Given a string containing just the characters  '(' and  ')', find the length of the longest valid (well-formed) parentheses substring.
For  "(()", the longest valid parentheses substring is  "()", which has length = 2.
Another example is  ")()())", where the longest valid parentheses substring is  "()()", which has length = 4.
Method 1: Stack
We can use stack to solve this problem. We scan the string from left to right. If the current character is (, we push the index of it into stack. If the current character is ), if the ) cannot match a ( when stack is empty, we record the position of this ); if the ) can match a ( in the top of stack, we pop the (, if there’s no more index in stack, the current length is i – last. if there’s at least one index in stack, the current length is i –  stack.peek(). Whenever the current length is computed, compare it with the max length.
Method 2: Dynamic Programming
Use an 1d array to use dynamic programming. dp[i] is the length of longestvalidparenthese starting at i.

We can fill the dp array from the right to left. dp[s.length()-1] is definitely 0. Consider the case of “((….))“, for position i, the next position after the substring represented by dp[i+1] is j = i + dp[i+1] + 1. If dp[j] is a matched “)”, then dp[i] is dp[i+1] + 2. There could also be the case that since the “)” at dp[j] is matched, the substring after dp[j] is also connected, Consider ((….))(….), in this case, we add dp[j+1] to dp[i].
The total time complexity for dynamic programming is O(n), and space complexity is O(1).

Update 1/16/2015:

Method 2 is the solution I’m most comfortable with.


Method 1: Stack:
1:  public class Solution {  
2:    public int longestValidParentheses(String s) {  
3:      if(s == null || s.length() == 0){  
4:        return 0;  
5:      }  
6:      int maxLen = 0;  
7:      int last = -1;  
8:      Stack<Integer> stack = new Stack<Integer>();  
9:      for(int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++){  
10:        char c = s.charAt(i);  
11:        if(c == '('){  
12:          stack.add(i);  
13:        }  
14:        else {  
15:          //the ( is unmatched, it means the end of the previous group  
16:          if(stack.isEmpty()){  
17:            last = i;  
18:          }  
19:          else{  
20:            stack.pop();  
21:            if(stack.isEmpty()){  
22:              maxLen = Math.max(maxLen, i - last);  
23:            } else{  
24:              maxLen = Math.max(maxLen, i - stack.peek());  
25:            }  
26:          }  
27:        }  
28:      }  
29:      return maxLen;    
30:    }  
31:  }  
Method 2: Dynamic Programming:

1:  public class Solution {  
2:    public int longestValidParentheses(String s) {  
3:      if(s == null || s.length() == 0){  
4:        return 0;  
5:      }  
6:      int maxLen = 0;  
7:      //start a dp array, dp[i] is the length of the valid longestvalidparenthese starting at i  
8:      int[] dp = new int[s.length()];  
9:      //any string starting at the end is not valid  
10:      dp[dp.length-1] = 0;  
11:      for(int i = dp.length -2; i >= 0; i--){  
12:        if(s.charAt(i) == ')'){  
13:          dp[i] = 0;  
14:          continue;  
15:        }  
16:        //the first character after the substring represented by dp[i+1]  
17:        int j = i + dp[i+1] + 1;  
18:        if(j < s.length() && s.charAt(j) == ')'){  
19:          // for the situation like ((....))  
20:          dp[i] = dp[i+1] + 2;  
21:          // for the situation like ((....))()  
22:          if(j + 1 < s.length()){  
23:            dp[i] += dp[j+1];  
24:          }  
25:        }  
26:        maxLen = Math.max(dp[i], maxLen);  
27:      }  
28:      return maxLen;    
29:    }  
30:  }