
金山词霸网络版:(名词)器具, 装饰品; [计]窗口小部件;
Widget (economics), a placeholder name for an object or, more specifically, a mechanical or other manufactured device
In computing:
Widget engine, such as Dashboard widgets for Apple's Mac OS X v10.4, Windows Sidebar, or Yahoo! Widgets
GUI Widget, a component of a graphical user interface that the user interacts with
Web widget, a third party item that can be embedded in a web page
Mobile widget, a third party item that can be embedded in a mobile phone
Webopedia: Pronounced wih-jit.
(1) A generic term for the part of a GUI that allows the user to interface with the application and operating system. Widgets display information and invite the user to act in a number of ways. Typical widgets include buttons, dialog boxes, pop-up windows, pull-down menus, icons, scroll bars, resizable window edges, progress indicators, selection boxes, windows, tear-off menus, menu bars, toggle switches and forms.

(2) The term also refers to the program that is written in order to make the graphic widget in the GUI look and perform in a specified way, depending on what action the user takes while interfacing with the GUI.

The term widget is used to refer to either the graphic component or its controlling program or to refer to the combination of both.

Yahoo!Widge: Yahoo! Widgets help you save time and stay current by bringing an always-updated, at-a-glance view of your favorite Internet services right to your desktop.

综合上述解释,"widget" (和RSS一样,没有中文名的Web 2.0产物):可以是一个图像图像的部件(小插件),也可以是图形背后的一段程序,可以嵌在手机、网页和其他人机交互的界面(例如电脑桌面)上,其目的是:1)帮助用户享用各种应用程序和网络服务(Internet services),2)方便快捷;3)好玩,速度快。

今年年初的时候,美国就有分析员预测,2007年将是“widget 年”。虽然到目前为止,利用Widget挣大钱的公司还不错,Mybloglog算一个成功的例子,曾传闻这个发展了2年(2005年开始,是一个blog用户数据分析公司)的公司已超过1千万的价格被Yahoo收购。我曾经在这里试验了MyBlogLog, 24小时之内就有两个国外的访客,虽然我可以肯定他们看了半眼就离开了,但是“广告”效应的确不可忽视。

RSS让我们只要打开RSS Reader就可以看到所有自己喜欢的文字,但是怎样跟踪其它多媒体呢?例如照片音乐。RSS无法解决这个问题。但是widget可以。根据2007年4月份的统计数字得出的最流行的widget maker,前三名都是“相片分享”德widget. 我这个礼拜都在体验这些widget,分享相片的slide.com 和 PictureTail.com 非常方便,一般的blog 平台提供的功能根本没法和它们比。

红火的Widget 公司,前10名中有一半是为Myspace 服务的。用户把越来越多的时间放在个人空间上,理想状况就是,每天打开电脑,打开自己的blog,要看要听要说得都在上面,如果认为 iGoogle缺乏个性,各式各样的widget就可以帮助用户装点自己的空间。


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