How to do synchronization for Tomboy Notes on Windows

Firstly, register an account in UbuntuOne:

Then follow the instruction as below. Enjoy it!


  1. Install Tomboy on Windows following these instructions
  2. Launch Tomboy from the Start menu if it's not already open
  3. Right-click on the Tomboy task bar item and select Preferences
  1. Click on the "Synchronization" tab
  2. Select "Tomboy Web" from the "Services" drop down menu
  3. In the "Server" field enter:
  4. Click "Connect to Server"
  1. Your browser should open a login page - Either login with your existing Ubuntu One/Launchpad login or - Create a new account
  1. Add your computer to your Ubuntu One account
  1. On success, you will receive a message similar to the one below
  1. Return to Tomboy and lick the Save button in the preferences dialog
  1. When prompted if you want to synchronize your notes now, click the Yes button
  1. Click the "Close" button when you see the successful sync dialog

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