C/C++ extern practices

Good style of using extern keyword in C/C++:

For variables, like int, float, pointers, please declare them in .h files, then define them in respective .cpp file, for example,


#ifndef T1H
#define T1H
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

extern int a;
extern char g_str[7];
extern char* p_str;

void func1();



#include "t1.h"

int a = 10;
char g_str[] = "123456";
char* p_str = (char*)"test in t1.cpp";

void func1()
	cout << "func1(), a:" << a << endl;
	cout << "func1(), g_str:" << g_str << endl;
	cout << "func1(), p_str:" << p_str << endl;


#include "t1.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>

using namespace std;

void func2();
static void func3();


#include "t2.h"

void func2()
	a = 11;
	cout << "func2(), a:" << a << endl;

	g_str[0] = '9';
	// Can't use g_str = "873654", array is not modifiable l-values,
	// so use strcpy() to change them.
	strcpy(g_str, "873654");
	cout << "func2(), g_str:" << g_str << endl;

	p_str = (char*)"test in t2.cpp";
	cout << "func2(), p_str:" << p_str << endl;

static void func3()
	cout << "static func3()." << endl;


#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "t1.h"
#include "t2.h"

using namespace std;

// if we not include respect .h file, using extern to declare function prototype, which tell current module to 
// find this function in other modules; if we include .h, still could declare function prototype, but no necessary
extern void func2();

int main()
	// func3() is static function, static function only can used in its owning module, 
	// if called in other module then compiling error occurs.
	// func3();
	return 0;

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