July, 29(R)

July, 29

1. Can I be of any help? / Can I help you out? / Can I help you? / Can I give you a hand? 我能帮上忙吗? 2. It’s Greek to me.我一窍不通。

3. We are not pressed for time.我们并不赶时间。

4. I’m stuffed---full to brim.我吃得很饱了,吃到嗓子眼了。

5. Would you like to order now? 现在开始点菜吗?

6. I made a reservation. 我订了位。

7. Would you care for anther helping? 你想再来一份吗?

8. How would you like your steak? Rare, medium, or well-done?你想点什么样的牛排?生一点,中等的还是全熟的?

你可能感兴趣的:(July, 29(R))