local.sources: 记录从服务器要同步的主服务器地址.
local.oplog.$main: 主服务器的binlog.
下面来看代码吧.主服务器的启动是通过--master完成的,入口函数为repl.cpp startReplication.删除
void startReplication() { oldRepl();//设置记录binlog的函数指针. { Lock::GlobalWrite lk; replLocalAuth();//增加本地用户local数据库_repl账户写权限 } if ( replSettings.slave ) {//从服务器的线程完成读取local.oplog.$main并且replay boost::thread repl_thread(replSlaveThread); } if ( replSettings.master ) { replSettings.master = true; createOplog();//若未建立local.oplog.$main集合则在这里建立. boost::thread t(replMasterThread);//这个线程没做什么事 } while( replSettings.fastsync ) // don't allow writes until we've set up from log sleepmillis( 50 ); }来看看主服务器的操作日志记录.操作日志分几种.
i: 插入操作.
u: 更新操作.
c db命令操作.
d: 删除操作.
n: 无操作,仅仅是一种心跳,告诉从服务器主服务器在正常运行.
void logOp(const char *opstr, const char *ns, const BSONObj& obj, BSONObj *patt, bool *b, bool fromMigrate) { if ( replSettings.master ) {//主服务器的log,记录到local.oplog.$main中 _logOp(opstr, ns, 0, obj, patt, b, fromMigrate); } logOpForSharding( opstr , ns , obj , patt ); }_logOp这种在初始化时设置为了_logOpOld.
static void _logOpOld(const char *opstr, const char *ns, const char *logNS, const BSONObj& obj, BSONObj *o2, bool *bb, bool fromMigrate ) { Lock::DBWrite lk("local"); static BufBuilder bufbuilder(8*1024); // todo there is likely a mutex on this constructor mutex::scoped_lock lk2(OpTime::m); const OpTime ts = OpTime::now(lk2); Client::Context context("",0,false); /* we jump through a bunch of hoops here to avoid copying the obj buffer twice -- instead we do a single copy to the destination position in the memory mapped file. */ bufbuilder.reset(); BSONObjBuilder b(bufbuilder); b.appendTimestamp("ts", ts.asDate());//记录日志时间,同步用 b.append("op", opstr); b.append("ns", ns); if (fromMigrate) b.appendBool("fromMigrate", true); if ( bb ) b.appendBool("b", *bb); if ( o2 )//只有update操作存在,为query对象 b.append("o2", *o2); BSONObj partial = b.done(); // partial is everything except the o:... part. int po_sz = partial.objsize(); int len = po_sz + obj.objsize() + 1 + 2 /*o:*/; Record *r;//这里完成空间分配 if( logNS == 0 ) { logNS = "local.oplog.$main"; if ( localOplogMainDetails == 0 ) { Client::Context ctx( logNS , dbpath, false); localDB = ctx.db(); verify( localDB ); localOplogMainDetails = nsdetails(logNS); verify( localOplogMainDetails ); } Client::Context ctx( logNS , localDB, false ); r = theDataFileMgr.fast_oplog_insert(localOplogMainDetails, logNS, len); } else { Client::Context ctx( logNS, dbpath, false ); verify( nsdetails( logNS ) ); // first we allocate the space, then we fill it below. r = theDataFileMgr.fast_oplog_insert( nsdetails( logNS ), logNS, len); } append_O_Obj(r->data(), partial, obj);//实际的数据插入 context.getClient()->setLastOp( ts );//更新最后log的时间 }下面来看看从服务器的同步工作,归结起来可以是加载同步的数据源,读取操作日志,replay.从服务
void replMain() { ReplSource::SourceVector sources; while ( 1 ) { int s = 0; { Lock::GlobalWrite lk; if ( replAllDead ) {//同步出现错误了,resync是删除数据库后再同步 // throttledForceResyncDead can throw if ( !replSettings.autoresync || !ReplSource::throttledForceResyncDead( "auto" ) ) { break; } } verify( syncing == 0 ); // i.e., there is only one sync thread running. we will want to change/fix this. syncing++; } try { int nApplied = 0; s = _replMain(sources, nApplied); if( s == 1 ) { if( nApplied == 0 ) s = 2; else if( nApplied > 100 ) { // sleep very little - just enought that we aren't truly hammering master sleepmillis(75); s = 0; } } } catch (...) { out() << "caught exception in _replMain" << endl; s = 4; } { Lock::GlobalWrite lk; verify( syncing == 1 ); syncing--; } if( relinquishSyncingSome ) { relinquishSyncingSome = 0; s = 1; // sleep before going back in to syncing=1 } if ( s ) { stringstream ss; ss << "repl: sleep " << s << " sec before next pass"; string msg = ss.str(); if ( ! cmdLine.quiet ) log() << msg << endl; ReplInfo r(msg.c_str()); sleepsecs(s); } } }replMain->_replMain
int _replMain(ReplSource::SourceVector& sources, int& nApplied) { { Lock::GlobalWrite lk; ReplSource::loadAll(sources);//加载要需要sync的源端 replSettings.fastsync = false; // only need this param for initial reset } int sleepAdvice = 1; for ( ReplSource::SourceVector::iterator i = sources.begin(); i != sources.end(); i++ ) { ReplSource *s = i->get(); int res = -1; try { res = s->sync(nApplied);//从具体的主服务器端读取操作记录做同步工作 bool moreToSync = s->haveMoreDbsToSync(); if( res < 0 ) { sleepAdvice = 3; } else if( moreToSync ) { sleepAdvice = 0; } else if ( s->sleepAdvice() ) { sleepAdvice = s->sleepAdvice(); } else sleepAdvice = res; } if ( res < 0 ) s->oplogReader.resetConnection(); } return sleepAdvice; }replMain->_replMain->loadAll
void ReplSource::loadAll(SourceVector &v) { Client::Context ctx("local.sources"); SourceVector old = v; v.clear(); if ( !cmdLine.source.empty() ) { // --source <host> specified. // check that no items are in sources other than that // add if missing shared_ptr<Cursor> c = findTableScan("local.sources", BSONObj()); if ( n == 0 ) {//local.sources中不存在同步资源,这里加入 // source missing. add. ReplSource s; s.hostName = cmdLine.source; s.only = cmdLine.only;;//将数据记录到local.sources集合中 } } //这里加载的Cursor是Reverse的,加载最后一个需要同步的资源 shared_ptr<Cursor> c = findTableScan("local.sources", BSONObj()); while ( c->ok() ) { ReplSource tmp(c->current()); if ( tmp.syncedTo.isNull() ) { DBDirectClient c;//这里从本地local.oplog.$main拿出当前同步到的时间点 if ( c.exists( "local.oplog.$main" ) ) {//倒序查找最后一个操作不是n的记录并根据其记录sync时间 BSONObj op = c.findOne( "local.oplog.$main", QUERY( "op" << NE << "n" ).sort( BSON( "$natural" << -1 ) ) ); if ( !op.isEmpty() ) { tmp.syncedTo = op[ "ts" ].date(); } } } addSourceToList(v, tmp, old);//加入每一个同步源 c->advance(); } }replMain->_replMain->sync
int ReplSource::sync(int& nApplied) { if ( !oplogReader.connect(hostName) ) {//连接master,并完成认证工作 log(4) << "repl: can't connect to sync source" << endl; return -1; } return sync_pullOpLog(nApplied);//获取操作日志与replay }
int ReplSource::sync_pullOpLog(int& nApplied) { int okResultCode = 1; string ns = string("local.oplog.$") + sourceName(); bool tailing = true; oplogReader.tailCheck(); bool initial = syncedTo.isNull(); if ( !oplogReader.haveCursor() || initial ) {//初次同步数据 if ( initial ) { // Important to grab last oplog timestamp before listing databases. syncToTailOfRemoteLog();//读取local.oplog.$main中的最新一条有用的操作数据,指定这次sync从哪个时间点开始 BSONObj info; bool ok = oplogReader.conn()->runCommand( "admin", BSON( "listDatabases" << 1 ), info ); BSONObjIterator i( info.getField( "databases" ).embeddedObject() ); while( i.moreWithEOO() ) {//加入所有非空的并且不为local的数据库,若只指定了 BSONElement e =;//only,则只加入only指定的数据库 string name = e.embeddedObject().getField( "name" ).valuestr(); if ( !e.embeddedObject().getBoolField( "empty" ) ) { if ( name != "local" ) { if ( only.empty() || only == name ) { addDbNextPass.insert( name ); } } } } Lock::GlobalWrite lk; save(); } //初始化cursor,这里指定的查询条件是大于等于这个syncedTo, //而这个syncedTo在slave第一次启动时第一次运行到这里时是 //master的指定的最后一条数据 BSONObjBuilder q; q.appendDate("$gte", syncedTo.asDate()); BSONObjBuilder query; query.append("ts", q.done()); if ( !only.empty() ) { // note we may here skip a LOT of data table scanning, a lot of work for the master. // maybe append "\\." here? query.appendRegex("ns", string("^") + pcrecpp::RE::QuoteMeta( only )); } BSONObj queryObj = query.done(); // e.g. queryObj = { ts: { $gte: syncedTo } } oplogReader.tailingQuery(ns.c_str(), queryObj); tailing = false; } else { log(2) << "repl: tailing=true\n"; } { // show any deferred database creates from a previous pass set<string>::iterator i = addDbNextPass.begin(); if ( i != addDbNextPass.end() ) {//这里是待添加数据库的处理,一次处理一个 BSONObjBuilder b; b.append("ns", *i + '.'); b.append("op", "db"); BSONObj op = b.done(); sync_pullOpLog_applyOperation(op, false); } } OpTime nextOpTime; { BSONObj op =; BSONElement ts = op.getField("ts"); nextOpTime = OpTime( ); if( tailing ) { oplogReader.putBack( op ); // op will be processed in the loop below nextOpTime = OpTime(); // will reread the op below } } { // apply operations int n = 0; time_t saveLast = time(0); while ( 1 ) { bool moreInitialSyncsPending = !addDbNextPass.empty() && n; // we need "&& n" to assure we actually process at least one op to get a sync point recorded in the first place. if ( moreInitialSyncsPending || !oplogReader.more() ) {//还有数据库等待添加,这里只是保存了sync的时间戳 Lock::GlobalWrite lk; if( oplogReader.awaitCapable() && tailing ) okResultCode = 0; // don't sleep syncedTo = nextOpTime; save(); // note how far we are synced up to now nApplied = n; break; } BSONObj op =; unsigned b = replApplyBatchSize; bool justOne = b == 1; scoped_ptr<Lock::GlobalWrite> lk( justOne ? 0 : new Lock::GlobalWrite() ); while( 1 ) { BSONElement ts = op.getField("ts"); OpTime last = nextOpTime; nextOpTime = OpTime( );//这里sync的delay还没到,暂时不sync了,等待下一次sync if ( replSettings.slavedelay && ( unsigned( time( 0 ) ) < nextOpTime.getSecs() + replSettings.slavedelay ) ) { oplogReader.putBack( op ); _sleepAdviceTime = nextOpTime.getSecs() + replSettings.slavedelay + 1; Lock::GlobalWrite lk; if ( n > 0 ) { syncedTo = last; save(); } return okResultCode; }//实际的log处理 sync_pullOpLog_applyOperation(op, !justOne); n++; if( --b == 0 ) break; // if to here, we are doing mulpile applications in a singel write lock acquisition if( !oplogReader.moreInCurrentBatch() ) { // break if no more in batch so we release lock while reading from the master break; } op =; getDur().commitIfNeeded(); } } } return okResultCode; }
void ReplSource::sync_pullOpLog_applyOperation(BSONObj& op, bool alreadyLocked) { if( op.getStringField("op")[0] == 'n' ) return; char clientName[MaxDatabaseNameLen]; const char *ns = op.getStringField("ns"); nsToDatabase(ns, clientName); if ( !only.empty() && only != clientName )//slave启动时指定了only,只sync某一个数据库 return; //将要更新的数据部分预加载到数据库中 if( cmdLine.pretouch && !alreadyLocked/*doesn't make sense if in write lock already*/ ) { if( cmdLine.pretouch > 1 ) { /* note: this is bad - should be put in ReplSource. but this is first test... */ static int countdown; if( countdown > 0 ) { countdown--; // was pretouched on a prev pass } else { const int m = 4; if( tp.get() == 0 ) { int nthr = min(8, cmdLine.pretouch); nthr = max(nthr, 1); tp.reset( new ThreadPool(nthr) ); } vector<BSONObj> v; oplogReader.peek(v, cmdLine.pretouch); unsigned a = 0; while( 1 ) { if( a >= v.size() ) break; unsigned b = a + m - 1; // v[a..b] if( b >= v.size() ) b = v.size() - 1; tp->schedule(pretouchN, v, a, b); a += m; } // we do one too... pretouchOperation(op); tp->join(); countdown = v.size(); } } else { pretouchOperation(op); } } scoped_ptr<Lock::GlobalWrite> lk( alreadyLocked ? 0 : new Lock::GlobalWrite() ); //如果待添加数据库与本地数据库同名,删除本地数据库 if ( !handleDuplicateDbName( op, ns, clientName ) ) { return; } Client::Context ctx( ns ); ctx.getClient()->curop()->reset(); bool empty = ctx.db()->isEmpty(); bool incompleteClone = incompleteCloneDbs.count( clientName ) != 0; // always apply admin command command // this is a bit hacky -- the semantics of replication/commands aren't well specified if ( strcmp( clientName, "admin" ) == 0 && *op.getStringField( "op" ) == 'c' ) { applyOperation( op );//admin的命令,直接执行了 return; } //该数据库在本地(slave)才建立,这里克隆数据库到本地 if ( ctx.justCreated() || empty || incompleteClone ) { // we must add to incomplete list now that setClient has been called incompleteCloneDbs.insert( clientName ); if ( nClonedThisPass ) {//已经在克隆一个数据库了,下次再克隆另一个 /* we only clone one database per pass, even if a lot need done. This helps us avoid overflowing the master's transaction log by doing too much work before going back to read more transactions. (Imagine a scenario of slave startup where we try to clone 100 databases in one pass.) */ addDbNextPass.insert( clientName ); } else { save(); Client::Context ctx(ns); nClonedThisPass++; resync(ctx.db()->name);//同步复制数据库,整个复制,也就是一个一个的collection复制,过程可能很慢 addDbNextPass.erase(clientName); incompleteCloneDbs.erase( clientName ); } save(); } else { applyOperation( op );//这里将insert,update,delete等操作在本地执行一次,流程简单,不再分析 addDbNextPass.erase( clientName ); } }