例说hg(一)————hg sum 与hg tip区别
例说hg(二)———— hg merge的使用
例说hg(三)———— hg的图形界面安装
例说hg(四)———— 杂说hg使用场景
例说hg(六)———— hg branch 创建分支
hg add +要上传的新文件(默认是本地所有的新建文件)
hg commit -u +用户名 -m +提示消息(可以不用加-m)
hg push
hg add 是把本地文件加入到cache中。
hg commit 是用来把cache中的文件提交到本地服务器
hg push 是把本地服务器的文件,上传的远程服务器上
hg addremove 是把本地已经删除,服务器上仍旧存在的文件从服务器上删除
我们在操作时会出现一些错误,需要取消掉hg add 或者 hg commit的操作,我们该如何做呢,下面是我遇到的问题及解决方案:
今天用hg add 命令,出现如下提示:
cross-tools/gettext- up to 349 MB of RAM may be required to manage this file
(use 'hg revert cross-tools/gettext-' to cancel the pending addition)
从提示可以看出,由于文件过大,建议我取消上传的文件,可见,取消hg add的命令是 hg revert +需要取消的文件。
同时,请教了下同事:用什么命令来取消hg commit的效果呢?同事回答用hg rollback 。
robin@ubuntu:~/port_qemu$ hg rollback --help
hg rollback
roll back the last transaction (dangerous)
This command should be used with care. There is only one level of
rollback, and there is no way to undo a rollback. It will also restore the
dirstate at the time of the last transaction, losing any dirstate changes
since that time. This command does not alter the working directory.
Transactions are used to encapsulate the effects of all commands that
create new changesets or propagate existing changesets into a repository.
For example, the following commands are transactional, and their effects
can be rolled back:
- commit
- import
- pull
- push (with this repository as the destination)
- unbundle
To avoid permanent data loss, rollback will refuse to rollback a commit
transaction if it isn't checked out. Use --force to override this
This command is not intended for use on public repositories. Once changes
are visible for pull by other users, rolling a transaction back locally is
ineffective (someone else may already have pulled the changes).
Furthermore, a race is possible with readers of the repository; for
example an in-progress pull from the repository may fail if a rollback is
Returns 0 on success, 1 if no rollback data is available.
-n --dry-run do not perform actions, just print output
-f --force ignore safety measures
use "hg -v help rollback" to show more info
大家都知道,hg為多人並行開發提供了方便,這也是這個版本控制工具的做大特點。但是,有時候我們在與共同開發者交流時,發現自己的版本號和小夥伴的版本號對應不上來。比如說,都是版本號20,但是提交的內容不同。這個差異的原意是:版本號是自己本地版本號的唯一標識。哪用什麽來標識遠端服務器版本號呢????發揮這個作用的就是我們的哈希值了,也就是版本號後面的那個值。如,changeset: 8:706a57d9f96b,8是版本號,706a57d9f96b是哈希值。
robin@ubuntu:~/workspace/myhg_wspace/opensource/rtags$ hg log -r 15 changeset: 15:7a2cfece7a8c branch: home parent: 12:c9633976244a parent: 14:342e4fb14402 user: RobinLau date: Wed Jan 01 19:02:41 2014 +0800 summary: merge 14 to 12(current) robin@ubuntu:~/workspace/myhg_wspace/opensource/rtags$ hg log -r 7a2cfece7a8c changeset: 15:7a2cfece7a8c branch: home parent: 12:c9633976244a parent: 14:342e4fb14402 user: RobinLau date: Wed Jan 01 19:02:41 2014 +0800 summary: merge 14 to 12(current)
hg log -r + ”版本號/哈希值“————版本號與哈希值的相互獲取。
hg diff -r + '版本號"———— 查看當前版本與指定版本的不同