css3 框架学习

参考:  https://pages.18f.gov/frontend/css-coding-styleguide/frameworks/

添加一些常用的mixin  http://bourbon.io/

sass 选择器的书写顺序:

  • variables
  • @extend directives
  • @include directives
  • declaration list (property name and value)
  • media queries
  • pseudo-states and pseudo-elements
  • nested elements
  • nested classes

  • Use unitless values for line-height as this will inherit values from the font-size.
  • Use up to 10 decimal places in em units to ensure accuracy.
  • Write classes semantically. Name its function not its appearance.
  • Avoid presentation- or location-specific words in names, as this will cause problems when you (invariably) need to change the color, width, or feature later.
  • Be wary of naming components based on content, as this limits the use of the class.
  • Name modifiers and state-based rules with adjectives. e.g. .is_hovered{}
  • If your CSS has to interface with other CSS libraries, consider namespacing every class.
    eg .hy-nba-lg-

component ,Components are very basic structure such as buttons, blurbs, navs, and positioning structures like insets, island, and enclosure.

module, modules are built with these components

sass 技巧
1 !default。给之前没有赋值的变量,加上默认值。即,如果之前有赋值,这句无效
 $a : 1;
$a : 2 !default;
//此时,$a 还是为1.

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