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class InStream { public: virtual ~InStream() {} // check() ensures there is buffer data for at least one item of size // itemSize bytes. Returns the number of items in the buffer (up to a // maximum of nItems). inline int check(int itemSize, int nItems=1) { if (ptr + itemSize * nItems > end) { if (ptr + itemSize > end) return overrun(itemSize, nItems); nItems = (end - ptr) / itemSize; } return nItems; } // readU/SN() methods read unsigned and signed N-bit integers. inline U8 readU8() { check(1); return *ptr++; } inline U16 readU16() { check(2); int b0 = *ptr++; int b1 = *ptr++; return b0 << 8 | b1; } inline U32 readU32() { check(4); int b0 = *ptr++; int b1 = *ptr++; int b2 = *ptr++; int b3 = *ptr++; return b0 << 24 | b1 << 16 | b2 << 8 | b3; } inline S8 readS8() { return (S8) readU8(); } inline S16 readS16() { return (S16)readU16(); } inline S32 readS32() { return (S32)readU32(); } // readString() reads a string - a U32 length followed by the data. // Returns a null-terminated string - the caller should delete[] it // afterwards. char* readString(); // maxStringLength protects against allocating a huge buffer. Set it // higher if you need longer strings. static U32 maxStringLength; inline void skip(int bytes) { while (bytes > 0) { int n = check(1, bytes); ptr += n; bytes -= n; } } // readBytes() reads an exact number of bytes. virtual void readBytes(void* data, int length) { U8* dataPtr = (U8*)data; U8* dataEnd = dataPtr + length; while (dataPtr < dataEnd) { int n = check(1, dataEnd - dataPtr); memcpy(dataPtr, ptr, n); ptr += n; dataPtr += n; } } // readOpaqueN() reads a quantity without byte-swapping. inline U8 readOpaque8() { return readU8(); } inline U16 readOpaque16() { check(2); U16 r; ((U8*)&r)[0] = *ptr++; ((U8*)&r)[1] = *ptr++; return r; } inline U32 readOpaque32() { check(4); U32 r; ((U8*)&r)[0] = *ptr++; ((U8*)&r)[1] = *ptr++; ((U8*)&r)[2] = *ptr++; ((U8*)&r)[3] = *ptr++; return r; } inline U32 readOpaque24A() { check(3); U32 r=0; ((U8*)&r)[0] = *ptr++; ((U8*)&r)[1] = *ptr++; ((U8*)&r)[2] = *ptr++; return r; } inline U32 readOpaque24B() { check(3); U32 r=0; ((U8*)&r)[1] = *ptr++; ((U8*)&r)[2] = *ptr++; ((U8*)&r)[3] = *ptr++; return r; } // pos() returns the position in the stream. virtual int pos() = 0; // getptr(), getend() and setptr() are "dirty" methods which allow you to // manipulate the buffer directly. This is useful for a stream which is a // wrapper around an underlying stream. inline const U8* getptr() const { return ptr; } inline const U8* getend() const { return end; } inline void setptr(const U8* p) { ptr = p; } private: // overrun() is implemented by a derived class to cope with buffer overrun. // It ensures there are at least itemSize bytes of buffer data. Returns // the number of items in the buffer (up to a maximum of nItems). itemSize // is supposed to be "small" (a few bytes). virtual int overrun(int itemSize, int nItems) = 0; protected: InStream() {} const U8* ptr; const U8* end; };
构造函数为protected权限,摆明是给子类提供接口规范,derived class。
inline int check(int itemSize, int nItems=1)
char* InStream::readString()
这里默认当前缓存头32位保存的是将要读取内容的长度,然后动态分配了相应长度(+1保证C STYLE字符串),拷贝后返回头指针,意味着由调用函数者来释放。上限是U32 InStream::maxStringLength = 65535;
inline void skip(int bytes)
virtual void readBytes(void* data, int length)
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bool IsBig_Endian(){unsigned short test = 0x1100;if(*( (unsigned char*) &test ) == 0x11){#define HAVE_BIGENDIANreturn true;}else{#undef HAVE_BIGENDIANreturn false;}}
class FdInStream : public InStream
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int FdInStream::readWithTimeoutOrCallback(void* buf, int len){ struct timeval before, after; if (timing) gettimeofday(&before, 0); int n = checkReadable(fd, timeout);//查看端口是否有数据到达 if (n < 0) throw SystemException("select",errno); if (n == 0) { if (timeout) throw TimedOut(); if (blockCallback) (*blockCallback)(blockCallbackArg);//如果IO没有数据,则调用回调函数blockCallback } while (true) { n = ::read(fd, buf, len); if (n != -1 || errno != EINTR) break;//从IO读到数据就退出循环,出错则阻塞尝试 fprintf(stderr,"read returned EINTR/n"); } if (n < 0) throw SystemException("read",errno); if (n == 0) throw EndOfStream(); if (timing) { gettimeofday(&after, 0);// fprintf(stderr,"%d.%06d/n",(after.tv_sec - before.tv_sec),// (after.tv_usec - before.tv_usec)); int newTimeWaited = ((after.tv_sec - before.tv_sec) * 10000 + (after.tv_usec - before.tv_usec) / 100);//单位100微秒 int newKbits = n * 8 / 1000;//单位1000位 if (newTimeWaited == 0) { fprintf(stderr,"new kbps infinite t %d k %d/n", newTimeWaited, newKbits); } else { fprintf(stderr,"new kbps %d t %d k %d/n", newKbits * 10000 / newTimeWaited, newTimeWaited, newKbits); }//计算本次IO读取的kbps // limit rate to between 10kbit/s and 40Mbit/s if (newTimeWaited > newKbits*1000) newTimeWaited = newKbits*1000;//在10kbit/s以下的计为10kbit/s if (newTimeWaited < newKbits/4) newTimeWaited = newKbits/4;//在40Mbit/s以上的计为40Mbit/s timeWaitedIn100us += newTimeWaited; timedKbits += newKbits;//累计读取时间和数据量 } return n;}
1 用select函数检查端口是否有数据到达。
2 如果没有的话调用构造函数传入的回调函数blockCallback。
3 然后读取数据,虽然::read(fd, buf, len);用了全局符号,但是头文件有定义#define read(s,b,l) recv(s,(char*)b,l,0)。
4 计算流量,先看下获取时间的函数:尝试用两种办法获取当前时间
static void gettimeofday(struct timeval* tv, void*)
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#ifdef _WIN32static void gettimeofday(struct timeval* tv, void*){ LARGE_INTEGER counts, countsPerSec; static double usecPerCount = 0.0; if (QueryPerformanceCounter(&counts)) { if (usecPerCount == 0.0) { QueryPerformanceFrequency(&countsPerSec); usecPerCount = 1000000.0 / countsPerSec.QuadPart; //一个CPU时钟 时间单位微秒 } LONGLONG usecs = (LONGLONG)(counts.QuadPart * usecPerCount);//计算系统运行到现在过了多少微秒 tv->tv_usec = (long)(usecs % 1000000); tv->tv_sec = (long)(usecs / 1000000); } else { struct timeb tb; ftime(&tb); tv->tv_sec = tb.time; tv->tv_usec = tb.millitm * 1000;//tv保存的是1970.1.1到现在经过的时间 }}#endif
FdInStream::overrun(int itemSize, int nItems)
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int FdInStream::overrun(int itemSize, int nItems){ if (itemSize > bufSize) throw Exception("FdInStream overrun: max itemSize exceeded"); if (end - ptr != 0) memmove(start, ptr, end - ptr);//把缓冲区的未读数据拷贝到缓冲区的头部 offset += ptr - start; end -= ptr - start; ptr = start; while (end < start + itemSize) { int n = readWithTimeoutOrCallback((U8*)end, start + bufSize - end);//从IO读取数据填充缓冲区剩余部分 end += n; } if (itemSize * nItems > end - ptr) nItems = (end - ptr) / itemSize; return nItems;}
ptr 缓冲区中未读数据的首字节地址
end 缓冲区中未读数据的尾字节地址
start 永远都指向了缓冲区的首字节地址
offset 数据传输总量。
首先memmove(start, ptr, end - ptr);把缓冲区的未读数据拷贝到缓冲区的头部,然后调用FdInStream::readWithTimeoutOrCallback从IO读取数据填充缓冲区剩余部分。
class MemInStream : public InStream
int overrun(int itemSize, int nItems) { throw EndOfStream(); }
ZlibInStream : public InStream
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InStream* underlying;//压缩前数据存放的缓冲区,暂时把它叫做A,ZlibInStream是压缩后数据存放的缓冲区,为了区分叫C。z_stream_s* zs;//zlib接口类指针,把它看成是一个压缩加工车间B。int bytesIn;//记录当前A中需要压缩的数据长度
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ZlibInStream::ZlibInStream(int bufSize_) : underlying(0), bufSize(bufSize_ ? bufSize_ : DEFAULT_BUF_SIZE), offset(0), bytesIn(0){ zs = new z_stream; zs->zalloc = Z_NULL; zs->zfree = Z_NULL; zs->opaque = Z_NULL; zs->next_in = Z_NULL; zs->avail_in = 0; if (inflateInit(zs) != Z_OK) { delete zs; throw Exception("ZlibInStream: inflateInit failed"); } ptr = end = start = new U8[bufSize];}
void ZlibInStream::setUnderlying(InStream* is, int bytesIn_)
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void ZlibInStream::setUnderlying(InStream* is, int bytesIn_){ underlying = is; bytesIn = bytesIn_; ptr = end = start;}
int ZlibInStream::overrun(int itemSize, int nItems)
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int ZlibInStream::overrun(int itemSize, int nItems){ if (itemSize > bufSize) throw Exception("ZlibInStream overrun: max itemSize exceeded"); if (!underlying) throw Exception("ZlibInStream overrun: no underlying stream"); if (end - ptr != 0) memmove(start, ptr, end - ptr); offset += ptr - start; end -= ptr - start; ptr = start; while (end - ptr < itemSize) { decompress(); } if (itemSize * nItems > end - ptr) nItems = (end - ptr) / itemSize; return nItems;}
void ZlibInStream::decompress()
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void ZlibInStream::decompress(){ zs->next_out = (U8*)end; zs->avail_out = start + bufSize - end; //用C中保存被解压数据的控件指针初始化B的接口变量 underlying->check(1); zs->next_in = (U8*)underlying->getptr(); zs->avail_in = underlying->getend() - underlying->getptr(); if ((int)zs->avail_in > bytesIn) zs->avail_in = bytesIn; int rc = inflate(zs, Z_SYNC_FLUSH); if (rc != Z_OK) { throw Exception("ZlibInStream: inflate failed"); } bytesIn -= zs->next_in - underlying->getptr(); end = zs->next_out; //解压后zs->next_out会发生偏移,偏移量为缓冲接收到的被解压的数据量 underlying->setptr(zs->next_in); //解压后zs->next_in会发生偏移,偏移量为underlying中被解压的数据量}
void ZlibInStream::reset()
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void ZlibInStream::reset(){ ptr = end = start; if (!underlying) return; while (bytesIn > 0) { decompress(); end = start; // throw away any data } underlying = 0;}
class FdOutStream : public OutStream
void FdOutStream::flush()
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void FdOutStream::flush(){ U8* sentUpTo = start; while (sentUpTo < ptr) { int n = write(fd, (const void*) sentUpTo, ptr - sentUpTo); if (n < 0) throw SystemException("write",errno); sentUpTo += n; offset += n; } ptr = start;}
FdOutStream::writeBytes(const void* data, int length)
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void FdOutStream::writeBytes(const void* data, int length){ if (length < MIN_BULK_SIZE) { OutStream::writeBytes(data, length); return; } const U8* dataPtr = (const U8*)data; flush(); while (length > 0) { int n = write(fd, dataPtr, length); if (n < 0) throw SystemException("write",errno); length -= n; dataPtr += n; offset += n; }}
int FdOutStream::length()
return offset + ptr - start;
唯一要注意的就是int overrun(int itemSize, int nItems)
class NullOutStream : public OutStream
class ZlibOutStream : public OutStream
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OutStream* underlying;//压缩后数据存放的缓冲区,暂时把它叫做C,ZlibOutStream 是压缩前数据存放的缓冲区,为了区分叫A。z_stream_s* zs;////zlib接口类指针,把它看成是一个解压加工车间B。
void ZlibOutStream::flush()
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void ZlibOutStream::flush(){ zs->next_in = start; zs->avail_in = ptr - start; //用A需要压缩的数据头指针和长度初始化B接口// fprintf(stderr,"zos flush: avail_in %d/n",zs->avail_in); while (zs->avail_in != 0) {//循环保证A中数据能完全压缩完 do { underlying->check(1); zs->next_out = underlying->getptr(); zs->avail_out = underlying->getend() - underlying->getptr();// fprintf(stderr,"zos flush: calling deflate, avail_in %d, avail_out %d/n",// zs->avail_in,zs->avail_out); int rc = deflate(zs, Z_SYNC_FLUSH); if (rc != Z_OK) throw Exception("ZlibOutStream: deflate failed");// fprintf(stderr,"zos flush: after deflate: %d bytes/n",// zs->next_out-underlying->getptr()); underlying->setptr(zs->next_out); } while (zs->avail_out == 0);//第二个循环,检查C是否还有空余的空间,如果没有了,则通过check来刷新C获取足够空间来接收压缩后的数据。//deflate被循环调用,可以理解它是智能的,如果输出空间不够,它会自动记录上次压缩数据的状态,不用调用者操心next_in重置,next_in总是指向已压缩的数据源的后一个字节。 } offset += ptr - start; ptr = start;}
int ZlibOutStream::overrun(int itemSize, int nItems)
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int ZlibOutStream::overrun(int itemSize, int nItems){// fprintf(stderr,"ZlibOutStream overrun/n"); if (itemSize > bufSize) throw Exception("ZlibOutStream overrun: max itemSize exceeded"); while (end - ptr < itemSize) { zs->next_in = start; zs->avail_in = ptr - start; do { underlying->check(1); zs->next_out = underlying->getptr(); zs->avail_out = underlying->getend() - underlying->getptr();// fprintf(stderr,"zos overrun: calling deflate, avail_in %d, avail_out %d/n",// zs->avail_in,zs->avail_out); int rc = deflate(zs, 0); if (rc != Z_OK) throw Exception("ZlibOutStream: deflate failed");// fprintf(stderr,"zos overrun: after deflate: %d bytes/n",// zs->next_out-underlying->getptr()); underlying->setptr(zs->next_out); } while (zs->avail_out == 0); // output buffer not full if (zs->avail_in == 0) { offset += ptr - start; ptr = start; } else { // but didn't consume all the data? try shifting what's left to the // start of the buffer. fprintf(stderr,"z out buf not full, but in data not consumed/n"); memmove(start, zs->next_in, ptr - zs->next_in); offset += zs->next_in - start; ptr -= zs->next_in - start; } } if (itemSize * nItems > end - ptr) nItems = (end - ptr) / itemSize; return nItems;}
void ZlibOutStream::setUnderlying(OutStream* os)
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void ZlibOutStream::setUnderlying(OutStream* os){ underlying = os;}