Compatibility Package r3 发布

Minimum API level supported: 4

The Compatibility Package includes static "support libraries" that you can add to your Androidapplication in order to use APIs that are either not available for older platform versions or thatoffer "utility" APIs that aren't a part of the framework APIs. The goal is to simplify yourdevelopment by offering more APIs that you can bundle with your application so you canworry less about platform versions.

Note: The Compatibility Package includes more than one supportlibrary. Each one has a different minimum API level. For example, one library requires APIlevel 4 or higher, while another requires API level 13 or higher. The minimum version is indicatedby the directory name, such as v4/ and v13/.

The sections below provide notes about successive releases ofthe Compatibility Package, as denoted by revision number.

Compatibility Package, revision 3 (July 2011)

Changes for v4 support library:

        Adds support for Fragment.SavedState
        Adds MotionEventCompat to support newer MotionEvent APIs
        Adds VelocityTrackerCompat to support a newer VelocityTracker APIs
        Adds ViewConfigurationCompat to support a newer ViewConfiguration APIs
        All new APIs (available only in the support library) that allow you to create UIswith horizontal paging, allowing users to swipe left and right between content views. Classes tosupport this include:
            ViewPager: A ViewGroup that manages thelayout for the child views, which the user can swipe between.
            PagerAdapter: An adapter that populates the ViewPager with theviews that represent each page.
            FragmentPagerAdapter: An extension of PagerAdapter for flippingbetween fragments.
            FragmentStatePagerAdapter: An extension of PagerAdapter forflipping between fragments that uses the library's support for Fragment.SavedState.

New v13 support library:

        Includes the FragmentPagerAdapter and FragmentStatePagerAdapterto support the horizontal paging.

        These are exactly the same as the APIs added to the v4 support library, but rely onother platform components in Android 3.2. Use this library instead of v4 if you're developing forAndroid 3.2 and higher (all other APIs in the v4 library are already available with API level13).

Compatibility Package, revision 2 (May 2011)

Changes for v4 library:

        Support for fragment animations
        Fix Fragment.onActivityResult() bug

Compatibility Package, revision 1 (March 2011)

Initial release with the v4 library.

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