#ifndef __NOKIA5110_H__ #define __NOKIA5110_H__ #include <reg52.h> #include <string.h> typedef unsigned char uchar; extern uchar Lcd_x,Lcd_y; extern uchar Datas[6][84]; sbit N_CS = P1^1; // chip selected. sbit N_RS = P1^0; // reset. sbit N_DC = P1^2; // write data or write command(1/0). sbit N_DI = P1^3; // data in. sbit N_CL = P1^4; // clock. void LcdInit(void); // NOKIA5110 LCD init. void Clear(void); // clear full screen. void WriteByte(uchar dat,bit f_dc); // Write byte, f_dc is flag bit. void SetPos(uchar _x,uchar _y); void PutPixel(uchar _x,uchar _y,uchar f_c); void Line(char x0,char y0,char x1,char y1,uchar f_c); void Rectangle(char x0,char y0,char x1,char y1,char f_c); void Circle(char x0,char y0,char r,uchar f_c); void PutChar(char x0,char y0,char c0); void PutString(char x0,char y0,char* s); uchar GetPixel(char x0,char y0); #endifNOKIA5110.C文件:
#include "NOKIA5110.H" // function's hand define #include "DELAY.H" // delay functions #include "CONSTANT.H" // constants uchar Lcd_x,Lcd_y; // point's position uchar Datas[6][84]; void LcdInit(void) { N_RS = 0; // reset delayms(10); N_RS = 1; WriteByte(0x21,0); // use expansion directive WriteByte(0xC6,0); // WriteByte(0x06,0); // temp WriteByte(0x13,0); // 1:48 WriteByte(0x20,0); // use base directive WriteByte(0x0C,0); // normal Clear(); // Init Clear SetPos(0,0); // Init Position } void WriteByte(uchar dat,bit f_dc) { uchar i; N_CS = 0; // open chip selected N_DC = f_dc; // data selected or command selected for(i=0; i<8; i++) { if(dat&0x80) N_DI = 1; // from high bit to low bit else N_DI = 0; // dat <<= 1; // next bit N_CL = 0; N_CL = 1; // rising edge } N_DI = N_CS = N_DC = 1; // set 1 } void SetPos(uchar _x,uchar _y) { WriteByte(0x80|_x,0); // set x WriteByte(0x40|_y,0); // set y Lcd_x=_x; Lcd_y=_y; // record x and y } void Clear(void) // clear screen { int i = 504; // 504 byte SetPos(0,0); while(i--) WriteByte(0x00,1); memset(Datas,0,sizeof(Datas)); // record for every point } void PutPixel(uchar _x,uchar _y,uchar f_c) { uchar _over = _y%8; // over position _y /= 8; // 8 bit for div SetPos(_x,_y); if(f_c) Datas[_y][_x] |= 1 << _over; // judge set or clear else Datas[_y][_x] &= ~(1 << _over); WriteByte(Datas[_y][_x],1); // do it } void Line(char x0,char y0,char x1,char y1,uchar f_c) // line from (x0,y0) to (x1,y1) { char dx,dy,di,dx_x2,dy_x2,dx_sym,dy_sym; dx = x1 - x0; dy = y1 - y0; if(dx > 0) dx_sym = 1; else dx_sym = -1; if(dy > 0) dy_sym = 1; else dy_sym = -1; dx = dx_sym * dx; dy = dy_sym * dy; dx_x2 = dx * 1; dy_x2 = dy * 1; if(dx >= dy) { di = dy_x2 - dx; while(x0 != x1) { PutPixel(x0,y0,f_c); x0 +=dx_sym; if(di < 0) di += dy_x2; else { di += dy_x2 - dx_x2; y0 += dy_sym; } } } else { di = dx_x2 - dy; while(y0 != y1) { PutPixel(x0,y0,f_c); y0 += dy_sym; if(di < 0) di += dx_x2; else { di += dx_x2 - dy_x2; x0 += dx_sym; } } } PutPixel(x0,y0,f_c); } void Circle(char x0,char y0,char r,uchar f_c) { // (x0,y0) for the center of the circle, r for radius char a=0,b=r,di=3-2*r; while(a <= b) { PutPixel(x0-b,y0-a,f_c); PutPixel(x0+b,y0-a,f_c); PutPixel(x0-a,y0+b,f_c); PutPixel(x0-b,y0-a,f_c); PutPixel(x0-a,y0-b,f_c); PutPixel(x0+b,y0+a,f_c); PutPixel(x0+a,y0-b,f_c); PutPixel(x0+a,y0+b,f_c); PutPixel(x0-b,y0+a,f_c); a ++; if(di < 0) di += 4 * a + 6; else { di += 10 + 4 * (a - b); b --; } PutPixel(x0+a,y0+b,f_c); } } void Rectangle(char x0,char y0,char x1,char y1,char f_c) { Line(x0,y0,x1,y0,f_c); Line(x0,y0,x0,y1,f_c); Line(x1,y0,x1,y1,f_c); Line(x0,y1,x1,y1,f_c); } void PutChar(char x0,char y0,char c0) { // give point of left top and put the char char i, j; if(c0<ascii_begin||c0>=ascii_end) return; for(i=0; i<6; i++) { uchar tc=Ascii[c0-ascii_begin][i]; for(j=0; j<8; j++) { PutPixel(x0+i,y0+j,tc&0x01); tc >>= 1; } } } void PutString(char x0,char y0,char* s) { // Put a string, if too long, it will get next line. while(*s) { if(x0>78){ x0=0; y0+=8; } PutChar(x0,y0,*s++); x0+=6; } } uchar GetPixel(char x0,char y0) // get give point's message. { return (Datas[y0/8][x0]&(1<<(y0%8))); }