Phoronix Test Suite 是业内一个知名的网站,其经常发布硬件性能测评以及 Linux 系统相关的性能测评, Phoronix Test Suite 为该网站旗下的 linux 平台测试套件 , Phoronix 测试套件遵循GNU GPLv3协议。 刚刚发布了最新版的 Phoronix 测试套件——Phoronix Test Suite 0.7.0。Phoronix Test Suite 0.7.0 的发布时间离上一个版发布也就一个周左右的时间,然而新版本包含了多达40项的重大变化。

Phoronix Test Suite 默认是通过命令行来的进行测试的,但也可以调用GUI,Phoronix Test Suite 还提供了上传测试结果的服务,也就说你可以把你的测试结果上传在网上,从而可以和别的 Linux 用户测出来的结果进行对比。



Phoronix网站的测试套件叫做:Phoronix Test Suite(以下简称PTS),目前释出的版本仅是0.1,还在不断开发中。



作为一款测试套件,确保各个平台的统一和一致是首先要考虑的,因此PTS从不使用Linux系统自带的工具进行测试(因为它们版本各异),而会自动下载统一版本的测试工具进行测试,其中使用了lame 3.97,Wav样本也由PTS网站准备。



The Phoronix Test Suite was conceived out of the internal tools developed by Phoronix Media over the years of operating, one of the first Linux-based hardware review web-sites and is now the largest provider of Linux software and hardware benchmarks on the Internet. Phoronix launched in June of 2004 and in mid 2007 is when work on the public version of Phoronix Test Suite commenced. The lead developer of the Phoronix Test Suite is Michael Larabel, the founder of Phoronix. Matthew Tippett, formerly the Linux Core Engineering Manager of Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), is a Phoronix Test Suite partner and shares responsibility for the overall direction of the test suite.

Many independent hardware and software vendors have also provided feedback, patches, and other forms of support to the development of the Phoronix Test Suite. More than two dozen different corporations and individuals have directly contributed to the development of this software. Phoronix Media remains the key sponsor and entity behind the development of the Phoronix Test Suite with it striving to make Linux benchmarking incredibly robust and innovative, very easy to perform nearly any kind of benchmark, and when it out-paces other leading operating systems for its benchmarking abilities. Phoronix Media provides commercial services and custom engineering for the long-term sustainability of this open-source software product.

While the internal Linux testing tools at Phoronix began as just a simple set of scripts many years ago, the Phoronix Test Suite has evolved into becoming a one-of-a-kind, feature-rich framework and a software package that is unique regardless of platform for its capabilities and openness. Vendors no longer need to rely upon their own engineers to develop in-house utilities to accomplish their internal testing needs whatever they may be for computer hardware or software, but they are able to leverage this extensible platform that provides a greater feature-set while lowering their costs.

The Phoronix Test Suite has received many awards and accolades for its features and capabilities. Various milestones are shared on the press page and release history.
