Opening the taglist window~
You can open the taglist window using the “:TlistOpen” or the “:TlistToggle”
commands. The “:TlistOpen” command opens the taglist window and jumps to it.
The “:TlistToggle” command opens or closes (toggle) the taglist window and the
cursor remains in the current window. If the ‘Tlist_GainFocus_On_ToggleOpen’
variable is set to 1, then the “:TlistToggle” command opens the taglist window
and moves the cursor to the taglist window.
You can map a key to invoke these commands. For example, the following command
creates a normal mode mapping for the key to toggle the taglist window.
nnoremap <silent> <F8> :TlistToggle<CR>
Add the above mapping to your ~/.vimrc or $HOME/_vimrc file.
你可以使用“:TlistOpen”或“:TlistToggle”命令来打开taglist 窗口。
使用“:TlistOpen ”命令打开taglist 窗口并且光标定位在taglist 窗口上。
这个“TlistToggle”命令用于打开或关闭(开关)这个taglist 窗口,并且光标会保持在当前窗口。
如果“let Tlist_File_Fold_Auto_Close = 1” 的变量的值设置为1,然后在使用“:TlistToggle”命令打开taglist window 并且移动光标到taglist window。(个人尝试失败)
你可以映射一个键来调用这个命令例如:下面的命令就是映射键来开关taglist window。
You can select a tag in the taglist window either by pressing the key
or by double clicking the tag name using the mouse.
To jump to the tag in a new window, press the ‘o’ key. To open the file in the
previous window (Ctrl-W_p) use the ‘P’ key. You can press the ‘p’ key to jump
to the tag but still keep the cursor in the taglist window (preview).
通过按下‘o’键,可以打开一个新的窗口并跳转到标签定义的地方。使用Ctrl-W_p 键可以跳转到上一个窗口。即同时按下Ctrl+w,然后及时按下p 键。
【+】 Open a fold
【 - 】 Close a fold
【 * 】 Open all folds
【 = 】 Close all folds
【 [[ 】 Jump to the beginning of the previous file
【 Backspace】 Jump to the beginning of the previous file
【 ]] 】 Jump to the beginning of the next file
【 Tab 】 Jump to the beginning of the next file
【q 】 Close the taglist window
【F1 】 Display help
在taglist 中通过+ 键或- 键可以用来收缩标签。
+ 键效果:
- 键效果:
【 Space】 Display the prototype of the tag under the cursor.
For file names, display the full path to the file,
file type and the number of tags. For tag types, display the
tag type and the number of tags.
更多详情,查看taglist.txt 的官方文档。后期或许会不定期更新。