


被Ext 2.0的radio折磨了好久,好容易找到这么个方法,记录下来,




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  1. Ext.namespace( 'Ext.ux' );     
  3. Ext.ux.Radio =function (config)     
  4. {     
  5.     Ext.ux.Radio.superclass.constructor.call(this ,config);     
  6.     this .group = config.group;     
  7.     this .value=config.value;     
  8. };     
  9. Ext.extend(Ext.ux.Radio ,Ext.form.Radio, {     
  10.      onRender : function (ct, position){     
  11.          Ext.ux.Radio.superclass.onRender.call(this , ct, position);     
  12.           if ( this .el &&  this .el.dom){     
  13.             this .el.dom.value =  this .value; //make the value for radio is the value user has given!      
  14.         }     
  15.          this .on( 'check' , this .onCheck);     
  16.      },     
  17.    clearInvalid : function (){     
  18.         this .group.clearInvalid();     
  19.      },markInvalid : function (msg){     
  20.           this .group.markInvalid(msg);     
  21.     },     
  22.     onClick : function (){     
  24.         if ( this .el.dom.checked != this .checked){     
  25.              this .group.setValue( this .value);     
  26.         }     
  28.     },     
  29.      setValue : function (v){     
  30.         this .checked = (v ===  true  || v ===  'true'  || v ==  '1'  || String(v).toLowerCase() ==  'on' );     
  31.         if ( this .el &&  this .el.dom){     
  32.             this .el.dom.checked =  this .checked;     
  33.             this .el.dom.defaultChecked =  this .checked;     
  34.             this .group.el.dom.value= this .value;     
  35.         }     
  36.     },onCheck:function (radio,checked)     
  37.     {     
  39.         Ext.log('radiao change!' );     
  40.         if (checked)     
  41.         {     
  42.         var  oldValue= this .group.getValue();     
  43.         this .group.onChange( this .group,oldValue, this .getValue());     
  44.         }     
  46.         //this.fireEvent('change', this.group, oldValue, newValue);      
  47.     },     
  48.      getValue : function (){     
  49.         if ( this .rendered){     
  50.             return   this .el.dom.value;     
  51.         }     
  52.          return   false ;     
  53.     }     
  54. });     
  56. Ext.ux.RadioGroup=function (config)     
  57. {     
  58.     this .radios=config.radios;     
  59.     this .defaultValue=config.defaultValue|| false ;     
  60.     Ext.ux.RadioGroup.superclass.constructor.call(this ,config);         
  61. };     
  62. Ext.extend(Ext.ux.RadioGroup,Ext.form.Field,  {     
  63.     defaultAutoCreate:{tag:'input' , type: 'hidden' },     
  64.      onRender : function (ct, position){     
  66.         Ext.ux.RadioGroup.superclass.onRender.call(this , ct, position);     
  67.         this .wrap =  this .el.wrap({cls:  "x-form-check-wrap" });     
  68.         if  ( this .radios &&  this .radios  instanceof  Array) {     
  69.             this .els= new  Array();     
  70.             this .els[0]= this .el;     
  71.             for ( var  i=0;i< this .radios.length;i++){     
  72.                 var  r= this .radios[i];     
  73.                 this .els[i]= new  Ext.ux.Radio(Ext.apply({}, {     
  74.                     renderTo:this .wrap,     
  75.                     hideLabel:true ,     
  76.                     group:this     
  77.                 },r));     
  78.                 if  ( this .horizontal) {     
  79.                     this .els[i].el.up( 'div.x-form-check-wrap' ).applyStyles({     
  80.                         'display' 'inline' ,     
  81.                         'padding-left' '5px'     
  82.                     });     
  83.                 }     
  84.             }     
  85.             if ( this .hidden) this .hide();     
  86.          }     
  87.         this .setDefaultValue();     
  88.     },initValue : function (){     
  89.         //Ext.log('initValue for'+this.name);      
  90.         if ( this .value !== undefined){     
  91.             this .el.dom.value= this .value;     
  93.         }else   if ( this .el.dom.value.length > 0){     
  94.             this .value= this .el.dom.value;     
  95.         }     
  96.     },getValue:function ()     
  97.     {     
  98.          if ( this .rendered){     
  99.             return   this .el.dom.value;     
  100.         }     
  101.         return   false ;     
  102.          /**/ /*    
  103.           if(this.value !== undefined){    
  104.             return this.value;    
  105.         }else if(this.el.dom.value.length > 0){    
  106.             return this.el.dom.value;    
  107.         }    
  108.         */     
  109.     },setValue:function (v)     
  110.     {     
  111.         var  oldValue= this .getValue();     
  112.         if (oldValue==v) return  ;     
  113.         for ( var  j=0;j< this .els.length;j++)     
  114.             {     
  115.                 if ( this .els[j].value==v)     
  116.                 {     
  117.                     this .els[j].setValue( true );     
  118.                 }     
  119.                 else     
  120.                 {     
  121.                     this .els[j].setValue( false );     
  122.                 }     
  123.             }     
  124.      this .el.dom.value=v;     
  125.      this .fireEvent( 'change' this .group, oldValue, v);            
  126.     },     
  127.     setDefaultValue:function ()     
  128.     {     
  129.         for ( var  j=0;j< this .els.length;j++)     
  130.             {     
  131.                 if ( this .els[j].value== this .defaultValue)     
  132.                 {     
  133.                     this .els[j].setValue( true );     
  134.                     return ;     
  135.                 }     
  136.                 else     
  137.                 {     
  138.                     if (j< this .els.length-1)     
  139.                     {     
  140.                         this .els[j].setValue( false );     
  141.                   }     
  142.                    else     
  143.                     {     
  144.                         this .els[j].setValue( true );     
  145.                     }     
  147.                 }     
  148.             }     
  149.      },     
  150.     // private      
  151.     onDestroy : function (){     
  152.         if  ( this .radios &&  this .radios  instanceof  Array) {     
  153.           var  cnt =  this .radios.length;     
  154.             for ( var  x=1;x<cnt;x++){     
  155.                 this .els[x].destroy();     
  156.             }     
  157.         }     
  158.         if ( this .wrap){     
  159.             this .wrap.remove();     
  160.         }     
  161.         Ext.ux.RadioGroup.superclass.onDestroy.call(this );     
  162.    },     
  164.     // private      
  166.     onChange : function (oldValue, newValue){     
  167.         this .fireEvent( 'change' this , oldValue, newValue);     
  168.     }     
  170. });     
  171. Ext.reg('ux-radiogroup' , Ext.ux.RadioGroup);    

Ext.namespace('Ext.ux'); Ext.ux.Radio =function(config) { Ext.ux.Radio.superclass.constructor.call(this,config); this.group = config.group; this.value=config.value; }; Ext.extend(Ext.ux.Radio ,Ext.form.Radio, { onRender : function(ct, position){ Ext.ux.Radio.superclass.onRender.call(this, ct, position); if(this.el && this.el.dom){ this.el.dom.value = this.value;//make the value for radio is the value user has given! } this.on('check',this.onCheck); }, clearInvalid : function(){ this.group.clearInvalid(); },markInvalid : function(msg){ this.group.markInvalid(msg); }, onClick : function(){ if(this.el.dom.checked !=this.checked){ this.group.setValue(this.value); } }, setValue : function(v){ this.checked = (v === true || v === 'true' || v == '1' || String(v).toLowerCase() == 'on'); if(this.el && this.el.dom){ this.el.dom.checked = this.checked; this.el.dom.defaultChecked = this.checked; this.group.el.dom.value=this.value; } },onCheck:function(radio,checked) { Ext.log('radiao change!'); if(checked) { var oldValue=this.group.getValue(); this.group.onChange(this.group,oldValue,this.getValue()); } //this.fireEvent('change', this.group, oldValue, newValue); }, getValue : function(){ if(this.rendered){ return this.el.dom.value; } return false; } }); Ext.ux.RadioGroup=function(config) { this.radios=config.radios; this.defaultValue=config.defaultValue||false; Ext.ux.RadioGroup.superclass.constructor.call(this,config); }; Ext.extend(Ext.ux.RadioGroup,Ext.form.Field, { defaultAutoCreate:{tag:'input', type:'hidden'}, onRender : function(ct, position){ Ext.ux.RadioGroup.superclass.onRender.call(this, ct, position); this.wrap = this.el.wrap({cls: "x-form-check-wrap"}); if (this.radios && this.radios instanceof Array) { this.els=new Array(); this.els[0]=this.el; for(var i=0;i<this.radios.length;i++){ var r=this.radios[i]; this.els[i]=new Ext.ux.Radio(Ext.apply({}, { renderTo:this.wrap, hideLabel:true, group:this },r)); if (this.horizontal) { this.els[i].el.up('div.x-form-check-wrap').applyStyles({ 'display': 'inline', 'padding-left': '5px' }); } } if(this.hidden)this.hide(); } this.setDefaultValue(); },initValue : function(){ //Ext.log('initValue for'+this.name); if(this.value !== undefined){ this.el.dom.value=this.value; }else if(this.el.dom.value.length > 0){ this.value=this.el.dom.value; } },getValue:function() { if(this.rendered){ return this.el.dom.value; } return false; /**//* if(this.value !== undefined){ return this.value; }else if(this.el.dom.value.length > 0){ return this.el.dom.value; } */ },setValue:function(v) { var oldValue=this.getValue(); if(oldValue==v)return ; for(var j=0;j<this.els.length;j++) { if(this.els[j].value==v) { this.els[j].setValue(true); } else { this.els[j].setValue(false); } } this.el.dom.value=v; this.fireEvent('change', this.group, oldValue, v); }, setDefaultValue:function() { for(var j=0;j<this.els.length;j++) { if(this.els[j].value==this.defaultValue) { this.els[j].setValue(true); return; } else { if(j<this.els.length-1) { this.els[j].setValue(false); } else { this.els[j].setValue(true); } } } }, // private onDestroy : function(){ if (this.radios && this.radios instanceof Array) { var cnt = this.radios.length; for(var x=1;x<cnt;x++){ this.els[x].destroy(); } } if(this.wrap){ this.wrap.remove(); } Ext.ux.RadioGroup.superclass.onDestroy.call(this); }, // private onChange : function(oldValue, newValue){ this.fireEvent('change', this, oldValue, newValue); } }); Ext.reg('ux-radiogroup', Ext.ux.RadioGroup);


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  1. new  Ext.ux.RadioGroup({     
  2.                 fieldLabel : "调度模式" ,     
  3.                 allowBlank : true ,     
  4.                 horizontal:true ,     
  5.                 maxLength : 200,     
  6.                 defaultValue:'true' ,     
  7.                 name : "activity.ishavecare" ,     
  8.                 radios:[{boxLabel:'即时调度' ,value: 'jishi' },{boxLabel: '预约调度' ,value: 'yuyue' }],     
  9.                 listeners:{"change" : function (radioGroup,oldValue,newValue){     
  10.                     alert("chage " + " oldValue " +oldValue+ " newValue " +newValue);     
  11.                     }}     
  12.                 })    

new Ext.ux.RadioGroup({ fieldLabel : "调度模式", allowBlank : true, horizontal:true, maxLength : 200, defaultValue:'true', name : "activity.ishavecare", radios:[{boxLabel:'即时调度',value:'jishi'},{boxLabel:'预约调度',value:'yuyue'}], listeners:{"change":function(radioGroup,oldValue,newValue){ alert("chage "+" oldValue "+oldValue+" newValue "+newValue); }} })


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  1. var  boolField=  new  Ext.ux.RadioGroup({     
  2.         fieldLabel : "actionNow" ,     
  3.         allowBlank : true ,     
  4.         horizontal:true ,     
  5.         maxLength : 200,     
  6.         defaultValue:'true' ,     
  7.         name : "activity.ishavecare" ,     
  8.         radios:[{boxLabel:'Yes' ,value: 'true' },{boxLabel: 'No' ,value: 'false' }]     
  11.     });     
  12. boolField.on('change' , function (radioGroup,oldValue,newValue)     
  13. {     
  15. Ext.log('value changes from ' +oldValue+ "  to " +newValue);     
  16. }     
  17. )   
