
搞计算机的很容易陷入技术世界而忽略其他,尤其是程序员群体,如下这篇文章是以西方的角度写的,但是也适合于中国,摘取部分片段 翻译之后献给大家,有不妥之处还请指正,谢谢!

For all the jobs that machines can now do — whether performing surgery, driving cars or serving food — they still lack one distinctly human trait. They have no social skills.
Yet skills like cooperation, empathy and flexibility have become increasingly vital in modern-day work. Occupations that require strong social skills have grown much more than others since 1980, according to new research. And the only occupations that have shown consistent wage growth since 2000 require both cognitive and social skills.
The findings help explain a mystery that has been puzzling economists: the slowdown in the growth even of high-skill jobs. The jobs hit hardest seem to be those that don’t require social skills, throughout the wage spectrum.
“As I’m speaking with you, I need to think about what’s going on in your head — ‘Is she bored? Am I giving her too much information?’ — and I have to adjust my behavior all the time,” said David Deming, associate professor of education and economics at Harvard University and author of a new study. “That’s a really hard thing to program, so it’s growing as a share of jobs.”
“当我和你交谈时,我需要想着你头脑里是怎么想的,‘她觉得厌烦吗?我给她的信息量是不是太大了?’——因此我不得不一直调整我的行为”,哈佛大学教育与经济学副教授、一项新研究的作者,David Deming说。“这真是一件通过编程很难办到的事,因此社交能力在工作正在变得越来越重要”。
Some economists and technologists see this trend as cause for optimism: Even as technology eliminates some jobs, it generally creates others. Yet to prepare students for the change in the way we work, the skills that schools teach may need to change. Social skills are rarely emphasized in traditional education.
Despite the emphasis on teaching computer science, learning math and science is not enough. Jobs that involve those skills but not social skills, like those held by bookkeepers, bank tellers and certain types of engineers, have performed worst in employment growth in recent years for all but the highest-paying jobs. In the tech industry, for instance, it’s the jobs that combine technical and interpersonal skills that are booming, like being a computer scientist working on a group project.
“If it’s just technical skill, there’s a reasonable chance it can be automated, and if it’s just being empathetic or flexible, there’s an infinite supply of people, so a job won’t be well paid,” said David Autor, an economist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “It’s the interaction of both that is virtuous.”
“如果仅仅是技术性技能,那么就有理由让它自动化,而如果仅要求具有同理心或者灵活性,那么市场也有无限的人力供应,因此这样的工作报酬也不会太高”,麻省理工学院经济学家David Autor说。只有两者相互结合作用才是最好的。
Someday, nearly all work could be automated, leaving humans to revel in never-ending leisure time. But in the meantime, this research argues, students should be prepared for the actual world of work. Maybe high schools and colleges should evaluate students the way preschools do — whether they “play well with others.”
