What do you do(21)
Key vocabulary
1. go on about=talk about something a lot ( My boss is always going on about how to save money./ My mom is always going on about how I should get married.)
2. fortune 500=top 500 companies,rated by revenue
3. implement=begin to do something, put into action
4. responsible=have the duty or job of taking care of something
5. nationwide=in the whole country
6. look after=take care of
7. oversee=watch and direct to make sure a job is done correctly
8. quality control=checking goods to make sure they are good enough to sell
9. under me=working for me
10. what do you do for a living?=what do you do?
11. top gun=the best in best
A: Oh, look, there’s Veronica and her boyfriend. She’s always going on about him at the office. Oh, great. they saw us. They are coming this wan.
B: Oh, man…
C: Jessica! Arthur! Hi!I’d like you to meet my boyfriend Greg, he’s the V.P. of quality and safety for a top Fortune 500 food company.
A: Nice to meet you. This is my husband, Arthur.
B: Hey, how’s it going?
D: Hello.
A: Veronica talks about you all the time. I guess you must be pretty busy at work.
D: well, yeah, a V.P. position is not easy, you know! I implement policies and procedures nationwide. of various departments, as well as train junior managers in FDA and EPA regulations. I also have to oversee daily operations and quality control for the entire east coast and I have 1500 employees under me.
B: Wow, yeah…that sounds exciting.
D: And what about you, Arthur? What do you do for a living?
B: Oh, I’m a Top Gun pilot!