

/tmp/apache-ant-1.8.2/build.xml:986: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/tmp/apache-ant-1.8.2/build.xml:778: We cannot build the test jar unless JUnit is present,
      as JUnit is needed to compile the test classes.

把junit.jar添加到CLASSPATH之后,再执行“source /etc/profile”还是不行。关于这个问题,我在以下网页找到了答案:http://web.archiveorange.com/archive/v/bnxdGqvdgVMSsMDezfFT


Parchet Michaël <[email protected]> Mon Apr 16 2007 02:37:22 GMT+0800 (CST)


I'm looking for some help to install and use apache-ant on mandriva linux.=

I tried to compile source distribution but I receved the following error

builb.xml:911  We cannot build the test jar unless JUnit is present,

as JUnit is needed to compile the test classes.

Total time: 12 seconds

... Failed Building Ant Distribution !

Bootstrap FAILED

I createad a CLASSPATH variable but this failed

Thanks for any help and suggestions


PS i work on manriva linux 2007


Kevin Jackson <[email protected]> Mon Apr 16 2007 11:27:01 GMT+0800 (CST)

Hide quoted text
> I tried to compile source distribution but I receved the following error
> message:
When I compile from source I use bootstrap.sh followed by build.sh
Hide quoted text
> builb.xml:911  We cannot build the test jar unless JUnit is present,
> as JUnit is needed to compile the test classes.
> Total time: 12 seconds
> ... Failed Building Ant Distribution !
> Bootstrap FAILED
> I createad a CLASSPATH variable but this failed
Any CLASSPATH variable that you set will be ignored by the bootstrap &
build scripts as they manage the build classpath

Check in the source code under lib/optional, there should be a junit
jar there.  If there isn't, copy a junit jar (v3.8.2) into
lib/optional and try running bootstrap.sh again
