akka 2.3.11 实例

package test
import java.io.File
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import akka.actor.Actor
import akka.actor.ActorIdentity
import akka.actor.ActorRef
import akka.actor.Identify
import akka.actor.ReceiveTimeout
import akka.actor.Terminated
import akka.actor.Props
import akka.actor.ActorSystem
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory

object Sender {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val file =new File("D:/calculator.conf");
    val system = ActorSystem("Sys", ConfigFactory.parseFile(file))

    val remoteHostPort = if (args.length >= 1) args(0) else ""
    val remotePath = s"akka.tcp://Sys@$remoteHostPort/user/rcv"
    val totalMessages = if (args.length >= 2) args(1).toInt else 500000
    val burstSize = if (args.length >= 3) args(2).toInt else 5000
    val payloadSize = if (args.length >= 4) args(3).toInt else 100

    system.actorOf(Sender.props(remotePath, totalMessages, burstSize, payloadSize), "snd")

  def props(path: String, totalMessages: Int, burstSize: Int, payloadSize: Int): Props =
    Props(new Sender(path, totalMessages, burstSize, payloadSize))

  private case object Warmup
  case object Shutdown
  sealed trait Echo
  case object Start extends Echo
  case object Done extends Echo
  case class Continue(remaining: Int, startTime: Long, burstStartTime: Long, n: Int)
    extends Echo

class Sender(path: String, totalMessages: Int, burstSize: Int, payloadSize: Int) extends Actor {
  import Sender._

  val payload: Array[Byte] = Vector.fill(payloadSize)("a").mkString.getBytes
  var startTime = 0L
  var maxRoundTripMillis = 0L


  def sendIdentifyRequest(): Unit =
    context.actorSelection(path) ! Identify(path)

  def receive = identifying

  def identifying: Receive = {
    case ActorIdentity(`path`, Some(actor)) =>
      self ! Warmup
    case ActorIdentity(`path`, None) => println(s"Remote actor not available: $path")
    case ReceiveTimeout              => sendIdentifyRequest()

  def active(actor: ActorRef): Receive = {
    case Warmup =>
      sendBatch(actor, burstSize)
      actor ! Start

    case Start =>
      println(s"Starting benchmark of $totalMessages messages with burst size $burstSize and payload size $payloadSize")
      startTime = System.nanoTime
      val remaining = sendBatch(actor, totalMessages)
      if (remaining == 0)
        actor ! Done
        actor ! Continue(remaining, startTime, startTime, burstSize)

    case c @ Continue(remaining, t0, t1, n) =>
      val now = System.nanoTime()
      val duration = (now - t0).nanos.toMillis
      val roundTripMillis = (now - t1).nanos.toMillis
      maxRoundTripMillis = math.max(maxRoundTripMillis, roundTripMillis)
      if (duration >= 500) {
        val throughtput = (n * 1000.0 / duration).toInt
        println(s"It took $duration ms to deliver $n messages, throughtput $throughtput msg/s, " +
          s"latest round-trip $roundTripMillis ms, remaining $remaining of $totalMessages")

      val nextRemaining = sendBatch(actor, remaining)
      if (nextRemaining == 0)
        actor ! Done
      else if (duration >= 500)
        actor ! Continue(nextRemaining, now, now, burstSize)
        actor ! c.copy(remaining = nextRemaining, burstStartTime = now, n = n + burstSize)

    case Done =>
      val took = (System.nanoTime - startTime).nanos.toMillis
      val throughtput = (totalMessages * 1000.0 / took).toInt
      println(s"== It took $took ms to deliver $totalMessages messages, throughtput $throughtput msg/s, " +
        s"max round-trip $maxRoundTripMillis ms, burst size $burstSize, " +
        s"payload size $payloadSize")
      actor ! Shutdown

    case Terminated(`actor`) =>
      println("Receiver terminated")

  /** * @return remaining messages after sending the batch */
  def sendBatch(actor: ActorRef, remaining: Int): Int = {
    val batchSize = math.min(remaining, burstSize)
    (1 to batchSize) foreach { x => actor ! payload }
    remaining - batchSize
package test
import java.io.File
import akka.actor.Actor
import akka.actor.ActorSystem
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
import akka.actor.Props

object Receiver {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val file =new File("D:/remotelookup.conf");
    val system = ActorSystem("Sys", ConfigFactory.parseFile(file))
    system.actorOf(Props[Receiver], "rcv")

class Receiver extends Actor {
  import Sender._

  def receive = {
    case m: Echo  => sender() ! m
    case _        =>


include "common"

akka {
  # LISTEN on tcp port 2552
  remote.netty.tcp.port = 2552


akka {

  actor {
    provider = "akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider"

  remote {
    netty.tcp {
      hostname = ""



include "common"

akka {
  remote.netty.tcp.port = 2553

