C++ 单链表创建、插入和删除

#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <conio.h>

* cstdio是将stdio.h的内容用C++头文件的形式表示出来。
*stdio.h是C标准函数库中的头文件,即:standard buffered input&output。

*conio是Console Input/Output(控制台输入输出)的简写,其中定义了通过控制台进行数据输入和数据输出的函数,

using namespace std;

struct node
	int data;
	node *next;
// 创建单链表
node *creat()
	node *head, *p;
	head = new node;
	p = head;
	int x, cycle = 1;
	while (cycle)
		cout << "Please input the data for single linker : ";
		cin >> x;

		if (x != 0)
			node *s = new node;
			s->data = x;
			cout << "Input data : " << x << endl;

			p->next = s;
			p = s;
			cycle = 0;
			cout << "Input done! " << endl;

	head = head->next;
	p->next = NULL;
	//cout << "\nFirst data of single linker is " << head->data << endl;
	return head;

// 单链表测长
int length(node *head)
	int n   = 0;
	node *p = head;

	while (p != NULL)
		p = p->next;

	return n;

// 单链表打印
void printL(node *head)
	node *p = head;

	while(p != NULL)
		cout << "Single Linker data is " << p->data << endl;
		p = p->next;

// 单链表插入
node *insert(node *head, int num)
	node *p0, *p1, *p2;
	p1 = head;

	p2 = new node;
	p0 = new node; // 插入节点
	p0->data = num;// 插入数据

	while (p0->data > p1->data && p1->next != NULL)
		p2 = p1;
		p1 = p1->next;// p0,p1和p2位置: p2->p1->p0

	if (p0->data <= p1->data)
		if (p1 == head)
		{// 头部前段插入 p0和p1位置: p0->p1->...
			head = p0;
			p0->next = p1;		
		{// 插入中间节点 p0,p1和p2位置: p2-> p0 -> p1
			p2->next = p0;
			p0->next = p1;
	{   // 尾部插入节点 p0,p1和p2位置: p2->p1->p0->NULL
		p1->next = p0;
		p0->next = NULL;
	return head;

// 单链表删除
node *del(node *head, int num)
	node *p1, *p2;
	p2 = new node;
	p1 = head;

	while (num != p1->data && p1->next != NULL)
		p2 = p1;
		p1 = p1->next;// p1和p2位置: p2->p1		

	if (num == p1->data)
		if (p1 == head)// 删除头节点
			head = p1->next;
			delete p1;
			p2->next = p1->next;
			delete p1;
		cout << num << " could not been found in the current single linker!" << endl;
	return head;

int main()
	cout << "***创建单链表***" << endl;
	node *head = creat();
	cout << endl;

	cout << "***计算链表长***" << endl;
	int n = length(head);
	cout << "The length of input single linker is " << n << "." << endl;
	cout << endl;

	cout << "***打印单链表***" << endl;
	cout << endl;

	cout << "****插入节点****" << endl;
	cout << "Please input the data for inserting operate : ";
	int inData;
	cin >> inData;
	head = insert(head,inData);
	cout << endl;

	cout << "****删除节点****" << endl;
	cout << "Please input the data for deleting operate : ";
	int outData;
	cin >> outData;
	head = del(head, outData);
	cout << endl;

	return 0;


C++ 单链表创建、插入和删除_第1张图片


C++ 单链表创建、插入和删除_第2张图片

