模拟器默认是disable camera的,需要enable,在AVD的设置界面添加camera support yes这个属性;
2成功启动camera之后,真正拍照的时候,提示“your sdcard is full",我明明有一个100M的sdcard啊!
模拟器的internal storage可能所剩无几的,所以需要给模拟器配置一个sdcard,在AVD的配置界面,给sdcard分配空间,比如100MB,注意这个大小的设置需要在新建AVD的时候设置;
3I allocated 50MB to the SD card on the emulator and put 2 files in the SD card folder. Now I deleted the files and want to put a new file, but I get a message of no space left. Is there something like a recycle bin on the emulator? How do I delete the files permanently, so I'll be able to use the space they occupied? Thanks.
its happen that emulator memory cleanup is too slow. when we delete something, it doesnt reflect at the same time. so, its better to increase your sdcard size at the time of creating emulator.
By default when you create an Android Virtual Devices (AVD) in Android, the Camera is disabled. So if your application uses Camera API, it might not work properly in Android Emulator. Also SDCard must be defined in emulator in order to use Camera.
To enable Camera in your Android Emulator, just add following highlighted code in your AVD’sconfig.ini
file. You can find the config.ini file under your user directory/.android folder.
File: ~/.android/config.ini
In case you don’t find the config.ini file or want to enable Camera support through Android SDK and AVD Manager, follow below simple steps.
在模拟器中打开相机,只需要在AVD’sconfig.inifile中计入如下高亮代码.config.ini文件在 user directory/.android 文件夹下.
File: ~/.android/config.ini
如果你找不到config.ini文件,或者你想通过 Android SDK and AVD Manager相机功能,参照下面的步骤.
Open Android SDK and AVD Manager:
In the SD Card setting, set the value for Size. To enable camera, the SD Card must be enabled in Emulator.
打开Android SDK 和 AVD Manager:
Now under Hardware section, click New button to add Camera hardware. It will open following Dialog box. Select Camera support from the Property dropdown and click Ok.
现在,在Hardware 节下, 单机 New 添加相机硬件.在打开的对话框中,选择 Camera support ,然后点击 Ok.
The new hardware: Camera support is visible under Hardware section. Set its value to yes and save changes by pressing Edit AVD.
新硬件: 相机支持在硬件节下可以看见. 设置值为 yes ,然后点击 Edit AVD保持修改.
And that’s all. Just save the changes and launch the emulator. You’ll be able to start Camera application and take snaps (Default android pic) through it.
这就是全部.现在保持修改,运行模拟器.你现在就可以启动相机程序拍照(默认的android 图片).