在使用IMAP4作登陆邮箱时涉及到要不要使用明文密码的问题,其中一种方法是通过读取配置文件来获取用户名和密码。读取配置文件有一块相关的模块是 ConfigParser module,下面简单记录下其调用方法;
#!/usr/bin/env python #-*- coding: utf-8 -*- #filename:config_parser_.py import ConfigParser cf = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()#初始化实例 content = cf.read('config.txt')#读取配置文件 print 'content:\n %s' % content sections = cf.sections()#读取【】中的section内容 print 'sections:\n %s' % sections options = cf.options('db')#获取对应section下的option 即:db print 'options:\n %s' % options items = cf.items('db')#获取指定section的配置信息 print 'items:\n %s' % items db_host = cf.get('db', 'db_host')#可以按照指定类型获取option的信息 db_port = cf.getint('db', 'db_port')#比如整形 db_user = cf.get('db', 'db_user') db_pass = cf.get('db','db_pass') concurrent_test = cf.get('concurrent', 'thread') print 'db_host:%s' % db_host print 'db_port:%s' % db_port print 'db_user:%s' % db_user print 'db_pass:%s' % db_pass print 'concurrent_test:\n %s' % concurrent_test cf.set('db', 'db_test', 'test2')#设置option的值,可以重写 cf.write(open('config.txt', 'w'))#需要写回保存 items = cf.items('db') print 'After the set, items changed to :\n %s' % items cf.add_section('new')#追加新的section cf.set('new', 'int', '555')#设置option值 cf.set('new', 'str', 'python is python') cf.write(open('config.txt', 'w')) items = cf.items('new') print 'After the add, items changed to :\n %s' % items cf.remove_option('new', 'int')#移除section为new中的其中option值 items = cf.items('new') cf.write(open('config.txt', 'w'))#需要写回保存 print 'After the option remove, items changed to :\n %s' % items cf.remove_section('new')#移除整个section items = cf.items('new') cf.write(open('config.txt', 'w')) print 'After the section remove, items changed to :\n %s' % items
[db] db_host = db_port = 22 db_user = root db_pass = passwd db_test = 23453456465 [concurrent] thread = 10 processor = 20
>>> ================================ RESTART ================================ >>> content: ['config.txt'] sections: ['db', 'concurrent'] options: ['db_host', 'db_port', 'db_user', 'db_pass', 'db_test'] items: [('db_host', ''), ('db_port', '22'), ('db_user', 'root'), ('db_pass', 'passwd'), ('db_test', '23453456465')] #可以按照指定类型获取option的信息,cf.getint() db_host: db_port:22 db_user:root db_pass:passwd concurrent_test: 10 After the set, items changed to : [('db_host', ''), ('db_port', '22'), ('db_user', 'root'), ('db_pass', 'passwd'), ('db_test', 'test2')] After the add, items changed to : [('int', '555'), ('str', 'python is python')] After the option remove, items changed to : [('str', 'python is python')]#int被移除了 Traceback (most recent call last):#这里报错很正常,因为理论上new这个section已经remove了,所以找不到 File "D:\Python\tmp\config_parser_.py", line 50, in <module> items = cf.items('new') File "C:\Python27\lib\ConfigParser.py", line 634, in items raise NoSectionError(section) NoSectionError: No section: 'new' >>>修改后的config.txt文件内容
[db] db_host = db_port = 22 db_user = root db_pass = passwd db_test = test2 [concurrent] thread = 10 processor = 20 [new]#这个理论上已经移除,但是仍存在,比较奇怪?????why? str = python is python
#!/usr/bin/env python #-*- coding: utf-8 -*- #filename:receive_imap_email.py import imaplib, os, ConfigParser def user_login(verbose=False): #Read the config file config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() config.read(r'D:\Python\tmp\config.txt')#从本配置文件中读取 #Connect to the server hostname = config.get('server', 'hostname')#获取server下的hostname if verbose: print 'Connecting to', hostname m = imaplib.IMAP4(hostname) #Login to the account username = config.get('account', 'username')#获取account下的username和passwd passwd = config.get('account', 'passwd') if verbose: print 'Logging in as ', username m.login(username,passwd) print m.select() print m.check()#检查邮件 m.close() m.logout() user_login(verbose=True)
[account] username = dxx_study passwd = xue***** [server] hostname = imap.163.com
>>> ================================ RESTART ================================ >>> Connecting to imap.163.com Logging in as dxx_study ('OK', ['175']) ('OK', ['CHECK completed']) >>>