LOB(4)— 读写

1. 写入
当获取到一个可用的 LOB 指针后,就可以通过该指针写入 LOB 数据了。有两种写入数据的系统函数:
* DBMS_LOB.WRITE :将数据随机地写入 LOB 中。
下面我们将原来的例子稍微扩展一下,打开一个 CLOB 指针后,先使用 DBMS_LOB.WRITE 写入一些数据,再使用 DBMS_LOB.WRITEAPPEND 写入一些数据:
directions CLOB;
offset INTEGER;
first_direction VARCHAR2(100);
more_directions VARCHAR2(500);
--Delete any existing rows for 'Munising Falls' so that this
--example can be executed multiple times
FROM waterfalls
WHERE falls_name='Munising Falls';
--Insert a new row using EMPTY_CLOB( ) to create a LOB locator
INSERT INTO waterfalls
VALUES ('Munising Falls',EMPTY_CLOB( ));
--Retrieve the LOB locator created by the previous INSERT statement
SELECT falls_directions
INTO directions
FROM waterfalls
WHERE falls_name='Munising Falls';
--Open the LOB; not strictly necessary, but best to open/close LOBs.
--Use DBMS_LOB.WRITE to begin
first_direction := 'Follow I-75 across the Mackinac Bridge.';
amount := LENGTH(first_direction); --number of characters to write
offset := 1; --begin writing to the first character of the CLOB
DBMS_LOB.WRITE(directions, amount, offset, first_direction);
--Add some more directions using DBMS_LOB.WRITEAPPEND
more_directions := ' Take US-2 west from St. Ignace to Blaney Park.'
|| ' Turn north on M-77 and drive to Seney.'
|| ' From Seney, take M-28 west to Munising.';
LENGTH(more_directions), more_directions);
--Add yet more directions
more_directions := ' In front of the paper mill, turn right on H-58.'
|| ' Follow H-58 to Washington Street. Veer left onto'
|| ' Washington Street. You''ll find the Munising'
|| ' Falls visitor center across from the hospital at'
|| ' the point where Washington Street becomes'
|| ' Sand Point Road.';
LENGTH(more_directions), more_directions);
--Close the LOB, and we are done.
写入 LOB 数据,就这么简单,获取到这个 LOB 指针,然后通过 DBMS_LOB.WRITE 或 DBMS_LOB.WRITEAPPEND 来写入数据,最后关闭该指针。
这里并不需要使用 UPDATE 来更新列 falls_directions,因为这个 LOB 指针并没有发生变化,我们只是将数据写入它所指向的位置。
在代码中,没有写 COMMIT,你可以根据需要来提交或回滚数据:
SQL> set long 10000
SQL> select FALLS_DIRECTIONS from waterfalls;
Follow I-75 across the Mackinac Bridge. Take US-2 west from St. Ignace to Blaney
Park. Turn north on M-77 and drive to Seney. From Seney, take M-28 west to Muni
sing. In front of the paper mill, turn right on H-58. Follow H-58 to Washington
Street. Veer left onto Washington Street. You'll find the Munising Falls visitor
center across from the hospital at the point where Washington Street becomes Sa
nd Point Road.

SQL> commit;
2. 读取
使用系统函数 DBMS_LOB.READ( ) 来读取 LOB 中的数据,当然,首先要得到这个 LOB 指针。
比如读取 CLOB 数据,应该指定字符串的偏移量(offset),从指定的偏移量的位置开始读取数据。CLOB 的第一个字符的偏移量是1;
也需要指定读取的字符串长度。如果这个 CLOB 数据太大,应该多次读取数据。
对于 BLOB 数据,也是这样处理,唯一的区别就是它是按字节存储的。
directions CLOB;
directions_1 VARCHAR2(300);
directions_2 VARCHAR2(300);
chars_read_1 BINARY_INTEGER;
chars_read_2 BINARY_INTEGER;
offset INTEGER;
--Retrieve the LOB locator inserted previously
SELECT falls_directions
INTO directions
FROM waterfalls
WHERE falls_name='Munising Falls';
--Begin reading with the first character
offset := 1;
--Attempt to read 229 characters of directions, chars_read_1 will
--be updated with the actual number of characters read
chars_read_1 := 229;
DBMS_LOB.READ(directions, chars_read_1, offset, directions_1);
--If we read 229 characters, update the offset and try to
--read 255 more.
IF chars_read_1 = 229 THEN
offset := offset + chars_read_1;
chars_read_2 := 255;
DBMS_LOB.READ(directions, chars_read_2, offset, directions_2);
chars_read_2 := 0;
directions_2 := '';
--Display the total number of characters read
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Characters read = ' || TO_CHAR(chars_read_1+chars_read_2));
--Display the directions
Characters read = 414
Follow I-75 across the Mackinac Bridge. Take US-2 west from St. Ignace to Blaney
Park. Turn north on M-77 and drive to Seney. From Seney, take M-28 west to
Munising. In front of the paper mill, turn right on H-58. Follow H-58 to
Washington Street. Veer left onto Washington Street. You'll find the Munising
Falls visitor center across from the hospital at the point where Washington
Street becomes Sand Point Road.
DBMS_LOB.READ 中的第二个参数 chars_read_1,是 IN OUT 参数。调用时按照该参数指定的长度来读取数据,读取完毕后,将其更新为实际读取的字符(字节)长度。当读取后,该参数的值比你原来的值小,则说明已经读取到 LOB 的末尾了。而 DBMS_LOB.READ 中的第三个参数——偏移量——却并没有被更新,这让我们使用起来有点不方便,当多次读取时,你得手工修改每次读取的偏移量的位置了。

DBMS_LOB.READ(waterfall, 60, 1, piece);
ERROR 位于第 15 行:
ORA-06550: 第 15 行, 第 29 列:
PLS-00363: 表达式 '60' 不能用作赋值目标
ORA-06550: 第 15 行, 第 4 列:
PL/SQL: Statement ignored

你也可以使用系统函数 DBMS_LOB.GET_LENGTH( lob_locator ) 来获取 LOB 数据的长度。
