6:可用beyond compare比较两边文件,手动数一下修改的行数来验证结果。
7:有时会发现该工具统计的修改行数比beyond compare少,这是因为该工具取的是修改行数最小的对齐方式。
import os import os.path import string from os.path import join PRINTPATH = False def calDiff(oldFile, newFile, fileName): commLen = [] oldLines = 0 newLines = 0 newContents = [] oldContents = [] minDiffs = [] # minDiffs[[[a, b, c, d, e, f],...],...] # each item in this list contains the information of one format of aligning the old and new lines. # a: index of old lines(blank lines excluded & begin from 0). # b: index of new lines(blank lines excluded & begin from 0). # c: index of old lines(blank lines included & begin from 1). (PRINTPATH enabled) # d: index of new lines(blank lines included & begin from 1). (PRINTPATH enabled) # e: minimum different lines when the c line and the d line are aligned. # f: index of previous aligned lines. (PRINTPATH enabled) oldLineNum = 0 for eachLine in oldFile: oldLineNum += 1 if not eachLine.isspace(): oldLines += 1 oldContents.append([oldLineNum, string.strip(eachLine)]) newLineNum = 0 for eachLine in newFile: newLineNum += 1 if not eachLine.isspace(): newLines += 1 newContents.append([newLineNum, string.strip(eachLine)]) for i in range(oldLines): for j in range(newLines): value = 0 equal = (oldContents[i][1] == newContents[j][1]) if j == 0: if equal: value = 1 commLen.append([1]) else: commLen.append([0]) elif i == 0: if equal: value = 1 commLen[0].append(1) else: commLen[0].append(0) else: if equal: value = commLen[i-1][j-1] + 1 else: value = max(commLen[i-1][j], commLen[i][j-1]) commLen[i].append(value) if equal and value > 0: if PRINTPATH: if len(minDiffs) < value: minDiffs.append([[i,j,oldContents[i][0],newContents[j][0]]]) else: minDiffs[value-1].append([i,j,oldContents[i][0],newContents[j][0]]) else: if len(minDiffs) < value: minDiffs.append([[i,j]]) else: minDiffs[value-1].append([i,j]) del commLen del oldContents del newContents if PRINTPATH: minDiffs.append([[oldLines,newLines,oldLineNum,newLineNum]]) else: minDiffs.append([[oldLines,newLines]]) for i in range(len(minDiffs[0])): minValue = max(minDiffs[0][i][0], minDiffs[0][i][1]) minDiffs[0][i].append(minValue) if PRINTPATH: minDiffs[0][i].append(0) minDiffsNum = len(minDiffs) for i in range(1, minDiffsNum): curMinDiffNum = len(minDiffs[i]) prevMinDiffNum = len(minDiffs[i-1]) for j in range(curMinDiffNum): minValue = oldLines + newLines final = 0 for k in range(prevMinDiffNum): if minDiffs[i][j][0] > minDiffs[i-1][k][0] and minDiffs[i][j][1] > minDiffs[i-1][k][1]: temp = max(minDiffs[i][j][0]-minDiffs[i-1][k][0]-1, minDiffs[i][j][1]-minDiffs[i-1][k][1]-1) if PRINTPATH: temp += minDiffs[i-1][k][4] else: temp += minDiffs[i-1][k][2] if temp < minValue: minValue = temp final = k minDiffs[i][j].append(minValue) if PRINTPATH: minDiffs[i][j].append(final) if PRINTPATH: row = len(minDiffs) - 1 column = 0 print "/*begin path*/" while row >= 0: print minDiffs[row][column][2], ' ', print minDiffs[row][column][3] column = minDiffs[row][column][5] row -= 1 print "/*end path*/" if PRINTPATH: print fileName, " min diff lines ", minDiffs[len(minDiffs)-1][0][4] else: print fileName, " min diff lines ", minDiffs[len(minDiffs)-1][0][2] del minDiffs def totalLines(filePath): try: f = open(filePath, 'r') except IOError, e: print print e return None lines = 0 for eachLine in f: if not eachLine.isspace(): lines += 1 f.close() return lines def main(): oldRoot = "old" newRoot = "new" oldFiles = [] newFiles = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(oldRoot): for i in range(len(files)): oldFiles.append(join(root[4:], files[i])) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(newRoot): for i in range(len(files)): newFiles.append(join(root[4:], files[i])) oldFile = "" newFile = "" for file in oldFiles: if file in newFiles: newFiles.remove(file) try: oldFile = open(join(oldRoot, file), 'r') newFile = open(join(newRoot, file), 'r') except IOError, e: if not oldFile.close: oldFile.close() print e raw_input('Press ENTER key to exit') return None calDiff(oldFile, newFile, file) oldFile.close() newFile.close() else: result = totalLines(join(oldRoot, file)) if result is not None: print file, " is deleted. Total lines : ", result for file in newFiles: result = totalLines(join(newRoot, file)) if result is not None: print file, " is added. Total lines : ", result raw_input('Press ENTER key to exit') if __name__ == '__main__': main()