What's New in eXpressApp Framework 8.1.1


eXpressApp Framework for Visual Studio 2005/2008 (Trial Download)
Does not support Visual Studio Express Editions.
Requires DXperience 8.1.1

File size: (30,301,304 bytes)
Updated: 03/19/2008

eXpressApp Framework

  • AS17001 - ActionContainers: Add an ability to navigate through Views using the keyboard, and make the ShowNavigationItem Action accessible (it is not currently mapped to the corresponding Action Container)
  • AS17426 - ActionContainers: Support the 'ItemHierarchyType.Tree' mode in standard framework elements
  • S18978 - Add a built-in Action that will save changes made to the current object, and create a new object
  • S18814 - Create an Action Container Item to show SingleChoiceAction Items in tree mode
  • S90750 - Documentation - Add reference documentation for all possible attributes that can be used in XAF
  • CS59189 - Layout.Web: Use the ASPxTabControl for Tab items in Detail Views
  • AS7718 - Layout.Win: If a splitter is added at runtime, the form is closed and reopened it seems to be converted into an empty space item.
  • S18996 - Make it possible to render a TabbedGroup into an ASPxTabControl in XAF ASP.NET applications
  • S18188 - Provide an ability to add predefined values to String Property Editors
  • S20004 - Provide an ability to use the SeverMode option for individual List Views in addition to a similar global option

Resolved Issues

eXpressApp Framework

  • B92088 - Problem when setting a custom View in code at startup since upgrading to 7.3.7.
  • B91953 - "Collection was modified" error occurs when logging on to a web XAF application
  • Q96886 - "htmlfile: Invalid argument" error occurs when resizing List View columns in a Web application
  • B91991 - "Invalid postback or callback argument" error occurs in a web XAF application
  • B92116 - A validation rule's CriteriaEvaluationBehavior property is reset to the BeforeTransaction value while it's been set to the InTransaction value via the corresponding rule attribute
  • B19635 - ActionsCriteriaViewController doesn't update the Action's state after changing the Action's TargetObjectCriteria property
  • Q98074 - After deleting row(s) from the ListView, which is sorted by some column, the focused row isn't the next visible row in the grid, but a row corresponding to the next object in the DataSource
  • B92515 - An error occurs when trying to update the Application Model via the Update Model function
  • B92875 - ASPxEnumPropertyEditor causes an error when the corresponding enumeration property has no value with a zero index
  • B92151 - Cannot modify the built-in Windows Forms LookupControlTemplate at design time
  • B92785 - Date Formats are not localized to the user system's formatting settings
  • B92642 - DisplayFormat attribute of a ListView node is not applied when grouping this List View at runtime
  • B92947 - Documentation - There is an error in a code sample of the "Access Editor Settings" custom document
  • Q97605 - Error occurs when modifying a built-in PopupForm Template in the Designer
  • B92594 - Errors occur when compiling the solution given in the K18034 article
  • B30365 - Exception occurs when selecting a disabled ChoiceActionitem in a SingleChoiceAction
  • B91647 - Formatting - The current culture's formatting isn't applied by default
  • B92944 - In ASP.NET applications, executing the "SaveAndNew" Action raises errors when the current object's fields that use the RuleRequiredField attribute are not specified
  • B92647 - In ASP.NET applications, tabs, created in the Application Model for a Detail View, are not displayed at runtime
  • Q96045 - Int64 type property is displayed disabled in a Web application
  • B30092 - It's impossible to group and add/remove List View objects simultaneously
  • B92905 - Newly created XAF (8.1) VB application has an invalid reference to the msmdvbanet.dll assembly in the Web application project
  • B91995 - Opening the Model Editor in the Visual Studio under Windows XP x64 makes the application crash and hang
  • B92392 - Problem when two people are editing a report simultaneously
  • Q97744 - Read-only string properties are not marked as read-only in the Application Model
  • B92119 - Renaming '.config' extension to ".Config" causes an exception when running DevExpress.ExpressApp.ModelEditor.v7.3.exe
  • B92690 - Scheduler's MultiResource function doesn't properly work in XAF
  • Q96627 - Security: Any property of a class should be available for reading if the permission to read data is disabled for its base class and granted for the requested class
  • B91854 - Security: Non-administrator users can see the "User Management" entry in the navigation control when the SecuritySimple security is used
  • B92490 - The ObjectAccessPermission.Union method works incorrectly
  • B92316 - The size of Link and Unlink popup windows is not saved
  • B30373 - The splitter is converted to an empty layout item after I added it and then reopened a detail view
  • B92102 - TreeListEditor works incorrectly in XAF v7.3.7.
  • B91042 - TreeView incorrectly behaves in ServerMode
  • B92470 - When dragging a web grid column border, the column's width becomes minimal
  • B92858 - When the NavigationBarActionContainer's AutoCollapse option is set to true, the first group becomes active

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