







如:Produce buffer[0]=1  buffer[0]表示缓冲区第一个位置,1是产品编号不是数目,每个缓冲区数组单元代表一个产品,存的是产品编号(在1-10内)。






为了便于观察,我在void produce()void consume()函数里加了一句Sleep(1000),如果要加快程序可以把1000改小。










 * main.cpp
 *  Created on: 2013-4-15
 *      Author: 许亚文



const unsigned short SIZE_OF_BUFFER=10; //the length of buffer
unsigned short buffer[SIZE_OF_BUFFER]={0}; //create space for buffer
unsigned short in=0;                   //the mark of position entering the space
unsigned short out=0;                  //the mark of position leaving the space
unsigned short Product_ID=0;           //the ID of product,from 1 to 10,not for count
unsigned short Consume_ID=0;           //the ID of consume product_ID in the buffer
unsigned int produce_sum=0;            //the total produce number
unsigned int consume_sum=0;            //the total consume number
HANDLE mutex;                          //the mutex between threads
HANDLE Full_Semaphore;                 //the resource semaphore: buffer is full
HANDLE Empty_Semaphore;                //the resource semaphore: buffer is empty
const unsigned short p_count=20;        //the number of produce one time
const unsigned short c_count=6;        //the number of consumer one time
const unsigned short s_count=p_count+c_count;  //the sum number of threads
HANDLE threads[s_count];               //the handle of every thread
DWORD Producer_ID[p_count];            //the mark of producer thread
DWORD Consumer_ID[c_count];            //the mark of consumer thread
unsigned short control=1;              //control the program run or stop

DWORD WINAPI producer(LPVOID);         //the producer thread
DWORD WINAPI consumer(LPVOID);         //the consumer thread
void produce();                                           
void consume();
void Create_P_Threads();               //create producer thread
void Create_C_Threads();               //create consumer thread
void Product_Sum();                    //print the total of remain product number and print the buffer
void info();                           //info

void Product_Sum()
 int i,sum=0;
 std::cout<<"  "<<sum<<"         ";
  std::cout<<buffer[i]<<" ";

void produce()
 int i;
 printf(" buffer[%d]=%d    ",in,Product_ID);

void consume()
 int i;
 printf(" buffer[%d]=%d    ",out,Consume_ID);

DWORD WINAPI producer(LPVOID)                               //producer thread
  WaitForSingleObject(Full_Semaphore,INFINITE);       //resource semaphore P operation
        WaitForSingleObject(mutex,INFINITE);                //the mutex P operation
  ReleaseMutex(mutex);                                //resource semaphore P operation
  ReleaseSemaphore(Empty_Semaphore,1,NULL);            //the mutex P operation
 return 0;

DWORD WINAPI consumer(LPVOID)                              //consumer thread
 return 0;

void Create_P_Threads()                                  //create producer thread
 for(int i=0;i<p_count;i++)

void Create_C_Threads()
 for(int i=p_count;i<s_count;i++)


void info()
 std::cout<<"**********I did refer to the program on the web."<<std::endl;
    std::cout<<"*******and I simplify some things and make it more powful!"<<std::endl;
    std::cout<<"**But it is really a word a word knocked out by me based on understanding\n"<<std::endl;
 std::cout<<"produce/consume    remain_total  buffer_state(from 0 to 9)"<<std::endl;

int main()
   std::cout<<"the total produce product number is "<<produce_sum<<std::endl;
   std::cout<<"the total consume product number is "<<consume_sum<<std::endl;
 return 0;


