Trivial stuff - 20090215

Being physically fit
If you aren't taking care of your health,your mind and body are not working optimally.

Having strong leadership qualities
You want to delegate as much as you can and concentrate on more important issues. There is only one of you, having this skill is a top priority.

Making wise investments
You may make high 6 figure incomes, but if your money doesn't grow or you put it into wrong investments, you aren't optimizing your assets, you are basically spinning your wheels and wasting your time.
You want to reach a point where you could live off the interest of your investments.

Seeing business opportunities

The truth is if you are in a niche market that is over saturated, you are going to have too much competition to make a real difference. Sure you may rise to the top, but that's like the chance of you becoming a rock star-slim.
If the money is what you're after, not the dream of being No.1 in 'that' field, then find an unoccupied market.

Being honest with all people
The great thing about this factor is that it's accessible to anyone, you can start right away, just be honest.
It sounds simple, but it requires a bit of courage at some points.

Having a supportive spouse
While being attracted to someone is really important, perhaps even neccessary. But it's not the criteria by which one should go spouse-shopping.
I would personally say and millionaires would agree, that having a kind, supportive spouse who has similar goals with you is more important.

Loving career or bussiness
The passion and love for your career will make your work not just work anymore. Sure it might be really hard at some time. When you combine the passion and your discipline, you will be propelled to new heights.

