Templates: Engineering 1464 53638 401
ZYORDERFUNC ZYORDERS Test Order Function Name 1049568 60538 401
INV_INVTOTRX INVTOTRX Transact Move Orders 4513 55445 401
INV_INVSDODL INVSDODL Transaction Default Locators 1258 52945 401
INV_INVSDODS INVSDODS Transaction Default Subinventories 1259 52946 401
INV_INVTMLPR INVTMLPR Transaction History Purge 1274 53663 401
INV_INVTVPTX INVTVPTX Transaction Interface 1604 53762 401
INV_INVTDTRS INVTDTRS Transaction Reasons 1272 53743 401
INV_INVTDTSR INVTDTSR Transaction Source Types 1276 53623 401
INV_INVTDTTY INVTDTTY Transaction Types 1273 52929 401
INV_INVSDUOM INVSDUOM Units of Measure 1277 54300 401
INV_INVSDOCL INVSDOCL Units of Measure Classes 1257 52659 401
INV_INVSDOUC INVSDOUC Units of Measure Conversions 1264 52670 401
INV_INVRSVF1_QUERY INVRSVF1 View Current Reservations 1006905 56079 401
INV_INVTTGGL INVTTGGL View General Ledger Transfers 1280 52533 401
INV_INVIVATT INVIVATT View Item Attributes 1247 53610 401
INV_INVIVSTI INVIVSTI View Item Information 1602 20441 401
INV_INVTVTXN INVTVTXN View Material Transactions 1293 52890 401
CST_INVTVTXN INVTVTXN View Material Trxns 4510 52890 401
INV_INVMSHST INVMSHST View Message History 1046721 60449 401
INV_INVTTMVT_QUERY INVTTMVT View Movement Statistics 1006906 54168 401
INV_INVTVPTX_COST_GROUP INVTVPTX View Pending Interface Activity 1004249 53762 401
INV_INVTVTMP_COST_GROUP INVTVTMP View Pending Transaction 1004248 54403 401
INV_INVTVTMP INVTVTMP View Pending Transactions 1946 54403 401
INV_INVSHINQ INVSHINQ View Potential Shortages 4373 55398 401
INV_INVTVQOH INVTVQOH View Quantities On-hand 1291 54308 401
INV_INVDVRIR POXSTDHC View Reservations 1499 52672 401
INV_INVDVRIR INVDVRIR View Reservations 1499 52672 401
INV_INVDVDSD INVDVDSD View Supply/Demand 1296 52654 401
INV_INVTVTUS INVTVTUS View Transaction Summaries 1292 20459 401
INV_INVTVTUS_COST_GROUP INVTVTUS View Transaction Summary 1004250 20459 401
INV_INVTVTXN_COST_GROUP INVTVTXN View Transactions 1004247 52890 401
WIP_INVTVTXN INVTVTXN View WIP Material Transactions 4630 52890 401
INV_INVADPVT INVADPVT Void Physical Inventory Tags 1178 20512 401
XLA_INVTVTXN INVTVTXN XLA: INV View Material Transactions 4658 52890 401

相关文章:How to use script to get all Oracle EBS Concurrent Program/Report name and corresponding execution file name

